Why aren't you playing Paragon? It has real character designs

Why aren't you playing Paragon? It has real character designs.


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What the actual fuck

gooks dont seriously like this right? right?


Guess they aren't even trying anymore

>Cool character designs
>in the blandest slowest for the Shittiest genre

Why those fuckers are not on a third person hero shooter?
holy fuck!

This is the best thing I have seen.

But this is the real Shinbi

I've tried to like this game, I really have. Played about 10 hours of it. It looks nice, there's lots of heroes but holy shit it's just so boring. I literally get sleepy playing this shit. The combat is waaaay too slow, even with the update and the whole game just feels off to me. Like something is missing, can't quite put my finger on it though.

Maybe I'll try it again, Shinbi is a qt



Where's the real gameplay though?

>that gameplay bit

Yeah agreed; the game is just a fucking snorefest and I honestly don't like most of the designs. Everything feels really fucking bland.

I'd be more forgiving if the combat were kinetic and fast-paced, but it isn't

Weird face, no ass. Good moves though.

>no ass

well, korean.

Supposedly they're planning on a new game mode that takes less time to play and a co-op mode.
Don't know what exactly and when.

>The first mode is PvP, and will offer a shorter, faster version of Paragon that can be played in 20 minutes or less.

It's sluggish and nothing has impact, so it's never satisfying. It is by far the most boring moba I've ever played, except maybe Strife

Stop making these threads, you complete fucking faggot. We made a general so this shit wouldn't keep happening.

I think they should just work harder to make the "main" game good before splitting off into other things.
Warframe's developers did the exact same thing. The games a total mess, it's incredibly unrewarding to play, and literally the only content worth doing is grinding void keys. But instead of doing anything to fix that or weapon/frame balance they decided to add Archwing, PvP, pets, customizable space ships..

Having a general never stopped Overshills from having 10 threads up at a time. And the mods ignoring it because Actiblizz $$$

is there only one map?

i asked in game and someone said they thought there was 2 but ive only seen one after like almost 10 games

Difference being that these "Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums?" threads are just one persistent autist (actually autistic, not meme autistic) driving the game's reputation into the ground. If it's you, you need to take your fucking pills and get a job as a code monkey sooner rather than later.


There's only one. Maybe they were talking about the old Legacy map, or maybe they thought the tutorial map was an alt.

I'm a kpopfag and that was shit and actually made me want to play it less.

Call me when you get a shinobi.

There was another map, but it got replaced to fit the new gameplay style.

Old one was larger to because game had a "travel mode" and normal movement speed was slower.

And that was the last time I played new games around friends and family.

I used to reset my file and show that cutscene to all my friends because I thought it was entertaining.

I don't know where everything went right and don't do anything like that anymore.

It's a real shame that gooks ruin their faces with bad nose jobs. You would think they actually knew what white people looked like considering we have the "ideal" facial characteristics they look for

user why would you do that

probably autism. Don't know, I just don't do anything like that anymore.

goddamn that is horrifying

She looks like a Tekken character.

Wait, is this like an April Fool thing?

f2p moba shit


Actual G here.

I didn't make this thread and you can tell because the OP fucked up and doesn't know the difference between "real" and "actual". I never use "real"; that makes no sense.

problem is, their "main" game is shit.
they've been trying to improve it since forever and people kept not liking it.

>real character designs
What did OP mean by this?

Aurora is hotter

He meant "actual character designs" I'm sure.

Quick Sup Forums, leddit doesn't think Paragon is diverse enough! How do we fix this!?

Shinbi is cute! CUTE!

Diverse as in too many humans. Need more weird and alien characters.

Shit game. Also that fire turret guy that's in every match makes it fucking terrible.

>Complaining about Iggy
He's been bottom of the barrel trash for 3 months. Are you retarded?

All I remember about Paragon was that fucker was in every match and it was always fucking annoying to lane against him. This was back when the staff lady was new so I don't know how long go that was but being bad doesn't make him less annoying.

No wait it was the gun lady. The lieutenant or colonel or w/e.

Iggy used to be top tier. He got fucking murdered when they changed the map.

He's literally trash now and you will never see him now.

Why do developers in ASSFAGGOTS feel the need to add cutesy, asian chicks with pop star or celebrity gimmicks.

Shit's not only repulsive, but getting to be generic as they come.

Because KR

>Back when Belica was released September
The game has dramatically changed since then user, you'd be surprised how much better it's become. Iggy is much easier to deal with now and he's getting reworked soon.

There's a paragon general?

He's just for high level trolling now


when will they scrap that moba shit and go for a hero shooter mode?



>Wanting more hero shooter trash like Overmeme and Stillborn

Better than ASSFAGGOTS

>Implying Stillborn is better than anything

They dont want to look white, cracka. They want to be alium.

I want to marry Shinbi!

>>Wanting more hero shooter trash like Overmeme and Stillborn
>character levels
>bullet sponges
>hero shooter

>Stillborn not a hero shooter

It has actual graphics.

>20 minutes

That's still too long my nigga. I can pick up a cool character in a fighting game and play a 90 second match that could end in 40.

Paragon looks visually stunning but I'm not playing that MOBA shit.

Name a good fighting game from the past 6 years
You can't

Well yeah, and it's not going to get any better if they keep ignoring it.
I think it sucks because they have the only 3D moba but they aren't doing anything with it. Some characters have a leap and only one of them can even jump high enough to reach the upper level from the lower part of the map. Aside from that Gideon can ult over people and they have to look up to see him, that's where the 3D gameplay starts and ends.

On top of that the characters have pretty effects but some of the most dull and uninspired skills ever. Low impact skills with incredibly long cooldowns, even after Monolith.
Items are the same way, you have a card that gives you 12% lifesteal for 4 seconds when you cast a spell against an enemy and that has a 60 second cooldown. No wonder people think the game is slow and boring when you're sitting around waiting for cooldowns forever.

HotS has some long cooldowns and low impact skills but it's a totally different style of game. Paragon still forces you to sit in lane and last hit creeps for 20 minutes if you want to get all your CP and especially early on it's easy for a jungler to reach max level in like 12 minutes while everyone else is less than half that because they can't last hit.

Damn they ran out of ideas that fast?