So does anyone know what the whole "Automatic, 420p" thing means? I'm not tech-savvy and I thought that we already had confirmation that undocked the console could play games at 720p.
So does anyone know what the whole "Automatic, 420p" thing means...
You know people are just using it as bait, right?
There's literally nothing better in life than getting a (You) from a fanboy
I'm not baiting, I'm really curious.
You could either lock it at 420p, or it will go lower for games that need a lower resolution to run smoothly.
your reading comprehension is godawful
The other thread got deleted, but this retard is wrong Smash for Wii U was 1080p 60 FPS.
Games need lower than freaking 420p for good frames?
Wtf man. They said this shit did everything at 720
Everyone is baiting you, don't listen!
The console when undocked allows you to change between just automatic and 480p.
Later in the video when he docks it you can actually change between all resolutions.
>it will go lower than 480p
Please be true kek
>Those black borders
>UI doesn't even fill the screen
Absolutely disgusting.
there are people with shit tvs still (believe it or not) which run at 480p, so this allows them to still play on a tv.
who knows, just a guess.
Ah, sorry my mistake
You've made like three threads with the same "I'm not tech-savvy I'm just asking" shit. Would you fuck off already
It's a fucking distraction done by sony ponies, we're gonna win this gen again boys!
It's compatible with older televisions. Nothing more anticonsumer.
Reminder that Vita is 544p
>There's literally nothing better in life than getting a (You) from a fanboy
You need to get laid
>What does X mean?
A system that won't be out for another two weeks that someone accidentally got early doesn't have it's five hundred million day one patches yet. I assume that on the proper launch day there's going to be the other 1% Nintendo wanted to keep away from people.
But you didn't win the last gen.
In fact, you haven't won a single gen since the SNES.
When you plug it into your 1080p TV, "automatic" will make the resolution 1080p. Nice bait thread.
Those are clearly ice cubes you mong.
>PS3: "Sales don't matter!"
>PS4: "Sales matter!"
>the wii was better than the ps3
>the wiiu was better than the ps4
Is this bait, user?
>480p tv
>with HDMI inputs
PS3 sales are only 15 million behind Wii
>lowest attach rate of the generation
Go look at the tie ratios for all the consoles, aka, software to hardware sale ratio. There's your true answer.
360 won last gen you mong.
So? Switch is 720p undocked
Those tv's don't have hdmi inputs you goof
those tv's haven't even been made in years
And even the ps3 can display in 480p
Sad considering it was still on the market this entire generation and was still getting games.
>the dudebro machine that sold CoD and yearly sport rehashes won
I'm too lazy to look it up, is that considered HD or ED?
As someone who didn't have any sort of HD-enabled display until 2010, can confirm. I was stuck with an SDTV and 1024x768 monitor up to that point, and both were old CRTs.
Both PS3 and 360 lost billions of dollars
How is that winning
Objectively disproven. Its 480p automatic undocked
How can you be this stupid?
>Both PS3 and 360 lost billions of dollars
The PS3 was profitable by the time of the Slim model, only the 360 was never profitable
my phone is 1440p and has more games, cheaper peripherals, a VR option, and is even more portable.
>automatically 480 means it doesn't go up when "automatic" is another option
I'm so glad I'm not retarded enough to be this dumb when it comes to shit posting.
6 years later
>lowest attach rate
Wii's attach rate was 8.99, 360's was 7.5, PS3's was 4.6. Don't know where everyone gets the "Wii had low attach rate" shit from, but it's patently false.
Its was probably a virtual console game setting. My guess.
I too have a galaxy s7 edge. It's shit for games.
What games do you play on it?
>my phone is 1440p and has more games
Candy Crush and its 10000 clones is a great library.
ahhh you got me comrade,
Your phone graphics looks like something that came out of the OG Xbox, and you can't even play megaman 3 on it without buying a shoddy bluetooth controller.
>360 won last gen you mong.
360 won nothing was literally the only failure from that gen, only murricans like that pile of shit
It means whether you want the output resolution to be set by the display (up to 1080p), or lock it to 480p. It has absolutely no effect on performance, a 1080p game will still render at 1080p, just downscaled to 480p. Just a compatibility setting for older displays; the Wii U can output 480i over composite.
Outdated data from 2008, look at the most recent numbers, Wii is the lowest of the three.
Are you an investor? Games should be the most important thing to you, not profit.
Hate all you like, it sold the most software for each unit owned.
Wii on the other hand collected dust.
So next time you wanna shitpost remember, Nintendo hasn't won a gen since the SNES, and have been on a heavy decline since.
It goes, NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, 360, PS4. Kicking Sony in the balls was the dumbest thing Nintendo ever did. Well that, and giving Rare up.
>more games
Too bad they're all shit. Jesus, this is the kind of casual garbage that posts on here now.
does Sup Forums actually believe the screen is 480p or am i getting memed
stop it.
The irony is this thread here is still up with blatant porn in OP's pick.
... but a thread where OP asks about the Switch is deleted instantly with 2 replies?
Really makes you think. It's like that time when uploading pictures of Call of Duty screenshot would give users a copyright issue.
Proves to me Sup Forums is run by a biased modding team. That or they are retarded yet avid defenders of Nintendo.
>sold as much as the PS3
>had the highest attach rate
>most powerful
I preferred the PS3, but you can't deny the facts.
Some probably do, the rest is just memeing.
some people are desperate
Lets test this theory.
>The fact that these shitposting threads can happen because Nintendo gives hardly any information about its product, while letting rumors and speculation happen that it is 480p undocked.
No one even knows. It's all rumors and speculation still this close at release, and that is quite sad, that these days companies hide the basic functions of the device until after you've forked over the cash.
It displays the resolutions the TV it was last hooked up to supports, if it's not been hooked up to a TV then it just shows Auto or 480(the fallback option for troubleshooting)
The 360 never made a single profit dollar for MS, while the PS3 have been profitable for 5-6 years. you can't deny the facts.
Still better than the switch lineup
The latest bunch of Sup Forums mods are the biggest fucking joke imaginable.
People have been banned for criticizing the Switch, but as you pointed threads sometimes stay up for DAYS.
>what are early LCDs
>what are early Plasmas
>what are HD CRTs
Its Automatic,480p when the switch is not connected to the dock.
The default is 480p because that's how low HDMI can go, so you can have a way to make switch always run on the tv in case the automatic detection fails somehow, like the tv being a phoynisonic that lies to the device about being able to display 4k, but only displaying a black screen when you try etc..
All displays that supported resolutions higher than 480p.
you're retarded
Maybe it's destiny telling us to leave this shithole.
and 1, 2, switch isn't casual shit?
Still sold the most games, and that's what matters here.
user, go boot your current or last gen console right now. Go to the video settings. There's a 480p setting in there. It won't make games run better, but it's there. Because someone may need it.
>It won't make games run better
That's because display resolution has nothing to do with the actual rendering resolution. Before anybody asks.
Its just sonyggers trying to deflect attention away from the horizon zero dawn stream because its proving how dogshit that game is.
>Not the first post from this IP.
Why dont they just say Widescreen and letter box?
>360 won last gen you mong.
Are murricans really this delusional?
That's quite impressive for the PS1, given the fact this run at 60 fps.
>you should only post once in a thread
Fuck off retard
480p is not letterboxed, user.
>replying to the OP like you're a new poster.
Isn't this just asking if you don't have an HD TV? Is this what has Sup Forums's diapers in a twist?
>480p support
>720p support
>900p support
>1080p support
You can turn off 420p for less lag
480p is the only real guaranteed resolution on a TV with HDMI as some early HDMI tvs supported 480p and 1080i, but no 720p or 1080p. Some TVs may only support 480p and 720p, so having it default to 480p is there for compatibility.
Better than having a million fucking "wow my switch outputs a black screen on my tv and i can't change the resolution" threads
Well it made everyone else ape it with paid online, which is more of a loss for us than a victory for them.
There's a stream right now? lol, haven't seen anything
It's probably an option for people who for some reason want to use a lower resolution screen, my 1440p monitor can also do it. There might be more options but the guy making the video didn't show them.
No such TV resolution exists. That's an internal resolution that's upscaled to 1080p
And tell me there's no discussion needed about this leak.
If only you faggots were smart enough to say this, I'd give you the credits of being normal human beings with average IQ's but you aren't so here is the best possible explanation:
>The Switch is in undocked mode in the OS. The OS uses 480p to take up less resources, however games can up to 720p when in handheld mode.
>The 480p and Automatic only appear on TV resolution list because the device is not docked and cannot detect the TV yet. However when docked it would display 480p, 720p and Automatic but natively display the OS in 1080p and support up to 1080p. How many games will use 1080p is the question and the answer is: not many. Saying it supports 1080p isn't the same as saying every game is going to be 1080p. Even the flag ship game on the Switch is only 900p in detail upscaled to 1080p.
>Essentially undocked the Switch goes up to 720p, but realistically speaking it won't be doing this in many releases. It's more realistic to keep the OS at 480p in undocked to save up resources for the game to possibly reach 720p. Again this is unlikely unless it is a very small scaled arena type game.
Try using fucking proper English, grammar and your brains next time Nintentoddlers so an idort doesn't have to come in and explain it for you retards.
>The Switch is in undocked mode in the OS. The OS uses 480p to take up less resources, however games can up to 720p when in handheld mode.
I kinda thought that would be common sense,
go to sleep janitor
>>The Switch is in undocked mode in the OS. The OS uses 480p to take up less resources, however games can up to 720p when in handheld mode.
No, the handheld is still a 720p display regardless. It's just that 480p is an accommodation for older HDTVs that don't support 720p, which was more common than you think.
>The 480p and Automatic only appear on TV resolution list because the device is not docked and cannot detect the TV yet. However when docked it would display 480p, 720p and Automatic but natively display the OS in 1080p and support up to 1080p. How many games will use 1080p is the question and the answer is: not many. Saying it supports 1080p isn't the same as saying every game is going to be 1080p. Even the flag ship game on the Switch is only 900p in detail upscaled to 1080p.
Resolutions supported will only reflect the standards of all HDTVs before 4K sets. So yes, because it wasn't docked, it wasn't determined if said set supported 720p or 1080i rather than 1080p. Maybe when docked, there will be more options that reflect what the set CAN support or Automatic is a failsafe so the system picks the best resolution supported by your set. Either way, I'm 100% certain said settings have nothing to do with the tablet itself.
>>Essentially undocked the Switch goes up to 720p, but realistically speaking it won't be doing this in many releases. It's more realistic to keep the OS at 480p in undocked to save up resources for the game to possibly reach 720p. Again this is unlikely unless it is a very small scaled arena type game.
No, it's just for your TV's sake. 720p is the device's native resolution and it makes no sense to render the OS at 480p.
>older HDTVs that don't support 720p
Then they're not HDTVs.
t. owner of an ancient HD CRT with 720p/1080i
There were sets that supported 480p and 1080i but not 720p.
Of course said sets probably wouldn't have HDMI ports to begin with
Wow, I had no idea. My CRT has one HDMI. Wish it had more, HDMI switches are a pain in the ass. I keep my Wii U on Wii component cables to avoid the hassle, plus it outputs full range RGB that way. Should make Zelda far less washed out.
Glad to see RGB range options.
is this the new meme?
how the fuck would you know this? you would have to be super closely monitoring the number of ips in the thread and then check each time the thread updates and hope that only one post happens when it updates and countless other things. Other than the fact that the guy admitted it, you would have no real way of knowing
It's a meme seeing how tech savvy most of Sup Forums pretends to be than actually is, yes.
So does this mean BotW isn't 720p on the handheld?