At what point is censorship too much?

At what point is censorship too much?

localizers literally make commission the more shit they "fix"

At the point where people stop buying the product, that is, when they think the value of the product is less than the value of the money the seller is asking for it.

Because people keep buying "censored" games, that point hasn't been reached yet.

I'd argue censoring actually adds value in western countries, but that is a topic for another thread.

At any point.

i dont see a difference with the bottom pictures?

It's too much when it exists. It doesn't exist unless you're an academic in America though. You people don't understand censorship is.

When the reason to censor is the reactions of people who weren't interested in the game in the first place.

The higher the stockings go, the harder my dick gets

>When the reason to censor is the reactions of people who weren't interested in the game in the first place.
Which has never been the case since no game has not sold because of "censorship".

The stockings are the same height. It's the cut of the dress.

Actually, the censored version on Palutena's costume is the Japanese one via a patch. The game launched with - and the Western version still has - the uncensored version.

It's due to Japanese censorship laws. Same reason why Smash 4 in general doesn't allow pantyshots.

I've had a few cases where I decided against buying or even playing some games because of obvious censorship. So it's not a flat zero.

And maybe someone else decided to buy the game because the censorship made them more comfortable. Your argument relies on you mattering, you don't.


Did you know that: a given artist has the right to put in, or take out, anything from their work for any reason?

I like both Palutena. Uncensored has a good traditional sexy cut. Censored has dat Golden Triangle

People he don't know fuck all about censorship.

Why would I be about a game changing so more people can enjoy it? As long as the game plays the same what's the difference. If taking out risque content negatively affects the game it probably wasn't a very good game in the first place if it was using that as a crutch.

When it's governent imposed.

Yeah because its totally the artists choice to butcher their own artwork to better fit a foreign age rating system.


Didn't they censored Palutena just in Japan?

When your game becomes Tokyo Mirage Sessions or Fire Emblem Fates.

literally does not matter unless you are playing a game to jack off

You say it like it's one person making a game, and not like a fuck ton of people in a hierarchy deciding the creation of a product.

>Why would I be about a game changing so more people can enjoy it?
If people are unable to enjoy a game because they're paralyzed with fear at the thought of seeing human anatomy, then they deserve to be unable to play the game.




Exactly, the artists have no right to do whatever they want to the artwork they're making, they do as they're told.
And they're being told to ruin their art in order to appease some bullshit prudish age rating system in the west because a high rated game won't even be put on store shelves.
It has nothing to do with "making people comfortable", theres no proof thats even an issue.

>The idol industry is filthy, disgusting, and full of horrible things and that's going to be a heavy focus among other mature themes
>b-but we can't show that lol

>people bitched because of the "RWAAAR That means I love you in dragon" part
I thought It was cute

not him but while I also think it's cute, it's shitty to cut dialogue to fit memes or whatever treehouse thinks is funny

The Japanese always had this paranoia that Americans where "dirty minded" so they made it a policy to change and censor US releases.

>this meme again

My point is if you're arguing that nobody has rejected a game because of censorship, I can point to my own example as a counter to that. Is you response really just "my hypothetical consumer counts and you don't"?

For NoA, there is no such thing as "too much".

Exactly, you don't matter because I don't care about you and your mental problems, while I care a great deal about my imaginary friend who made the right decision and supported the removal of offensive material.

>maybe someone else decided to buy the game because the censorship made them more comfortable

Who? Even if such a person exists, catering to them isn't going to suddenly make niche games popular.

At any time.
However, the worst examples are things to major that they affect the plot or go in a different direction of the original vision (i.e.: That kid getting stabbed in that recent JRPG) or things so minor you wonder why they expended any effort at all bothering with it.

>it's another "Y DID THEY TAKE MY PANTIES AWAY >:(" episode

CERO asked Sakurai to see all the models from below. They cried because panties. Sakurai changed them to keep the rating from going up.

The End.

Palutena is the only girl allowed pantsu because Sakurai is feverishly autistic about KIU. Kirby isn't his baby anymore

>so more people can enjoy it?
the ones crying about offensive content are a vocal minority, just like the ones who insist a bikini edit ruined the whole game
the average person doesn't care so changing the game is pointless

This was the pinnacle

>At what point is censorship too much?

when it affects the GAMEPLAY or the STORY

>baww my anime tiddy

go jerk off to some porn you'll feel better

I wonder when people are finally going to evolve to my level and realize that fictional sexualisation is not a big deal

>when it affects the GAMEPLAY or the STORY
This happened with Fire Emblem but the apologists go "bawww your anime tiddy"

i don't care because i hate nu-emblem

burn it to the ground i say

Do you people just want to see little jap girls naked that much? who gives a fucking shit just make the game fun

Well, as long as you own that. God bless.

Even nu-emblem shouldn't have gutted character interactions, meme personalities, and even fucking plot holes

When it's done at all...

Yet they didn't demand he remove Palutena panties and stripper pole dance taunt.

Makes you think.


When you consider the fact that Dragon Ball Fusions replaced swords with sticks despite having guns still there, the T rating being a thing, and the fact that many E rated games have swords, you really have to at least consider the possibility.

the right one is better in all instances

that sleeveless jacket looks fucking stupid

>anime tiddytards will defend this

>removing glasses

Trying a little too hard there user

When it gets in the way of gameplay.

Unless your game is heavily narrative based, a tit or some blood getting removed should not ruin your game and if it does, it's a shit game.

Like you know, the first Mortal Kombat.

CERO did though. They also had them COMPLETELY change Wonder Pink's trophy in Japan.

>removed Sonja's glasses

>leaving the sword
>changing the hat
>that last one, period
I don't get these changes.

He is an obvious troll, but you have to admit the regular jacket looks better.

plot holes are a feature in conquest though. Both versions have them, it's just English has an extra one because of censorship. The actual story of conquest is a nonsense joke that makes no fucking sense.

Then why are both still in the game?

ENG advace wars is the original, JP was altered in this instance.

Palutena's legs and panties are altered in the Japanese version.

No, I'm saying opinions don't mean shit since you can't prove a loss or gain in sales. It's the piracy argument. If a game doesn't sell at all, then were starting to see something, but that has never happened. You're hypothetical doesn't matter because it's an unproven hypothetical and I can make a claim which just as much validity .

You have no evidence to support that.

What the fuck. I never knew Olaf was meant to be Santa Claus player 2

Are there any examples of localization actually making a game better besides FE10?

>censorship is fine when it's something I don't care about, fuck you all nyah nyah nyah!

Typical American 4channer. You'll learn your lesson soon enough.

This literally never happened. On the other hand I have decided to not buy several games because of censorship(off the top of my head SFV and Criminal Grils)

>You have no evidence to support that.

Didn't TMS, Fatal Frame V, and Xenoblade Chronicles X all bomb?

GameCube Animal Crossing
Kid Icarus Uprising
Xenoblade Chronicles

This is probably one of the worst ones I've seen since that scene actually had real dialogue and character building. To throw it away for a shitty joke is pretty bad.

Doesn't EVERY Fatal Frame bomb?

Anything other than a 1:1 translation is unacceptable, cultural references be damned.

When showing it doesn't make you look like a thirsty, nit-picky autist who needs his fill of waifus and things to complain about every hour.

>make an A-rated game
>use adverts and promotional material totally aimed at kids
I need to ask my lawyer wagecucks on what kind of troubles it would get me into.
If not too much, it will happens.

>Are there any examples of localization actually making a game better besides FE10?
Every instance of censorship to have ever been done in video games. Seriously. There's no depreciable loss in sales, in fact the large amount of retards screaming creates so much free publicity that the sales actually increase. Why do you think Nintendo censors literally every since game even when it doesn't make sense.

>You have no evidence to support that.
How about literally every game Nintendo recently censored?

>Didn't even know about this censorship
At first I thought it was kinda funny since it's poking fun at character interactions being nothing but dialogue by having one interaction between 2 quiet people just not saying anything, but seeing how there was a genuinely interesting conversation that was suppose to happen there, that's just fucking inexcusable.

Ghost Stories

>sleeveless jackets
>good at all

Wait, sm4sh doesn't have Peach panties?

That shit kickstarted my puberty. No wonder kids are fapping to Minecraft now.

>This literally never happened. On the other hand I have decided to not buy several games because of censorship(off the top of my head SFV and Criminal Grils)
Prove even one of these statements.

>1:1 translation
literally impossible in some cases

Funny how CERO somehow missed those when looking at the game before it was released.

Depending on where you're from literally nothing, to company ending fines.

How can I prove stuff that didn't happen? Why don't you prove that someone bought a game because of censorship making them feel more comfortable? How would I prove I didn't buy games because of censorship?

>this fag thinks nintendo games aren't popular.

Censored is 'Absolute Territory' makes me diamonds.

The artists and game developers already made and finished the game and published it. Publishers, people who don't work on the game, are the ones who go and ask for things to be edited and changed for Western audiences. These are not decisions being made by the developers of the game for the better of their game in their eyes. In addition, if it was something like that, such games would receive updates via patches in Japan as well as the West to reflect the same content worldwide

>reading comprehension
You're a fucking idiot if you think I meant Mario bombed due to localization.

Exactly retard. You're point isn't a point. You know, I've bought 100 copies of every single censored game to ever be made and I hand them out on halloween. So I guess this means I win the argument.

fair enough, in terms of dialogue there are moon exclusive words and in circumstances like that translators not localizers need to be as close to the intended meaning as possible.

Graphics, gameplay, spoken language or anything else, should not change ever.

>implying their popularity prevented #Aidoru and Colon Smash from bombing so hard

This is the one game where the censorship was taken too far imo.

I hate the concept of #FE and would never play it, but it seems like you're alienating the entire audience that would buy/play this sort of thing by censoring so much in a fanservice game.

I would really like to know what they were thinking.

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

You act like publishers aren't part of the game development. If they can say take out all the tits and make half the characters niggers, and the dev does it. They're part of the development team, in fact the most important part cause without them the game doesn't come out.

I didn't buy TMS because of shit like this.

>You'll learn your lesson soon enough.

i already learned the lesson of not buying games i don't care about

and if all video games are shit then i won't play any video games

it's just fucking video games