Nintendo Switch -
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Dick yeah
Instead of spending $780 to play one game you could instead buy a used PS4 and a fraction of its fantastic library.
Cool story, bro
Careful, shill. Sony doesn't get any profit off of used game/system sales. You won't get any deposit for this post.
Cant wait for it to flop.
Is this the official shitposting thread?
a 480p tablet. I don't want zelda that bad.
Rest in RIP
>Nintendo babies are this butthurt
literally 2 more weeks until you are all btfo lmao
Nintendo switch will sell over 50m in 4 years.
Just tv mode is 480p, portable mode is 240p like the 3ds.
Brand posturing detected. Five cents have been deposited into your Sony Street Teamâ„¢ account.
OP here, I fucked up and wanted to state the topic but hit enter like a retard. Does anyone know any Canadian website where I can pre-order this? It's sold out, everywhere.
Not bad I guess, but the PS4 will be approaching 160 million by then.
No i'm not going to get btfo. Because I don't care if someone has different taste than me and actually likes it. I'm not going to gain anything if it fails. I'm 24, it would be VERY autistic of me to post "haha it failed!".
Save your money buy literally any other console.
>nintendo fags do it for free
I thought it was confirmed as 480 automatic (meaning it probably runs closer to 360 and spikes at 480)
The thing about the switch is the exclusives. Nintendos games are always fun. Also, the portability sounds sick as fuck.
>smashbros 5
>2 more weeks
eBay, or wait till Ap
why does the price keep going up
>he doesn't watch youtube walkthroughs of exclusive games
holy fuck are you serious?
>Nintendos games are always fun.
If you're 8, not that's kids like Nintendo.
Well if we're talking optimal setup prices here:
>Ps4 Pro: 400$
>4K TV:800$
>Extra Controller: 60$
>PSVR Headset: 400$
>Move Controllers: 70$
>Playstation Camera: 60$
>Bloodbourne: 20$
Wow, would need 1,810 USD just to play ONE game. Such a great deal.
This is what Sonyggers actually believe. Y'all need another PS3 launch to crush your one-inch erections back into chodes.
Honestly, I think the switch looks extremely gay and i'm not getting one (before people call me a nintendrone) but this guy has a point. You guys keep jacking this price up to like $500 for a $300 tablet as if you NEED the pro controller and all this stuff. If we're being fair, then we have to include the tv, games, and other accessories for the ps4.
$300 for tablet
$60 for game
$20 for rest of game
$30 to play online
$80 for a dock
$30 for a charging cable
$200 for a 256 gb micro sd
Forgot the the Ethernet adapter that's another $30.
That's $810 for a wahoo box.
*wahoos sadly*
I was thinking the price is so high because of Scalpers.
user, I'm Canadian and my Walmart doesn't take preorders on electronics. So just line up before they open on release and you'll get one if you came early enough.
Typical Nintendtard.
I'm going around tomorrow to see if there's any way I can still pre-order anywhere. If now I'll try eBay or something, but if it comes to waiting in line, I don't even think that's an available option for me.
Why the fuck are you people buying extra docks? Why is this always on the list of things to buy with a Switch.
Please be bait, I refuse to believe anybody is this stupid.
The dock that comes with the tablet has no cables. It's just a hunk of plastic.
Five cents have been deposited into your Sony Street Teamâ„¢ account.
>no poptarts
I already have one. I'm still getting a Switch on launch day whether you like it or not.
Source: Your ass
The box clearly shows the Switch coming with cables.
Common sense Drumpftard
Nintendo isn't above lying.
Yeah, common sense would be knowing it comes with the proper cables it needs
Do you really think anybody on this board is as stupid as you?
Neither are you.
Fuck off fascist before I curb stomp you.
>being this wrong
I know you.
I can see you.
I can see you everywhere.
This nigga dead
I'm excited
I just wish it had a proper d-pad
>No menu music
That's slightly disappointing
Themes will probably have some.
That won't change the fact that you're wrong
So what do guys?
Think I'll have any success tomorrow walking into stores and asking if i can pre order?
Wish it ran an actual tablet OS in case you wanted to use it as a tablet.
Depends on the store.
But probably not.
I was thinking about Best Buy.
Hmm, maybe if you live in a less populated area. But its still a stretch.
What? Start your own thread fag. This is for Switch shitposting.
this IS my thread.
I live in Canaduck
oh fuck
Why don't you call ahead?
I also live in the maple forest, where's the best place to try?
$300 for console
$60 for game
$60 for season pass but not all of the DLC
$60 for online
$400 for VR headset
$90 for two PS motion controls
$50 for the camera
$100 for a 2TB HDD
$50 for another controller
That's $1,170 that I could have spent on a new, better PC senpai
>$80 for a dock
>$30 for a charging cable
But they come with the console
>buying rhw camera
>buying two ps motion controls
>buying ps vr
what the fuck mate?
What's wrong? I forgot to include the VR game didn't I
The point is he's a retard and confuses essential peripherals with pointless addon garbage that no one buys.
Just like the other guy
>Ethernet adapter for 30$
How are you guys so shitty