What strategy games have good campaign modes?
What strategy games have good campaign modes?
Fates Red Version
Pick one.
>ever right about anything ever
Who are you quoting?
Pretty much all of them.
Dawn of War
No wonder spics have so many kids.
Their women are sexualized every where
You should see my mom.
Fire Emblem Gaiden
Objectively correct popular sentiment.
>no qt spic girlfriend to ride your dick and cook some Mexican cuisine of Doritos mixed together with tomato juice
Shit man you should see my aunt. I might as well post a pic since I want to fuck her really badly.
I'm not quoting anyone. I replied to an animeposter using his post reworded and shortened to address the fact that animeposters are literally never right about anything. But you knew that, you (You) hungry fuck.
Oh, I'd love to see her.
Yeah bro you need to push that pussy in.
>I'm not quoting anyone
Then please don't abuse the quote function.
Holy shit user. What temptation.
Holy shit user
I heard this girl is a CSGO pro's gf even though they don't speak each others language
wtf I love the weather now
Post a pic you fucking beaner or you get thrown over the wall.
Shitposting using Sawako should be a permaban.
Here's another (You), kid. Last one though.
Too much titty.
Why are we trying to keep these people out again? I want to race-mix.
CoD pro, and they do speak each other language
>just fapped for the 3rd time today
>still want to bang that
Sucks to be high test.
t. 31 year old virgin
how can anyone be completely devoid of self awareness?
that is one fine grain-fed piece of cattle
she's called yanet/janet garcia (I think) something and she has an instagram where she posts lewds
Quality posts. Way to prove everyone right about animeposters.
Does she show nip?
>yanet garcia
Das it mane.
Her ass is glorious.
Wtf are you talking about? This is a thread of hot Mexicans or anime shit posters.
>not good
your opinion is shit
My opinion is objectively correct and reflects popular sentiment.
Disgaea 4 and 5
are you cute?
would you date a guy?
>yfw you learn her first name is Anal
THe parent knew what they're doing.
This Mexican (((female))) is hiding from ICE and is begging to stay with you in your apartment. What do you do?
>Mexican Doritos
1/10, would not fuck.
That ass trying to explode out of her pants, god damn.
sell it. I would change my mind if it were a cute guy with a beard and a little belly tho
no homo obviously
its actually Anel
please please please
No lie, I would let her have sex with me.
i want sex
>little dick white boys
>satisfying Mexican girls
No way gringo.
>yfw you will never have sex with a 9 or 10
I am mexican and even for me that looks disgusting