Being mad at video games is bad, make sure to take breaks when you need to OP

I'm not a child so I don't rage at games. If a game can frustrate me with good design I fucking love it. If it's frustrating with poor design I at worst roll my eyes.


Wasnt this site +18?kindly go neck yourself.

When I was young I got so mad at that part in THUG where you had to hold onto the back of the car and ramp over the cops that I broke the screw holding the left side of my ps2 controller. So now it has a gap but otherwise works fine.

>All these autismos pretending they never get mad at video games because they lack the mechanical skill to do something

That said, few games get me madder than MOBAs.
>Developers usually refuse to balance that shit
>Because you rely on 4 (usually 4) allies, you yourself can't do shit except die most of the time
>The enemy team always feels like a premade who capitalizes on every mistake and masterfully ganks and counter-ganks, stealing buffs, and zoning you out
>Your team, irrelevant of how good or bad you are, feels like it is made of 5 year olds who are all out to save themselves and everyone else is on their own

So I stopped playing them.

One time my friends persuaded me to play a round of halo against them with my gf being on my team. Needless to say she was really awful at the game and I got very quietly angry that I was allowed to be convinced to be in that position.

I know I shouldn't have been but I want to win, goddamnit. But you can't say anything if you're angry because you look like the asshole you are. I think that's what really made me angry

Outside of my childhood hissy fits, the one time I legitimately got pissed off was doing that RC plane mission in GTA SA on PC.
I'm so glad I didn't have roommates at that time.
Such a great game I missed out on because of that Hot Coffee bullshit, but God damn that diamond's got some rough to it.

more like (at least i hope)
>All these autismos pretending they never used to get mad at video games because they lacked the mechanical skill to do something as a child

While I have become more skilled at games, there's occasionally some shit I cannot reliably do.

I punched my girlfriend in the stomach really hard because she kept walking in front of me playing COD and I kept dying. I felt quite bad afterwards because she was bent over in 2 and crying for about 10 minutes after it.

I've hit her before when I was drunk and stuff but never hit her in the stomach, normally just slap her in the face. It's obviously worse because you can do serious damage to a female by punching them in the stomach.

I just cuss at the screen and yell.

Absolute worst case scenario I smash my fist on the desk or coffee table several times.

You gotta be careful when slapping your girl, too.
Grown men have been knocked out cold by Osmanli slaps.
Learn restraint when venting yourself out on her.

It's okay.

Don't get violent too often, though. She might call the cops.

Or get so violent with her she's scared to call the cops.

Both options work.

You're a real piece of shit. Kill yourself.

Anytime I play a co-op game with my gf. It mostly ends up with her waiting while I clear out the next room. At least she's cute

Look, we got a white knight.

Fedora wearing faggot.

That's adorable.

Also manly as fuck, but in a nerdy way.

Videogames never were a hardshp for me so there was no need to get mad at them , you cuddled faggot.

You 2 are fucking pieces of shit. Hitting women is not okay or normal. You'll be labelled for life as a woman beater and if you get sent to prison you'll get the shit kicked out of you. Resorting to violence over someone who can't defend themselves against you is like attacking someone in a wheelchair. It's the most cowardly pathetic thing you could ever possibly do.

Where have you been the past 2 and 1/2 years?


I got ultra fucking into rage mode in Dead or Alive. I was trying to unlock Ayane and that required you to play the game as Kasumi in the hardest mode or something like that, without losing any battle. I scratched the disk and ditched it.

Nigger, if this was a girl punching a guy, I'd say the same thing.

Women do the housework and cooking. Men work and protect the women.

Pretty sexist to say that tbqh


>Can't even spell coddled
>I share a board with this person

you guys should watch your blood pressure

When I was about 7 I played snakes and ladders with my auntie and ending up throwing the board in a rage when I lost.

You have to escalate. I promise you one good old fashioned Tombstone or DDT and she won't think about doing that shit ever again.

Passionless cunt


It's just game why half be mad ;)


>dont realize that he's larping

I went into Pokémon B&W completely blind, and chose Tepig as my starter.

But then I evolved it and I noticed that it turned into YET ANOTHER FIRE/FIGHTING

Nigga, why. That's not q at all.

I was baiting. You guys are fucking scum to even think it's acceptable.

where did this larping meme come from and why are you faggots throwing the word around like you know what it actually means


> :^)

Battlefield 2142, all those faggot Assaults running around with Voss L-ARs that had insane rates of fire, no recoil, and perfect hip fire accuracy. You barely had to aim, just sprint around holding mouse 1 and waving your mouse around and you killed an entire squad.

Putting two blasts from the Clark 15B shotgun into the upper chest of an Assault from mere meters away to have them spin around and wave their Voss L-AR at me was fucking bullshit.

but "raging" as in the terms of this thread over it? i get frustrated sometimes, but i contain myself, and at worst ill stop playing.

Souls-likes have had a few instances of making me shout and frequently swear.

DOTA used to until my will just got broken down and I accept that my friends are shit, will never get better, and we will rarely win because we never have a coherent comp. I'm numb to it at this point.

I think my only significant outburst was Tekken 3 with friends. I was cleaning house and taunting at a sleepover and sore loser friend kicked me in the back of the head from the bed above. I put the control down and entered blind rage ass whoop mode.

I've never ever been angry enough to break, slam, etc. a control, keyboard, etc. People who do this and wall punch are autismal children.

>troll trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

My Etrian Odyssey 1 cart broke right before I was able to fight Primevil. Considering what I had to go through to get to that asshole, I was not, and still am not pleased.
>mfw manually mapping out All That Lives Shall Succumb

Like I said, no game like MOBAs gets me "this thread" levels of mad.
I just get anywhere from annoyed to just a touch under seething if something irl is pissing me off too.
I've never broken anything since I stopped playing MOBA trash, so that's something.

I'm against it, and I still think it's not ok for you to bait with that shit.

My sister used to rage a lot at marvel vs capcom, she used to lock me out of the room where the playstation was. If I ever tried to take a peek on it she'd screech like a motherfucking monster and close the door on my face again and blame me for her losing. Those were sad days.

>hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection.

You were so cuddled they didnt even let you take a dictionary, you cuddled faggot. The only thing you're right about is that you're going to suffer my presence here, you little piece of homo gay faggot shit.

COD4 campaign on Veteran

>No Fighting In The War Room

It's clear you meant coddled. It's okay to misspell shit, user.

Nice recovery tho. Have a nice day/night.

Your sister sounds like wife material, dude.

I still don't get how people can complete shit like halo/COD on the highest difficulty. It's such bullshit. Like that part where you had to run through the field after you killed that hostage

I will never forget this moment:
>play Monster Hunter on the PSP
>do a "Defeat Diablos" mission on a giant desert level
>spend 30 minutes looking for the fucker
>finally find him
>do decent damage
>10 minutes left
>he leaves and warps to the polar opposite of the map
>running low on supplies
>2 minutes left
>find him again and weaken him
>time runs out

I legit threw my PSP at the wall full force in rage. Worst case of rage I've ever had

I posted this in a rage thread yesterday, but the most angry I've ever gotten while playing a vidya was at Soul Calibur online, and I kept getting matched with fags playing Ivy and spamming that poke combo (you know the one) and killing me non-stop.

Anybody not playing Ivy I could shit all over, but (except hilde but whatever) I finally lost my shit after coming home from work one night and got paired against nothing but them for like 10-12 matches, and I raged so hard I crushed my controller and ripped it in half, then tried to stab it with a pocket knife.

After that I went for a walk and decided I wasn't going to play fighting games online anymore.

It's not too late, user.

obligatory "it's been way longer than 2 and a half years fuck off newfag"

>It's clear you meant coddled.
No i dont, you dipshit.

>he can't beat best waifu hilde
I bet you play killik

actually, you've got me there; the minor inconveniences i bring on myself irl bring the rage out in me. my car breaking down? shit happens, its almost expected at times. drop something even non-electric in the toilet? pisses me off to no end. pettier shit even, but i cant think of any atm

this one time i got snipd


the yunalesca fight
certain events burning lap events in burnout 3

It's either you mispelled or you're dumb enough to think that coddled is the proper word to use instead of coddled. Either way you're retarded

A good friend of mine and I did COD4 on veteran about a month ago, The only thing you really need to worry about is the fucking raining grenades. We did die though, a lot. Its totally doable though.

lmao I meant cuddled somewhere in there. I guess I'm the retard.

>he likes best friends

Playing Nioh trying to conserve my skill points is bullshit. That one mission fighting off two tengu almost got me in a really nasty state of mind.

>he can't beat best waifu hilde
Nah, it was usually a 50/50, because she's a really good character if you know how to use her.

But every time there was an Ivy, it was the same fucking combo, again and again and again, just spamming that shit until victory.

I main Cervaintes and Mitsurugi, and sometimes raph, but I don't like his moveset as much since they changed it in SC4

This post isn't real. People like this don't exist.

Don't use passion as an excuse for being a manchild with no self control.

Yooo I love Cervaintes. Especially that bullshit Emperor Palpatine move where he spins across the screen

>People like this don't exist
I am filled with the inexplicable sadness, like that of a father who must explain to his paraplegic daughter that she'll never be a ballet dancer.

My nigga.

You can chain that shit super easy with knockup attacks for tons of damage and mad style points if people are watching.

Nah it's more like those same people wouldn't post in that manner or openly admit they beat their wife when drunk. They'd most likely hide it and hope others don't find out. I doubt itd be a topic to bring up regularly and the Cod part was a bit over the top. It's too cliched

In a moment of rage I punched the couch I was sitting on, but I wasn't looking at the couch when I did that and I actually punched my cat, who was sleeping there.
Cat is fine btw, but since then I swore to never express my rage physically.

>I've hit her before when I was drunk and stuff but never hit her in the stomach, normally just slap her in the face
And yet here I am not able to get a gf because I'm too nice/weird/introverted/creeper or whatever.
I'm sure you're a real catch, this world is full of retards.

this fucking game

i broke my laptop because of sonic battle

Oh this should be good, tell the story

>playing sonic battle
>got mad
>broke my laptop
wew thanks for reading my blog

It's kinda late. She enjoys watching me play movie shit rather than play with me other games. She's shit at games now. She's into other stuff now.

You're a terrible storyteller

I used to torment my older brothers while playing Soul Calibur 2/3 due to our huge gap in power level. My smaller older brother was pretty cool and laughed it off, but my bigger older brother used to stand up, punch the couch, hit the wall, and growl when I'd kick his ass.

So naturally I used to time a little elvis-sounding song to the rhythm of one of Kilik's throws and I'd sing it whenever I'd ring big bro out. One day he got so mad he smashed his controller against the concrete floor and put his fist through the wall.

I'll never forget about the family having a long talk with my siblings, ending with my dad approaching me and saying "user, we've had a discussion, and we want you to agree not to pick Kilik anymore."

story? i lost my mind after losing that "don't get hit fucking once" battle against 3 gammas as rouge and instinctively picked up a pillow and slammed it on the closest thing in front of me, which was my laptop

broke the hard drive, lost a goldmine of porn, and now i manage to stop myself before doing something that drastic in the moment

why the fuck are you pretending to be me?

it's because I never learned to read

The mission in AC2 where you had to assassinate a dude on a ship without being detected

hey asshole stop pretending to be me you and I both know I can't tell stories

Stop pretending to be the other guy

That's actually kinda except for the porn loss thing

>Playing CS 1.5
>running past DD on dust 2
>awper headshot blindly through the door
>lucky me
>see him quit out
>giggle to myself

Holy shit you fucking autist you just got counter-baited.






One time I lost at a game and it made me say the F-word.

>he fell for the 'ol tripple bait
heh. nothign personnel kid

Will someone get this hothead outta here.

I banged my floor so hard during DmC2's Bloody Palace the glass cover for my kitchen light fell off and almost beaned my mom in the head.

>there are people that still get angry
>in this day and age
it'd be humorous if I weren't so sorry for them

Holy fucking shit, user. That's way over the top.

you need to calm the h*ck down dude

>tfw last save was in chapter 11


I turn off the console or just exit the game now, but I used to rage a lot as a kid. You're either underaged or a plain good for nothing if you haven't raged at a game. Maybe underaged.