Have you ever thrown your controller across the room when something really unfair happens?

Have you ever thrown your controller across the room when something really unfair happens?

Pic related was the state of my controller after first playing Dark Souls xD

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I once got beat in nba 2k by Shaquille O'Neil putting in a 3 pointer. I ejected the disc and whipped it at the wall as hard as i could. Still find pieces of the disc when i sweep. That's what i get for playing sports games.

What is with these threads?

I once beamed my controller at the bed so hard it bounced right back at me. Was playing Blazblue back when it first released and was fighting who I considered my rival at the time.

I never beat him but that day was the closest I ever got.

If you break your belongings due to a game. You should stop playing games. Or fucking grow up.

I know this is a meme, but you have got to be really immature to do such a thing.

>Sports games

Legitimately the only kind of game that pisses me off. The only time I've throw a controller was NCAA 10. The A button got jammed and the battery pack wouldn't stay in any more after that.

I don't break things I bought with my own money.

Have never broken anything because of a game but i laugh at people that do. Having such a lack of control really shows immense immaturity and possible autism.

>People who play videogames are immature.

Whoa, kind of- kind of makes sense huh?


>bought with my own money

Your parents money is not yours little boi


I know this site is filled with underage but Jesus fucking Christ

>ywn fall for bait this easily
feels good

No, because I use gaming to wind down. If gaming starts to wind me up, I stop and find another wind down activity.
I don't break anything in a fit of anger, because I value my property more than 5 seconds of satisfaction followed by disappointment.

No, but I threw my controller on the wall while playing Halo 4 because of a long ass cutscene.
I ended up turning off the console and never played Halo again

When I was 8 maybe

That's literally the opposite of what I just said.

When I get really frustrated with a game, which rarely happens, I only ever slap my knee and curse.

I've slammed it on my bed out of frustration when it's not working properly but never over a game

cancer is cancer, ironically or not

I've never broken a controller, but I did take my frustrations with Battlefield 4's flight model out on a poor Saitek joystick one time. Battlefield will never be as good as it was when 2 came out.

I never took my anger out on my belongings even when I was a kid. I would sometimes silently cry when not able to beat a boss fight or something. The only game that even really gets me frustrated these days is when I'm playing madden online and lose in a dumb way. I'll usually just lose the game and not play video games for like a week. It makes my blood boil kek

>fter first playing Dark Souls xD
i'm not upset at you, OP.

i'm upset at retards that replied to you.

>Pic related was the state of my controller after first playing Dark Souls xD
Thanks for the laugh OP

This unfunny meme has to stop.

I was stuck on Abyssion in tales of symphonia. After about 15 tries I beat him, but before I could save the game the power to my house cut out. I was so pissed I screamed curse words at the top of my lungs and flailed around in my now pitch black room and punched out my window and cut my hand.

All the time when I was a kid but I always threw it at the other couch so it wouldn't break because I'm not retarded

My first dark souls game was ds2. I was so fucking bad due to being an fps babby that it took me close to 2 hours to get out of Majula because I kept running to Heide's Tower of Flame, thinking there was no other way to go.

Also joined the champion's covenant like a fucking idiot.

I once threw my control into a brand new 4K sony tv, smashed the top right corner in and fucked the screen.
When I calmed down I opened a claim on the tv thru paypal, seller never responded & I got my money back.

>do this
>controller bounces off the couch, lands upside down and snaps a thumb stick

I'll point out that I raged cause our internet kept fucking cutting out thanks to the front house idiots screwing with it.

Reminder that the anti-anger crowd are literal passive-aggressive jews who want to control you and don't want you to feel the full spectrum of emotions. Good goys, don't harness negative emotions in positive ways, anger is mean, anger is bad, anger is a sin, just relax and don't fight back.

>do this
>controller bounces off the couch, flies back at my hand, and snaps my thumb

You need to control yourself better. Just keep your cool. That's some expensive ass pieces of technology you're breaking.


god people are falling for this obvious bait?

Sup Forums's really gone downhill (And it was never good)

I see your $60 controller and raise you a $1000 helmet.

I had a first gen ps3 controller. it had a common issue where the controller would sort of freeze, locking into place your last input. so often times when I was playing demon's souls my character would run off the edge of a cliff when my controller would lock in the last command which was usually the forward command at the perfectly wrong time.

one time it made me so mad I threw the controller across the room and put a hole in my wall.

Shit rolls in Mario Party when I was 10 years old.

Trigger Warning

>the state of my controller after first playing Dark Souls

post this on reddit for infinite amount of karma.