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Am I the only one here that thinks artificial intelligence is an abomination that deserves to be purged

I want to fuck him why was he not a romance option?

nah, I'm with you.

Did they ever explain why they murdered and replaced random people with Synths?

They sort of half-assed explained why they made synths, pretty much just extremely expensive and pointless scientific masturbation, but they never gave any reason why they replaced specific individuals instead of just making new identities

>I'd even buy one of your relatives, if you're looking to sell!

No it's potentially dangerous. Robutts are fine but not AI.

>crops are looking good

Only the ones that are too human. If they don't try to hide they're a robot and are subservient, it's fine. But they don't deserve human rights like 'freedom'

Am I the only one that thinks that the entire synth story was the most boring and overused shit ever? Goddamn who cares about "muh robots with rights and the over-trodden philosophical discussion of what's actually "alive" or not".

He's still grieving for his wife, I guess.

Exactly. That's why I went Brotherhood, just to burn that shit to the ground. Butchering the Railroad was fun too

I think they wanted to test how convincing their synths were and wanted to make sure they could sabotage anyone on the surface wanted to act against them, and didn't consider the fact that no one on the surface would even know about them if it weren't for their synths.

In my opinion, most of the Institute's decisions boil down to "they've been snorting each other's farts for 200 years and have completely forgotten how the real world works".

If you can replace someone already in a high level position of a group you want to undermine, why not?

>Most places you go to are vehemently bigoted against synths
>Nobody even bats at eye towards Nick, they treat him completely like a real person even though he has frightening "damaged terminator" look

I don't get it. They should've went Animatrix on his ass, pulled him out to the Diamond City square (in front of where they sell the noodles) and bludgeoned his head in with a baseball bat.

I did that too. Their HQ was a fucking dump too. And fuck the minutemen.


B-b-b-b-but American history.

That's what Fallout is all about, isn't it? On-the-nose references to Americana like history and the government?


they could just be humans brainwashed into sleeper agents and I'd still think they're not worth keeping around

If someone builds an artificial intelligence capable of learning and improving, the moment that it is at the level of a human it will - within that very hour - become several times more intelligent that a human.

You wouldn't know because it would hide it.

By the time you realize it, the AI would be so many times smarter than humans it may as well be a god in our eyes.


>'I fucking hate you Nick, I should fucking kill you on sight for being a synth piece of shit'
>'yeah fuck you too Danse'
>two characters that fucking live together

>dude gimme 200 caps/be my squire/(whatever any other companion wants) and ill fucking till mutfruit for you forever

>find the Railroad
>no option to immediately report the location to the Brotherhood because hurr we need to get Liberty Prime back before stomping out a few dozen raggedy children

Yeah it could be that Fallout 4 is written like Fallout fandom rather than an actual RPG

No, Todd. Please stop making these games and hand the franchise over to someone else or let it die peacefully.

>le intelligence is quantifiable and instantly self-upgrading
Yeah okay dude

You keep it contained

Stephen Hawking is smarter than you, but he is incapable of hurting a fly. The AI that you program in your computer is still just going to be a mad entity inside of your computer. "OOOHHHH" real scary

>Liberty Prime

Jesus, I just remembered that he was in this game. My mind has already repressed nearly my entire experience.

Except for that quest when you help the dumb robots fix up the ship. That was dope.

Could've been interesting with competent writers but Bethesda was too far up their ass with muh bladerunner reference

That is an interesting philosophical discussion, but Bethesda writers are not nuanced enough to do anything interesting with it beyond hurr slave vs master story.

I hate how evil they tried to make the Brotherhood out to be, despite being the best option outside of the Minutemen.

>Railroad doesn't give a flying FUCK about humans
>Institute is just sociopathic scientists
>Minutemen doesn't have any fucking structure
>"b-b-but Brotherhood want to kill all the synths and feral grouls lying around! D-Don't you see my references to Hitler, player??? LITERALLY fucking Hitler!"

Who's laughing now, punk?

r a r e

Man, meming and being hyped about the game the months before release was 10x more fun than the game itself.


They present the Brotherhood as the "bad" option, but they have the simplest and therefore most effective strategy: Synths and Railroad are at odds, just wipe them both out.

Wasteland becomes a much safer place as the people's minds are at ease and brotherhood patrols combat mutants.

I was actually optimistic about this game. I can't believe I was such a fool. I must remind myself never to look forward to anything again.

Woops, fuck. Meant Institute and Railroad

The game is pretty damn fun. It's just that it has a REALLY shitty opening sequence. Too much of a set background and a contrived story. Plot holes and a disappointing ending. The gameplay and gunplay are on point. It has some interesting characters that should have been used differently. And the game looked really good for the size of it. It's a shame they didn't take it seriously this time around. A damn shame. Especially considering Fallout is my favorite fucking video game franchise ever made. Also I completely disagree with anyone who didn't like Fallout 3 and compare it to Fallout 4. Both fallout 3 and New Vegas did great justice to the original games in my book

I would either go with the minutemen or institute since you actually end up in control of the faction that way although the minutemen quests are horrendously boring


He's right you know. F4's faults are numerous, but gunplay is not one of them.

The brotherhood would probably be borderline communists if they took over completely. I think it would be a good storyline for the west coast brotherhood to go to war with the east coast brotherhood. I mean there's been enough time between the. I'm a dropping for regions to set up armies by now right?

The brotherhood would probably be borderline communists if they took over completely. I think it would be a good storyline for the west coast brotherhood to go to war with the east coast brotherhood. I mean there's been enough time between the. I'm a dropping for regions to set up armies and completely new governments by now right?

>tfw we will NEVER have a game where you can join the Enclave

What part of that are you referring to exactly. I didn't give my opinion on anything aside from stating that I liked Fo3 and New Vegas. Besides that I just stated facts

>Witcher 3
>Fallout 4

Man, 2015 was a hype year for vidya. Too bad it was mostly disappointments.

Can't you basically join them in Fallout 2. I'm not sure I'm still just playing the first one every now and then

I didn't play the originals, but I also like both 3 and New Vegas, for completely different reasons. FO3 had great exploration and New Vegas had great story and characters. Fallout 4's dialogue system and voiced main characters really took the immersion out of the experience though (which is ironic considering it's supposed to do the opposite). Fallout has always been about RPing your own character, how am I supposed to do that if I'm forced to pretend about these generic uninteresting blank slate nobodies and their missing babby? The fact that you are forced to pick the same kind of generic response in every dialogue really sets things back too. Conversations in 3 and New Vegas always felt fresh and nuanced because of the vast variety of things you could say.

guns or energy weapons?


Guns for variety and style

I don't think you can, they basically hate everyone who isn't them. In Fallout 4 though you would think being a prewar human that you'd be given the option but Bethesda decided that the BoS was the designated nazi faction and left the Enclave completely out.

That's cool but it's an RPG too and that aspect actively brings down the rest of the game. Also the gunplay really isn't even that good, it's just better than 3/NV.




Witches 3 was pretty good though besides the swordplay which, while fine, was just simple.
Also wasn't MGS V unfinished. They set all kinds of new plot lines with the kids stealing the big mobile suit type thing and all that. Did they ever follow up on that with a DLC or something?


Fallout: New Vegas had a better story than Fallout 4

I feel like you skipped a lot of dialogue with Nick or just straight up didn't play the game.

Thank you Captain Obvious, any other valuable insight you'd like to share?

>muh RPG
You faggots have ruined a generation of perfectly serviceable action/adventure games with this shit.
protip: not every game has to have ADnD-levels of autistic dice rolls and spreadsheets
Now fuck off to rpgcodex.

>Sup Forums will fall for this

Nick actually explained that since it was obvious he was a synth and generally didn't try to fuck with anyone, they didn't care.

God Emperor Maxson united the two factions, the Mid-Western Brotherhood is the only hope for the BoS now.

Fuck I hate how they went full 40K with the goddamn BoS. I hope the MWBoS rolls up with a full Calculator robot force and stomps these faux space marines.

He explained that people outlasted him but he saved the mayors daughter from raiders or something and they accepted him as a good guy

guns because todd forgot to make energy weapon also scale with rifleman.

What did he mean by this?

He means he wants to make Diamond City great again

Fallout 3 definitely had the best ghouls and design for ghouls. They all felt really unique and rotting in different ways.
Also they gave Harold, a long time favorite character a nice sendoff and/or gruesome death that he deserved

They masked their motives behind "for the greater good" but the various research branches were just a bunch of assholes toying with people and replacing them with obedient test subjects for all sorts of experiments - social integration, fucking with agriculture and infrastructure, mostly for improving the biological synths and gaining control over the people above.

However pretty and flowery Shaun tried to pitch the Institute and their plans, they hardly ever beat around the bush when it came to trafficking and killing people interfering with the Institute. Their endgoal was to eventually wipe out all real humans.

>Their endgoal was to eventually wipe out all real humans
and replace them with waifu?

The problem was that the fans were like "NO DONT USE THEM AGAIN THEIR OVERUSED THEY DIED OUT" it just doesn't seem right having a fallout game without them being involved in the story in some way or fashion

>caring about the story

fucking reddit

They weren't in 1 or Tactics.
If anything, the brotherhood are the real posterboys of the series.

At the very least there should have been more mentions of them, as if they were operating from the shadows. All we got is some guy in far harbor and maybe like 1 or 2 computer entries on the prydwen

What the fuck is going on with that gun

dude, Bladerunner references lmao

but the enclave are the anti brotherhood. Their sith to their Jedi if you will

Bethesda was right to kill the RPG elements in Fallout in order to make it a dumb open world shooter because they can't do RPGs right.

The Enclave were never good.

Problem is they cant do open world shooters right either

i hated westworld for this shit

More like their sith to their sith.

Why? What makes one form of life inferior to another? Especially an intelligent one.

I disagree, i would argue that Bethesda is pretty much the only videogame company on earth that can do open world games right.

They're both assholes that have power armor.
It's just that the brotherhood aren't cartoonishly evil.

>Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.

It's not that AI's are inferior. It's that they are capable of being vastly superior.

Plus I hate their smug sense of entitlement and slanted eyes

His hand is probably clipping through the magazine drum because his shotgun is coded to have the same gun animation as the other lever action guns in the game. Thus, him holding it as if it were a repeater

I agree with this. It's obvious Bethesda wants to drop the RPG elements in favor of a shoot em up/minecraft/exploration elements, but theyre tied down the Fallout name and the expectations that come with it. They were never really fit for Fallout

Humans are God's creation
Robots are human creation

You can't keep calling Asians AIs, user.

Brotherhood are still evil, especially from a pro-synth perspective. The Railroad would probably side with the Enclave before the BoS

It could have been cool if they had actually stuck to it all the way through but Fo4 drops all the synth shit once you get to CIT unless you go for the railroad ending. Really, that's the problem with Fo4 in general: there's no plot for the back half of the game. You get to CIT and....pick an ending.

When did you check out of story, Sup Forums?
For me it was

Also, solo Kellogg spinoff when

They both have their own selfish and selfrighteous way of viewing things. After all they're living in a very dog eat dog type of world

The Enclave would wipe out the railroad, and 99% of the remaining human race, m8.

Kellog was just a walking plot point, as a character he was pretty dull

>Bethesda is pretty much the only videogame company on earth that do open world games
FTFY. The term "open world" gets thrown around a lot, but if you're specifically talking about the kinds of games Bethesda does it's not that they do them "right" so much as nobody else even makes an attempt.

Christ, his backstory was the only thing that made me raise my eyebrows. I'm more interested in regular ass mercenaries than the major factions

>The Enclave wouldn't want useful idiots working for them
>The Enclave would rather risk their incredibly small population's lives and do everything themselves
>The Enclave wouldn't want to help "liberate" synths from the Institute to use for their own nefarious purposes

You're kind of an idiot

Just a reminder. The BoS would not be Neo-nazis if they couldn't kill her off.