Other urls found in this thread:

Huh? Did people not know how to find Strength or something?

>Push left/right rocks
>Push both rocks to the side of the top middle rock
>Push middle rock to the side

Does it allow you to do that? because that seems easy.

yeah OP is just a fag

My iq was on par with the rocks themself, I couldn't figure out the path eons ago xddd



everything about the regis and how to get them.


I dont even remember how I found out as a kid

I think I had some older kid do it for me

I remember asking multiple people if they could read braille to help me out with it, and even checking out a book from the library about the braille alphabet.

Then my 8 year old brain realized I could just google the answer


>user...what do I do?




And that's the moment you lost your sense of fun.

delete this please

Is there a more powerful character in vidya?


Pretty much, yeah. In my defense though I don't know how more than maybe 5 players from around the world could've figured it out, and it certainly wouldn't have been one of the younger players

Correct, but still an autistic post.


Fuck, a couple of those challenges took me forever

that level was fucking aids

what's so hard about this game?

are you having fun


god fuckin dammit, that guy was just unfair, he was not fun at all

it's not the game, it's the object itself

you can only roll one cow or bear thing in the level, and he's the biggest one, and only appears on that level.

it's so easy rolling something very small and having to redo the entire level again.


omggggggggggggggg xdd


What's hard about this?



Super Mario Sunshine

Leaf ride
Watermelon festival

palm trees and 8

It's actually easy as fuck on the Compact Star if you get lots of Spikes and Swords.

I'm sorry to brake it too you, but your retarded.

When I was young I couldn't for the life of my figure out how to time my jumps just right for the sand-bird to not throw me off while collecting all the coins. It also was like a 10 minute ride too.

I eventually beat it a few years later

There were braille alphabets at the end of all manuals.



Fuck you, looking up the braille in some encyclopedia and translating all of the tips was fun as fuck.

Which is closer to Hell?
Snowfly Forest or Desert of Death?

>he didn't read the manual

>being nerds

How joyless was your childhood if you never flipped through your game manuals?

I flipped through your moms manual


Cartoons are not vidya faggot

I was afraid of doing this fight on hard mode so I ended with assimilation. I still feel kind of bad about it but that boss annoyed me enough as it was originally.


He could have saved us. We didn't listen.

No more autistic than you checking it!

Have a good night user.

lurk more newfag

Were you stupid as a kid?

You can go back, you know. Your save is still right there.


>This hasn't been posted yet
Enjoy your cold sweat


>Brits get the hardest levels meme


Don't you have to start again after getting an ending? Anyway I might have lost whatever sense I had for the fights at this point.
I would love to try anything similar to it though, the blend of one on one combat mixed with bullet hell was pretty intense and very satisfying to overcome.

Nah, the room with the water currents is worse since it can send you back to the entrance if you pick a wrong one.


Lufia 2 puts other rpg block puzzles to shame



>tfw I couldn't even get past tigger

i think that one took me 3 tries. the sniper was harder.

>finally explore that stupid as fuck current area
>see a dive spot but keep missing it
>finally get into and see the weird room
>don't understand shit, think "lol what if I just used dig and Flygon dug out of here into the water" for fun
>mfw what happened next found this on /d/ for some reason, they have voice threads and someone requested it.

>going all the way through this level
>door at the end isn't even open because I lack an item
>decide to put the game away for a few days because I'm sick of that part and I already know the path
>it's been six months
I'm so lost now and I'll never finish the game. I don't want to run around in the darkness forever.

Yeah the puzzle to get the lizard blow was an absolute cunt. Done it only once without a guide. That said that was optional. The one you posted was not. Fuck resetting that shit 30 times. Seriously.


Trolled hard



>merely pretending



>"i-i was just p-pretending guyssss!'

>killed before i could loot presumably the only necromancer holding a skull lantern
>kick paladin leeroy off a cliff at the very end out of habit
>no sweet fucking gear




>3 white on field

you done goof'd

The game as skills and a level up system



I played this game over and over again as a child so I knew it was there, but I didn't know which blocks they were. I would always forget.


>only thing in this entire game of rng thats hard
>its a fucking jump
>with the only armor that doesnt slide down walls
>that has no powerups
>and arguably most useful death prevention
>and its a fucking jump that will stop you

im glad ive done it, but its not worth the effort

>i cant reverse aim

thats a nice team you have there. would be a shame if something cyclops'd them in 2 turns.

Nothing to be ashamed of. Tigger is pretty fucking hard.
