So, Switches have been available for several hours now on Japan's Amazon

So, Switches have been available for several hours now on Japan's Amazon

Seems like demand has already saturated, I'm afraid

Better luck next time, Nintendo friends

Other urls found in this thread:


If I'm buying one, I'm buying it on december when Mario comes out.

I wonder if it's just different stock numbers for different regions, I assumed the Japanese would eat up the next handheld from Nintendo.

Japan doesn't care about anything that doesn't have Fire Emblem on it.

>I assumed the Japanese would eat up the next handheld from Nintendo.
Like most of the world, Japan has moved on to smart phones for portable gaming. In fact, Japan is the world's largest smart phone gaming market (in terms of gross revenue)

It's only bad if you believed the people screaming that Nintendo was pulling fake demand shit again.

2 million in march. Countries have a definite number of units allocated. Reason why it's more expensive in some countries because they are only a few units allocated to them.

Some countries can't even fill their preorders. So it's really bad desu

>Japanese would eat up the next handheld from Nintendo
>next handheld

Nintendo has marketed the Switch since day one as a Home Console.

>cuts off the side where there's no longer any to order
>colored joycon unit already has scalper prices listed

Better luck next time, shit poster.

Pretty much on the same boat, the Switch has no games. But by December we will have some of them and the best Switch title.

>no preorders remain
>preorders remain
Theres no winning with neogaf is there?

>home console that you can take outside to play portable

I don't think it's that hard for someone to put together that it can be used as a handheld. Maybe knowing the battery is 2.5-6 hours turned everybody off.

>There are people this obsessed with making a point that they will browse Amazon Japan to see if a console they don't like is available or not

You got me to check the listing OP.

That is clearly a reseller selling at a higher price.

I have no idea what you're talking about, here's the link:

Plenty of people on nowinstock have been buying it because they ship internationally, and even still they're not selling out.

desu Nintendo fucking sucks at Supply and demand, and they have been know for pulling this shit for years.

>That is clearly a reseller selling at a higher price.

>Ships from and sold by

What now you fucking faggot?

This. Shitposters will find a way to twist any statement to fit their Nintendo bashing. Preorders capped? Artificial Scarcity. Preorders not capped? Nobody is even buying their consoles.

It's almost as if Nintendo is actually fucked and artificial scarcity can't even save them this time

I'm not buying a Switch anytime soon. The only game coming out is Breath of the DLC.

I can't believe people defend this shit company in such droves
It seems like the would have been laughed off the planet by now

It's almost as if Nintendo hasn't been doomed since the Gamecube.

A slow, torturous death but Nintendo has been doomed since the Wii U. Even Nintendrones admit it was a failure. And the Switch shows all the signs of being Wii U 2.0

You mean the N64.

I still chuckle at those old text board console wars, the console warriors were just as pathetic then as they are now.

You can be doomed without dying immediately

I'm going to die
You're going to die

It doesn't mean it's going to happen tomorrow. But we're both royally fucked.

relly makes u think

>t-this time for sure! Nintendo is finally done!

Japan loves apple so much it's not even funny.

>32378 Yen
Those are 3rd party sellers you dumb cunt

Not him, but the link you posted leads to no pre-orders, only scalers.

Yeah it finally went out of stock

it's not?

they sold out like minutes after people figured out they could order internationally.

>doesn't deny that the Wii U was a failure
>doesn't deny that Switch has several problems making the situation look Wii U-ish

Nintendo is done. Seriously.

Literally scalpers. Japanese price is 29,999 Yen.

Ah, well then, I suppose this thread is pointless now.

REEEEEE IT'S NINTENTANIC ALL OVER AGAIN clearly says ships from and sold by

Wait, people actually fell for that? Those were 3rd party sellers, scalpers.

Well, actually, it's probably worth it for international buyers because of the weakness of the Yen compared to USD, but..


>it finally went out of stock
Its been out of stock since Jan 21st.

>Nintendo is doomed for sure this time says increasingly autistic platform warrior for the seventh time this year

>So, Switches have been available for several hours now on Japan's Amazon.

That listing is for the joycons, and a scalper at that. Can you not read or something?

>seventh time
>Implying he doesn't spend all day on Sup Forums spamming these posts
prove you wrong.

I'm not buying shit until this thing gets more games. The last thing I need to do is shell out money so I can have a new dust collector.

Just wait until casuals realize how shitty the Switch is. "It can't do this?! It can't do that?!" Sales will plummet and Nintendo loses the casual/family market once and for all. Enjoy your Breath of the Wild DLC while you can, Nintendo is going under.

How many games did you buy for the PS4 on launch?

I don't have a PS4 though user.

Thought you referring to the OP's image. Didn't know it went out of stock on the page.

Carry on.

It was being sold for about two hours. Neon sold out fast, but gray was available much longer.

That's just telling you the color of the joycons it comes with.

>preorders remain
Only on Japan, that's the point.

literally dont care until they release smash

Don't have a reason to buy one at launch, gonna play Zelda on my Wii u
And I just want a switch for Mario

Nice try buddy.
Here, complete with timestamp, they are still out of stock in Japan.

>OP Posts links to japanese scalpers
>look there's still preorders


shouldnt you be shilling in horizon threads?

What can't it do, for example?

It's been going in and out of stock for the last 3 hours

Play Uncharted 4.

>Wanting a movie game on a Nintendo system
What are you, some kind of cuck?



It also can't play EDF although I really hope for EDF4.1 Portable on it.

Lol triggered nygger

Personally, I played Uncharted 4 that came with my PS4 and I was super unimpressed. Calling it a movie is a little hyperbolic, but not too far off.

Bullshit, it's been out of stock. The fact that you can't prove that it was out of stock before it went out stock means that it was more likely out of stock and OP was trying to start shit like a limp wristed, micro pecker, ball fondling, pasty mug, banana handling, lice picking, daisy boned weenie.

I can't prove it wasn't sold out before either, but it was because fuck you, this shit has more chances of being sold out than in stock. And that last part is a fact.

see: or check, they track this shit

You can't win when you do the same shit with every fucking product you put on the market over and over again.