Name one thing ONE FUCKING thing this series does unique to the open world FPS genre

Name one thing ONE FUCKING thing this series does unique to the open world FPS genre.

Finally reached it in my xmas sale backlog having bought all three, but I'm about 2 hrs into the first game and everything seems so bland and like I've seen it before.

Does this get better Sup Forums or should I just uninstall if I don't like it now? (Next on the agenda is Tales of Symphonia if you were wondering.)

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I personally didn't really like the first game, but I adored the third. Second isn't that great.

Largely, what they do well is atmosphere. If you want to make gameplay more enjoyable, switch it to the hardest difficulty. This isn't some elitist thing, it's a case of the game increasing damage for both you and the enemies at higher difficulties, making the game more fun, instead of everything being a bullet sponge.

But yeah, like I said, atmosphere. I know it's subjective, but it's still damn good. It's good a well detailed environment, interesting mechanics and ideas with the whole thing of anomalies and stuff (though it is based on the book), and an interesting story if you follow along with it.

It's also genuinely spooky without needing to rely on jumpscare scripted horror. There are some scripted sequences, sure, but they are as unscripted as can be while still being scripted, if that makes sense.

I'd honestly go straight to the third game, they really refined the mechnics by that point. I'd also suggest at least partially using a guide, since the game is still subject to some stupid bullshit like hard to find upgrade materials, but otherwise, it's solid as fuck.

It's just got good gameplay, good story, good music, good visuals, good sounds, good atmosphere, good modding capability (though I personally don't play mods), and is an all around solid package.

Third game is best when it comes to first playthroughs. First game is best when it comes to repeated playthroughs.

first and third game are fantastic. stick with it, OP. Game really picks up once you're out of garbage.

>there are people in COP who use assault rifles other than Streloks gun

It's like people enjoy actively avoiding the objectively best weapons

But it isn't fucking open world.

i bought it 10 years ago .. on a whim
the Box looked cool and i hadn't seen anything about it

i was Blown away

i still love the atmosphere

>there are people who like CoP
It's just so fucking boring. Zaton is the absolute worse starting area in any single video game.

>Not trying out all the guns to find your raifu


i agree with this comment
its the only one i didnt care to beat

In SOC, obokan is great, but it aint even in COP, Streloks reigns supreme there

>Having shit taste

Though if you want the best of SoC and CoP, get Call of Chernobyl. Adds every area in every game onto a connecting map, lets you be a member of any faction, and has a fuckton of weapons and addons.

how wrong can one user possibly be?

>Name one thing.

>game increasing damage for both you and the enemies at higher difficulties
This isn't true at all. You actually do slightly less damage at high difficulties.

inb4 somebody brings up the retarded hit probability myth.

F2000 > *

>it's a case of the game increasing damage for both you and the enemies at higher difficulties
This is bullshit because I tried it and used all my fucking ammo on one guy at like 10 yards.

my raifu is the G36. just set it to burst fire and generally everyone dies when you point just below their neck.

>Less damage
>can't even equip a scilencer
>lower fire rate

yeah nah, fuck off

F2000 has
>no recoil
>integral grenade launcher so low weight
>wallhax scope

And it has the fastest fire rate upgraded and headshots are always lethal anyway.

Belgian fishgun is supreme.

I love the random occurrences that happen late in SoC, like finding different factions passing through some campfires or random mutant attacks. Maybe you help and "befriend" a few NPC's, trade with them, then later see them fighting something and try to keep your pals alive. I added mods to the game and just kept playing the end areas, hoarding ammo and good guns for fun, doing side missions from NPC's etc.

>one of the first upgrades to streloks guns reduces the weigh by 1.3kg
>another one of the very first upgrades gives it a 40 bullet magazine size
>the F2000 needs to waste an upgrade slot just to be able to adjust sights, while streloks gun doesn't have to and can equip whatever and free up an upgrade slot

It's still heavier with a grenade launcher and doesn't have wallhax scope.

Best of all you can get the F2000 way earlier.

It's only heavier if you let it be, but that's the good thing about it. You can choose exactly what you want on it.

For example, if I don't even want a scope, I don't need it, and I can just use the gun normally. If I don't need a Grenade Launcher, I just don't take it.

Being forced into having a scope and grenade launcher at all times, as well as needing to carry the extra weight isn't a good trade off IMO compared to having a gun that's slightly heavier with the grenade launcher but that can take it all off and be fairly lighter comparatively.

Plus, as I said, bigger clip size, more damage, more options in general.

>Bigger clip size

0/10 go play Halo

BTW, when I say normally, I mean using iron sights instead of a scope, which is totally a better option at times.

My apologies, doesn't invalidate my point though.

inb4 modfags come in to try and save face and tell you that you are definitely playing the game wrong and they are unable to accept the fact that some of SoC is boring

I don't really get that. There isn't a time where I wouldn't want a good optic or a grenade launcher, and if I had to lug them around on the off-chance that I needed one, that'd be inconvenient and add extra weight.

Also it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure that the F2000 also has a magazine upgrade - all of the NATO rifles do.

SG 550 never has the wallhack scope as an option and that's the most critical one. Damage is irrelevant because they're all pinpoint accurate and the F2000 has less recoil.

Difference of playstyle then I guess. I find lots of times when I wouldn't want to be forced into using a scope and would be much more effective with ironsights.

A grenade launcher can be nice to have at times, but once you've played the game once, you can remember the missions where it's actually important at all, but most missions don't need it. Or at least, I barely used it. Only a few missions had good opportunities.

As for "lugging it around", I'm only saying to take this stuff when you know you'll need it, once again, this is more about further playthroughs.

Sadly, the F2000 does NOT have a magazine upgrade. So yeah, it's 40 higher damage bullets vs 30 lower damage ones.

As for the wallhack scope option, it's good for sure, but everything else outpowers it for me.

I wouldn't say damage is irrelevant, nor is accuracy. Recoil however, I totally think is irrelevant as I've never had issues with it before (it's always lowest on my priorities list) but I have had issues taking shit down fast enough, which the SGI-5k excels at.

The best parts of the game are linear dungeons usually called "Labs", try to get at least to the first one.

Link to prove this guy true, in case anyone still has doubts:

>that part about automatic fire doing less damage
Gets me every time.

F2000 is boatgun my senpai dude.

Am i the only one who didn't care that much about rifles and only used Shotguns?

Chaser 13 all day erryday

i think the most important thing to point out is that this was before fallout 3, by a tiny studio on toasters. its not really better or more amazing, even tho i loved the shit out of it, but thats what always comes to mind. both games suck but one has fantastic potential

The predator was the best shotgun

get gud

>open world fps genre

like far cry? well for one it doesn't suck

well durr but it's only on CoP

Fair point

>it doesn't suck

>open world

all the maps are tiny af

Far Cry 2 would have been such a good coop game

The link doesn't work

works for me man

Vodka mechanics

It just takes me to the index and everything is in french

Nothing, its fanbase are full of insufferable idiots who single handedly invented the "muh atmosphere" meme to justify the lack of objective things this shitty game does well.

It's complete garbage without a plethora of mods (that WILL crash your PC). It's literal Bethesda tier.

it's actually good?
Also, 2h is barely scratching the surface in STALKER. I could spend that much in the rookie village alone, no problems.

SoC really starts after you reach the 100rad Bar, but you get a good appetizer of things to come a bit earlier, in Aprogrom.
