Tales of Bersera

Will you play Sorey and Velvet's new game in Berseria 2?

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>Will you play new game in new game?
What did he mean by this?


I'll never understand why people think it'll get another game.
Berseria was made to correct the mistakes of Zestiria, like how Xillia 2 was made to correct Xillia 1's mistakes.

The next Tales game will be a new universe, get over it and look forward to a completely new cast.

Yea, I'll play Velvet's new game.

Post a composer you want for the next Bestria or mothership game.

If I plan on playing Zesteria in the future anyway, should I do it first or Beseria?

Also the equipment system is fucking awful.

Zestiria first, so you can get it out of the way and move on to greener pastures.
To make the journey easier, doll up everyone in the most ridiculous attachments you can to make a joke out of the plot.

>I'll never understand why people think it'll get another game.
>Berseria was made to correct the mistakes of Zestiria
Berseria was planned from the start user.

Playing Zesty first is the best way to do it, there are a couple really cool moments in Berseria that are reliant on you having played Zestiria beforehand. Plus you'll be moving from bad to good, if you play it the other way around you probably won't end up finishing Zesty.

>No Innocence R or Vesperia PS3 western release
>No Hearts, Heats R, Xillia 1/2 on PS4 PSN

So with these VA's at the Tales of Festival and the images baiting a sequel, don't the signs point to a Berseria/Zestiria sequel?

QUICK! Who's your favorite Tales of character?

Zestiria first.

I really, REALLY want a re-release of Hearts R. I don't care if it's PS4 or Steam, I just want it.

More people need to play the best Tales game.

Lloyd "The Ol' Hot or Cold™" Irving

>80 dildoes worth of DLC
thank you based CPY


I don't know does this cast seem as though they're hinting at anything?


The Z man

Wishful thinking.

David Lee Roth

Just realized enda and eizen wear the same boots

It was mentioned in the game that Edna's boots are from Eizen.

Zelos, Klaus, Regal, Luke, Velvet, Magilou, Raine, Repede, Spada, Ricardo

And gloves.

Edna explicitly states that Eizen gave them to her.

Mikelo, Sorey, Phi, and Velvet has to indicate something. They're all characters who are definitely alive at the ends of their stories

These pics have no text on them.

muh jigga

Hisui Haatsu
Or Hisui Hearts
I sint picky

>tfw Lailah is dead, and I'm not even talking about the game

It kind of feels like that Berseria takes a lot of cues from Nier and it works

>Protagonist not caring much about what happens to the world, just wants to meet their goals
>The flipside to Zesteria where you can see that daemons/helions have feelings too
>Pretty dark storyline for a tales game
>Keep in mind that Japanese Nier is brother nier but themes of sibling love
>Berseria's/Zesteria's world hints at being more technologically advanced in the past. Nier's past is also more technologically advanced

Not saying it's a complete rip off but still.

>not David Bowie


>VA for Lailah is dead
And nothing of value was lost

Careful with that edge, kid.


>almost a month after the game's release, we get the pirate costumes

You guys bought it right?





Nice get


>don't care about someone on the other side of the world dying

This is normal behavior.


pirate like you should die

Holy fuck I just pirated the game and I almost don't feel like continuing any further because I don't want Velvet to lose her smile and optimism. The Velvet at the start is wife material.

She wanted to get married so much.
This woman was lovely ray of positive sunshine, and even despite being sick, she still worked hard on her roles.

Different editions

So? You didn't even know her.

You failed her user.
You should have married her but you didn't.
It's all your fault she died with a broken heart.

Oh well.

You don't have to know someone to feel sad about loss of life, especially if the person wasn't a fucked up criminal.

She was literally on the other side of the planet and had zero impact on your daily life.

At least three people died during this exchange. Are you sad about them? No. Stop pretending.

You seem to care a lot about some random user felling bummed that she died. I'm not even him.

I loved her voice. She sparked each character into life, making playing games or watching anime more enjoyable.
You're too young to realize how much of a loss it is.

It's fine if you're sad about her death. No one cares. But getting upset that other people don't give a shit (especially when it's completely normal) is retarded. You're like a 12 year old girl or one of those retards that kills themselves over an anime character's death.

Will they fuck?

Sorey is a huge fag so of course not.

A loss is loss, I can be sad that I won't hear her in new season/games.
But it doesn't mean I should step back when some kid is disrespectful toward dead woman.
user should know to not bait like that.

>white knighting a dead gook

Glad to see you're always aiming for a new low.

Go to bed, you have classes at morning.

No I don't.

What a clown.

So since it just got cracked by CPY, I thought I'd check this game out. Generic garbage button spammy weebshit with a generic as fuck female protagonist named "Velvet Crowe." (lol nice name)

How retarded, and how plebby does your taste have to be to waste time on garbage like this past 16?

You couldn't pay me to play this shit.

The fact you're still discussing instead of ignoring that post shows otherwise.
I hope you finished your homework, and now go to sleep kiddo.

>You couldn't pay me to play this shit.

Yeah we could.

I will if there is no Rose, otherwise the game will be about how wonderful and funny Rose is.

>You couldn't pay me to play this shit.

You really wouldn't want to be paid to sit on your ass and play video games? Even if it's boring, it's still easy as shit.

I've bought Tales of Berseria on Steam and I was wondering if it's possible to download the DLC somewhere else and apply it to the Steam version of the game, or does Steam have some kinda security measure that prevents you from doing that?

>Velvet Crowe

Berubetto Kurau
Velvet Devourer

Nice played

>hold a red pen
>"Hey that pen is blue"
>no it's not
>"HA because you deny that it's blue that makes it blue"

So eager to bump your thread about a game no one cares about? I was happy to help for a little bit, but it looks like you're already working hard at bait replies.

Check this thread, someone already posted link to all DLC.
It's steam safe

>Eizen joins up
>dude is voiced by motherfucking Sephiroth
>grim reaper motif
>still somehow gives Edna vibes
>is a bro

Is he just the best designed character ever?

Rose is dead by the end of Zestiria

Any future Tales games won't have her. Velvet, Mikleo, Edna, Sorey, Zaveid, and Phi are the only ones confirmed alive

>Oscar has Sorey's MA
>Oscar and Teresa say they'll reincarnate

Is Sorey the reincarnation of Oscar?

Noriyuki Iwadare would be incredible. He knows how to write catchy songs that fit in a cheesy JRPG series like Tales. Lunar, Grandia, Langrisser, Ace Attorney, Radiata Stories, etc.

Sakuraba.. Just the final dungeon theme or something.

God damn finally got the platinum. Level 2 title trophy was the worst.

From character artbook.

Eizen's clothes are resembling wedding suit, to match Edna's wedding dress.

If you rearrange the letters of "Oscar" you get "racecar".

What is wrong with this old woman?

>to match Edna's wedding dress

The brides in this world dress like whores?

Like every other woman in the group she wants shota to munch on her carpet.

That dress is cute. Besides, Eizen picks Edna's clothes.

Armatus clothing is also wedding clothes, as the pact between Seraph and Shepherd is a marriage.
As retarded as it sounds, that's what it is.


She's canonical wife material. Confirmed by the ingame characters.

It's cute, yes. But it still makes her look like a lady of loose morals.

Berseria is so much better than Zest it's insane.

They dropped that one producer or writer or something right? Is that why


they dropped kuzu?

>finally get a comfy JRPG with homos as the MC and friend
>it's a terrible game even by JRPG standards

why's it gotta' be like this

She gets even more waifu in 2nd part of the game, and is full time mom in post game.

>White Tutlez turning into Dark Turtlez cause of Velvet making him go into debt
>Playing out the Ludger vs Victor scene

That had me amused the whole time

why is the equipment system in Zestiria so shit?

Totally random + grind

RNG reliant. Berseria is better since you can permanently learn the skills off equipment and enhance them, but I did not like how your inventory becomes such a clusterfuck.

So we have Sorey, Mikleo, Velvet, and Phi. Does that mean we're getting another game with them?

Though this does mean one thing though: Eizen is deader than dead if they don't plan on bringing back. Edna seems to be gone too.

Man, Phi manning the fuck up is such a good scene. And just a tad weird when you realize it's basically him confessing his love for what's essentially his aunt. Good on the little fucker, though.