Find a single flaw

Find a single flaw.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

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Mission 2 and 4 are slightly weaker than the others


Final boss was underwhelming

That list was too fucking long.

>that shitty edited cover art where the fist and forearm aren't going directly through the dudes mouth


There is not a God Hand 2.

>voice acting

Oh shit, you said one, my bad.

t shitter

There might be though.

>bad writing
looks like someone isn't Alexander

>anime website
>video game news

Would you prefer this?

Beating the game a single time gives you access to tons of overpowered moves.

It might be stupid, but when a game gives me lots of overpowered stuff, to me that's a sign that the game wants me to use it, and if I don't use everything I can to my advantage, that seems like I'm just introducing fake difficulty to the game.

Any game that gives me OP stuff just gets dropped as a result.

Soft lock on is terrible, far too many exploits, NG+ mode is really lacking, the way the controls are mapped on the gamepad is pretty awkward.

Oh also the random drop system is utter garbage all around

It has flaws but pretty much all of them are insignificant.

This is probably the worst of them for me.


it doesnt emulate well

Easily solved by starting fresh.

It does emulate well, enable speedhacks fag

Health isn't refilled between levels. Led to a lot of me purposely dying at the beginning of level to start it with full health.

It's not even as good as Imagine Party Babyz.

emulates pretty well for me. word of advice: run the ntsc-u version instead of PAL, for some reason the PAL runs slow as shit even with a great setup.

It's old and looks like ass.

Why should it be refilled between levels?

Thats not a problem it just makes no death runs more challenging. The big problem that restoring health is a gamble since the item drops are mostly random.

No sequel.

I agree that health drops being random is the main flaw of the game. It was sometimes so bad that I on purpose had gold saved for health upgrades so I could fill my hp between levels.

tank controls

Not a flaw, in fact it's a big reason why the game has intense challenging crowd control

>not using god dick to fuck your enemies

official meme game of Sup Forums, literally one of the few times an IGN review was actually correct.

inb4 troll shit

You have never played it.

Belze is kind of a boring bossfight and his basic combo hitboxes can bug out and ignore your iframes.

> flaw
> it's not a flaw because it leads to bad camera and poor visibility, and it's good

I finished it and it's nowhere near as great as Sup Forums makes it out to be.

On what difficulty?

Kamiya was involved

You're intentionally not able to see behind you. It's by design that enemies will punish you if you let them gang up on you and strike from behind. It is not a 'flaw' that the game plays differently from other games since the devs are clearly conscious of it. In the context of how the game works, the camera is flawless. You don't have to like it.

It's not a flaw because it leads to more engaging, challenging gameplay. Why do all games have to allow you to see what's happening behind you at all times?

3/10 difficulty is too hard.


too many exploitable moves

And enemies are still less likely to attack you from behind, at least at lower levels. They absolutely put thought into it.

>You're intentionally not able to see behind you
>It's by design
>camera is flawless

You also can't see behind you in FPS games especially ones with a set turn speed, is the camera flawed there too? This is a really dumb argument because it assumes that you should always be able to see everything happening around you for no good reason what so ever.

Muh genre conventions. He wants to be coddled.

> expecting to see everything happening around is dumb

What exactly is your problem with that statement?

Of course it's dumb, the game's deliberately making you vulnerable by limiting your vision. You have to compensate for that, and it's built around that idea. Seeing everything around you would remove all of that and make the game far more mindless which is what you want I guess.

>the game's deliberately limits your vision
>it's built around that idea
no it's not because presence of radar is a smoking gun admission of them realising their mistake

game even fucks up sound cues which are supposed to help with off screen

so no, it was NOT built around that flaw at all

> seeing what is going around me will make the game far more mindless
wishful conjecture

It's not built around that idea because it has a feature that removes the issues that come from limiting player vision? The fuck are you talking about? It also has a lot of crutches for new players like less aggressive AI on lower levels. Also it's not conjecture it's very obvious to anyone who has played the game before. An enemy whose attack you can see is significantly less threatening than an enemy whose attack you can't see. Having a blind spot in the back forces you to keep all enemies on screen which in turn forces decent crowd control.

> feature that "removes" the issues that come from limiting player vision
> built around limiting player vision
pick one

game design is game design, I wish we still had games that took the entire artifice into account, instead of todays games that all play the same because a certain style of gameplay has been normalized across all genres.

It's both, it gives you just enough awareness to not be completely blindsided while not enough to make you feel comfortable with having your back exposed to your enemy. Have you even played the game?

no sequel


The last boss sucked, esp so since the second last boss was so fucking good.

The optional really hard bosses had to be accessed through a menu and weren't a choice fight slightly off the beaten path that unlocks a new move or costume or something. I love extra content for really dedicated players but they should have their own levels, or be put on other levels so you can come back to fight them later.

but what if you're an ass man?

What will Godhand 2 be like? If gene has both godhands will we be fighting demons from now on ?

Also post yfw team up with Elvis in a samurai jack and the Scotsman fashion

He will lose the other god hand.


That will be olivia.

Except all the radar does is tell you somebody is behind you. If the radar "removes" the issues that come from limiting the player's vision, why are you complaining about not being able to see behind you? The radar fixes it, right? But wait, actually, it doesn't, which is why you're complaining. You can't tell what enemies are doing when they're behind you, dumb ass, just like how in general you can tell when somebody is behind you in real life but it doesn't mean you're aware of everything they're doing. The point is that you need to keep your enemies in front of you if you want to be able to take them on properly and not get beat into the dirt. You also failed to comment on the comparison to a first-person camera, where you can't see behind you at all. Is first-person bad design? There's an awful lot around you you can't see.

>God Hand

>As a roleplaying game
Does he mean roleplaying game or just being able to customize gene's moveset?

The graphics are kinda shit.

This game would be awesome in a faithful HD remake.

The Godtits

Tank controls

>it's bad on purpose!

t.didn't git gud

God Hand is a third person game you mental gymnastic neo-Sup Forums cuck. Not a first person game, if it was first person, then you could be that big of a flaming apologist for it.

This game is a fucking pile of mediocre shit. I bought it on release (yeah, that's right) and I emulated it again a few months ago on PCSX2 because you retards convinced me to waste my bandwidth downloading an ISO, not finishing this garbage twice. Overrated trash that babbies praise because it's le hidden gem.

It's Double Dragon's retarded 3D cousin, they should stamp that on the cover art. To be good, all it had to do was fix the controls only someone with an extra hand growing out of their neckbeard could find "good", along with not being a repetitive snoozefest. Characters had charm, nothing else did.


Argument automatically disregarded you dumb memer

I added it in for extra (You) potential, thanks cutie, here's a frog just for you. Now don't let me see you talking about this game ever again.

I honestly love the voice acting in the game.


Who the fuck was alexander anyway?

50/50 split


>>voice acting

What did he mean by these.


this is cheating, he's doing most of the combat while demon is active, when normal enemies don't charge at you