Cutest Zelda yet and Link

>cutest Zelda yet and Link
>actually seems fairly challenging
>open world done right for once
>basically a Ghibli movie in game form
>love and craftsmanship poured into every inch

Why won't Sup Forums just accept that this is already GOTY?

Other urls found in this thread:

>don't care about cute characters
>not as challenging as my GOTY
>open world can never be done right
>sandbox cant either
>ghibli is overrated
>if it had love put into it, there wouldn't be a single ounce of DLC, and they would've been talented enough to put it into the game before release, instead of being lazy


My nitpicks for your post. (As in I don't care about the overall point but you're wrong about some things)

>sandbox can't either

Every good 3D platformer.

>DLC bit

Talent and passion aren't one in the same.

It's still pretty early in the year. Probs gonna love Zelda but don't want to call it this early

do you see the HZD streamin yesterday? That gamd is gonna be the GOTY

>Talent and passion aren't one in the same.
To me they are. You don't have talent unless you have a passion for it.

>needs to have multiple threads up reassuring people that it will be good

Nintenbabbies are getting desperate

>basically a Ghibli movie in game form
literally just sold the game to me thanks op

what the fuck are you talking about

Just like all those threads that keep popping up reaffirming that zero dawn will be the zelda killer

Talent means nothing if you don't enjoy your work. That's where passion comes in.

It is entirely possible to be good at something and not give a shit about it.

It is entirely possible to really care about something passionately and still suck dick at it.

One does not lead to the other and one is certainly not necessary for the other.

You can argue that that you don't have talent unless you have passion for it, but you can definitely have passion without talent. Sad truth of life, especially since some people may always be better than you no matter how hard you work. It's also pretty much how ideas guys happen.

>Talent means nothing if you don't enjoy your work.
Raw skill has nothing to do with desire.


Oh look, she's Hindu now.

I'm not saying one can survive without the other. I'm saying both are necessary for your product to not be hot garbage. Should I believe that a company put "love" and "attention" into a game when they have no passion? They did everything for the sake of dollar signs, nothing more.

It's a fucking business, not a charity drive. But even then, just because you're trying to turn a profit doesn't mean you don't put your all into delivering something of high quality. The fact that you think it has to be one or the other is really disturbing.

You can take pride and care in your work without having passion, you can also get your passion from other places than work and then be able to dedicate yourself to the work.

>seems fairly challenging
you can literally fly in the air and use slow motion

I was disputing the inverse. That the team put love and attention into the game but didn't have the talent or experience with the engine to include the DLC from the start. That being said I do think the content, aside from Hard Mode (wtf), will be clear DLC material instead of things they didn't have time for in the vanilla game though. Only time will tell however.

why does zeldy look like a youtoob video filmed with a potato? Is that ghibli style? humour me because i'm not an anime nerd.

>It's a fucking business, not a charity drive
>but they don't care about profit, they just want to make a good game

Pick one.

>You can take pride and care in your work without having passion,
No, you can't. That is the very definition of passion.

Open your other eye, automaton. They have shareholders. Profit comes before quality at dear old ninty.

Where did I ever say they don't care about profit? I'm saying they care about profit and also about making a good game. It's not a "pick one" scenario, stop being a chimp.

>That the team put love and attention into the game but didn't have the talent or experience with the engine to include the DLC from the start
then they're idiots. They shouldn't have made the DLC period, and infact shouldn't even be touching it until the game comes out and it doesn't have major issues. No less than 3 Nintendo games have released so broken that they needed day 1 patches just to function, so I refuse to believe that any of these ninten-numbskulls have any passion or talent, when they have the programming aptitude of an indie dev, with none of the clever uses of limitations.

>No, you can't. That is the very definition of passion.
Passion, noun, a strong and barely controllable emotion.

You can take pride, noun, a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Without passion.

>cutest Zelda
You're already wrong, you ugly bastard.

>It's a fucking business, not a charity drive.

Right so we're on the same page, bud

gotta get dem shekels even if it means the fanboys paying for their ineptitude.

b-b-but it's all about muh quality at nintendo.

>Empty world
>Ubisoft towers
>Only 4 dungeons
>No enemy variety
>Weapon durability
>Day one DLC
>Hard mode locked behind a $20 pay wall
>Paid in-game advertising
>One dungeon and the cave of trials was cut out so they could sell it at a later date

This is guaranteed to be the next big gaming blunder.

>ugliest Zelda yet, don't care about moeblobs
>Zelda ever being challenging
>open world is rarely done right
>neither is sandbox
>doubt it'll be that good
>Zelda's face

>actually seems fairly challenging

No it doesn't. It wouldn't even look challenging if literally every enemy killed you in one hot.

The enemies telegraph their attacks so slowly that if you get hit by them you should quit playing video games because clearly your reflexes are completely shot.

>basically a Ghibli movie in game form

We already did this.


And it was terrible

Not OP. But I think you'll die from environmental hazards, getting overrun since enemies don't wait their turn anymore, and being worn down more than individual 1v1 fights. Enemies do more damage than any other 3D Zelda and you won't be able to hang around some grass and play lawn mower since there aren't any recovery hearts. If you aren't equipped for the weather, worst case you only have metal armor during a lightning storm, or didn't cook enough when you had the chance you'll be put into situations where you have huge handicaps and will lose the war of attrition.

>actually seems fairly challenging
>open world done right for once
>love and craftsmanship poured into every inch

How about wait for release before making sweeping claims with zero substance behind them?

Trying to imply that they care about the game and they put "love" into it is pretty pretentious, and implies that they don't care about making money.

>You can take pride, noun, a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Without passion.
Not my definition. I don't acknowledge that.

>ghibli is overrated
you almost had me baited
+ DLC ≠ laziness

>MM, one of the best Zelda games, only has 4 dungeons. And this one has more content in the form of shrines
>tons of enemy variety, but because the starting area has only a couple I will shitpost
>objectively shitty
>no QTE's
>No day one DLC
>"New" hard mode locked behind DLC, while game itself has natural hardmode integrated
>One dungeon was not going to be finished by the time the game launched and was going to be cut, until they decided to add it in later after positive fan reception online to the possibility of DLC
>False shitpost

This is guaranteed to be the next big shitposting blunder

>Not my definition. I don't acknowledge that.
Oh, shit, are we using personal definitions for words now? Well then don't bring up the concept of definitions if you're going to use imaginary ones.

Did that guy just blatantly wait and zoom in, letting the enemy hit him? holy crap, the game looks even more casual now.

As opposed to "it's Ghibli because Nintendo"?

>enemies do more damage than any other 3D Zelda

And Link can potentially have at least 30 heart containers, maybe 45 or 60. The rows of Heart Containers are now 15 across instead of 10, and although we've only seen 2 rows the HUD layout looks to for 3-4 rows rather than the usual 2.

You can easily craft food which will give you several temporary hearts so as long as you have a few of those you'll be totally fine.

The reason I don't acknowledge it is that you're splitting hairs. Passion, pride, whatever you call it. If you don't love what you do, I don't want your product.I only want work from people who enjoy it so much, they'd willingly give it away for free. everything else is corporate board room approved garbage.

>MM, one of the best Zelda games, only has 4 dungeons

And that was one of the biggest downsides of it.


I realize this is bait but
>empty world
120 shrines, enemy camps, dungeons, towns, etc.
>ubisoft towers
alright I'll give you that one
>Only 4 dungeons
we don't know that yet.
>No enemy variety
>Weapon durability
how is this a bad thing? you might have to use a different weapon than you're used to eventually?
gonna need a source on this
>Day one DLC
>One dungeon and the cave of trials was cut out so they could sell it at a later date
they obviously aren't done with any of this shit if it's coming out during the summer and the holidays.
>Hard mode locked behind a 20$ pay wall
I'll give you this one too, that's bullshit.
>Paid in-game advertising
advertising for a system you already own.
this isn't really a big problem to me but I can see why it is for others.

overall 7/10 good bait you got a long reply.

>mfw I now realise nintendo will die in my lifetime

Everything but one man passion projects will have a multitude of people working on it that have little to no passion in the product.

Stop buying anything made by a company now if you feel so strongly about it.

>advertising for a system you already own

Doesn't that render the whole thing pointless?

And yet it managed to be at the top of most lists. Point being having a low dungeon count doesn't mean the game will be bad. And again, there's far more dungeon-like content in the game thanks to the shrines, but it's been evenly distributed over the world to prevent things from being empty.

If every shrine in the game was only a single room/puzzle, there would STILL be more dungeon rooms/puzzles in this game than Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask COMBINED. People bitching about there being only 4 dungeons have autism

Might as well boycott all the food ever made because of all the people involved making it. Or all the products ever made in general due to everyone who helped make it.

Or ignore the fact that everything is a team effort. The Pyramids were not made by one person.

>When BotW lookin fun as fuck, but you ain't gonna shell out $300 for gimmick hardware

That's kind of what I'm getting at. It's not really advertising as it was just an out of place shirt.

(and so on)

12 years on Sup Forums and this is one of the most retarded arguments I've seen on this website which seems to exist solely to facilitate retarded arguments.

Good job, you're both retards.

Came here to post this. I ain't shilling out extra money for a console that has one game.


Too bad her voice ruins everything

>Stop buying anything made by a company now if you feel so strongly about it.
I actually have stopped supporting anything AAA. And I've not missed a single good game since 2010.

>Might as well boycott all the food ever made
>not growing your own food

>when they have the programming aptitude of an indie dev, with none of the clever uses of limitations.

Not Nintendo exclusive sadly. That's because they're japs and japs are ten years behind the rest of the industry since the early 2000s. Sup Forums sucks off weeb games but no sane programmer would ever want to work with the Fox engine for instance.

>no games made with Western tech and Jap mechanics/story/design/ideas

Truly suffering.

>I actually have stopped supporting anything AAA. And I've not missed a single good game since 2010.

So cool. I bet you wear video game clothes ironically too.

Well, do you listen to other audio in a different language? Do you speak and understand that language you prefer to listen to?

Just buy a used Wii U and hack it.

And just what is that supposed to mean?

and I'm sure a dictatorship can never be done right either, because you were never part of one? eat your own feces mr.

You're a hipster who thinks he can infer passion from PR, even the little shitty indie games you buy are fuelled by passionless code monkeys trying to get paid.

>and I'm sure a dictatorship can never be done right either, because you were never part of one?
Or because history shows that dictators become mad with power and eventually abuse their own people?

Because logical pattern recognition isn't a thing?

>even the little shitty indie games you buy are fuelled by passionless code monkeys trying to get paid.
Wrong again~

You didn't buy AM2R, you dumb hipster.

why do you make these claims when you haven't played the game yet? same goes to the shitposters who have an opinion about an unreleased game. wait until it's out, play it, and then you can have these shitpost threads you so crave

Why does noone mention that slowmo uses stamina? Meaning that if you use slowmo to do one or two well aimed shots you then won't be able to do anything else immediately afterwards.

I never said "buy" in my posts, at least in your contest. I said I enjoy indie games, some of which are extremely cheap and have mountains of FREE DLC.

You literally quoted me saying "little shitty indie games your buy" because you said you don't support AAA games.

So how did you "support" AM2R? You retard.

>So how did you "support" AM2R? You retard.
I supported the devs emotionally. who says money has to exchange hands?

>all indie games are shitty

Well, aren't you biased? When you claim that I'm biased. how funny.

>basically a Ghibli movie in game form
ni no kuni 3?

delete this

>Game has been in development for 5 years and had over 300 people make content for each part of a giant world
>They decide they can keep working on it after release

Never said I wasn't biased, you're the one who said you don't support anything that's made without passion, most of those indie games you like are made to make money, not because of passion.

Keep deluding yourself into thinking your hipster choices are organic and free range, and not factory produced like most other games.

Passion projects are few and far between.

>I supported the devs emotionally.
Made me laugh, good job.

ugh are there really only 4 dungeons? that's depressing.


I mean Skyward Sword was shit, so what chance does Breath of the Wild have.

probably not

botw already looks miles better than that skyward trash

Everything they do is profitable.

>Keep deluding yourself into thinking your hipster choices are organic and free range, and not factory produced like most other games.


>devs have never worked on games for free and made free DLC for them

I swear, the kids on this board get younger every day.

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were good so I'm hoping SS was a misstep

I have been boycotting the pyramids my whole life. Monuments to slavery, tear them down Egypt!

>>basically a Ghibli movie in game form
But when will we get Keit-Ai in game form?

So you've played two games, Dwarf Fortress, and AM2R since 2010? Why even visit Sup Forums?

>working on games for 15 years with no monetary compensation is a reliable business model and companies should do it
Glad that you're not in charge of anything.

I support AM2R by seeding the torrent.

>open world done right for once

You nintendo babies are going to eat those words. It's going to be glorious.

why would a copypasta get a game

I'll gladly eat them if they're wrong. What will YOU do if we're right? Shill harder for HZD? Or will you finally collapse and admit your wrongdoings by buying a Switch and enjoying Zelda with the rest of us?

Video games shouldn't just be about getting as much money as possible. At least unless you're willing to admit that Nintendo isn't some golden goose who cares about vidya. Because they're not.

I've also played Shovel Knight, FTL, Terraria, and many others. Alot of good games when the devs aren't greedy.

It got a movie.

>A lot of the fans that played Skyward Sword said that they were really bummed out that they couldn’t find the hidden element of the game. A lot of the users, when they looked at the map, they said, ‘OK, there’s these places I can go, but how come I can’t go over here?
And thus "See that mountain? You can go there." was born.

>"Fans that enjoyed the motion controls in Skyward Sword may actually be a little bit disappointed playing this game."
Just make SSHD, the Joy-cons still have motion controls anyway.

>love and craftsmanship poured into every inch

why make this assumption?