You fucks lied to me

you fucks lied to me
you assholes said this thing was the best, "technologically superior" my ass
I just went to best buy and tried their occulus demo and it blows 90% of this things games out of the water there is honestly nothing that even comes close on steam to the quality of that little climbing demo and the wizard game i played (no idea what they are called) and the occulus controllers....
holy shit what retard decided to make the vive controllers like they are instead of doing what occulus did and make them like a cut in half xbox controller? it is way more comfortable same with the headset too and it looks like it has a higher resolution screen i bet the thumbsticks are better in onward too

what the fuck i bought this $800 vive only to find out that its not even as good???? yes i mad. last time i listen to fucking Sup Forums for advice.

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Nobody told you that.

bullshit, all i read on here and other sites is "just get vive its technically superior anyway" and "backed by valve" and "valve will invest in games"
look at pic related. robinson. theres nothing even remotely that high quality on vive...
it looks like occulus are the ones with all the games and not steam. what the fuck

>this is a screenshot from an occulus game
how is this even possible what the hell

That's concept art, not a game

that one is but see and pic related.. they are fucking screenshots

ugly graphics

yeah because pic related is the best looking game ever right? (its the most popular non-free game) its buggy as hell and looks crap while also running like it too.. ive been ripped of by these taiwanese shills now what do i fucking do? sell it for a loss? this fucking sucks i should never have tried that best buy demo because i can not even pick up my vive without thinking about the occulus now

Tell me more about the controllers. My uni has a Vive, but we only have the Rift's headset so we're stuck using the Vive for all our VR games.

VR is literally only good for porn - fucking fight me

they are like literally half ths size, they sit in your hand and like balance on your finger, you can open your hand completely and they dont go anywhere they are lighter too
and the way i see it they are probably way better in lots of games because they have ABXY buttons and a joystick on each side plus you dont use the trigger to pick stuff up and grab things like with vive games it uses a side grip thing under your middle finger which is basically a second trigger
the coolest bit is how it knows where your fingers are and if they are pointing or thumbs up etc
i found a comparison pic that shows it

Valve's coming out with 3 fully-fledged games, with at least one of them releasing before the end of the year, as well as new controllers that beat out the Oculus Touch.

If you really want the Oculus games, just download ReVive.

>oculus game
>oculus game
>oculus game

I don't think that term means what you think it means. These are all PC games, there's no "Oculus graphics vs Vive graphics", they're both limited to the graphical capabilities of the computers running them.

The real problem is Valve opening the floodgates and allowing any "indie developer" to release their bought-asset Unity """"games""" onto Steam, while the Oculus store only has AAA titles on it.

it is, but not only
yay more shit to buy, how are they better though? ive seen them but they look like copies anyway and still have the stupid touchpad
and all the vive games can be played on the occulus so if those games ever come out you dont need a vive for them anyway...
like seriously how fucked up is it that occulus owners have a better experience playing vive games than vive owners??

>The real problem is Valve opening the floodgates and allowing any "indie developer" to release their bought-asset Unity """"games""" onto Steam
this is a big problem, but i dont see how it prevents good games from being made though the oculus store has early access too though.. and some 'gallery' thing which just seems like anything goes
probably good because according to the top 3 most played vive games today are all from bcinteractive which is scammers which is pretty sad

>better experience
The rift requires 3 cameras, each plugged into a USB port and situated in 3 corners of a room, as well as extension cords for the headset itself, to provide an equal experience to the Vive.

Also, you'll have 3 cameras in your room that have a constant connection to Facebook.

and? spend a few dollars on some usb extensions? i still have to plug lighthouse in you know? it just goes in a power socket instead of a USB port so that doesnt mean shit and none of that fixes the other stuff its better at anyway
dont give a fuck about facebook either. they are on everyones phone anyway. i would be more worried about google than facebook showing me some ads based on what i jack off to
i dont see how a few extension cables is a dealbreaker here... and besides none of that matters in vr where the experience actually is

Robinson is also on Steam, and suprise suprise, the game is only 2 hours long for 40 dollars.

Honestly it sounds like you bought into VR way too early, and you probably wouldn't be happy with an Oculus purchase either. The first "full-fledged" game that's going to be released for PC VR is Fallout 4 some time in the summer, and that's still a port. You should have waited like 2-3 years.

its still WAY higher quality than anything else (why are more people not using cryengine??) they have other games like the wizard fighting one (which is fun as fuck) and the climbing one which is like climbey except not for retards with ADD and besides all that, even if the games were 100% identical, the hardware itself is just straight up better and here i am like a fucking pleb with this vive i blew 800 on dreading one of the touchpads doesnt break and i have to void warranty to fix it, or i sweat and it breaks and htc wont replace it...
also fallout4 was shit on a monitor and itll suck in vr too, bethesda are overhyped rubbish besides it is made for a gamepad on a console, and occulus has thumbsticks like one so it will probably be better on that anyway like onward

>(why are more people not using cryengine??)
Unreal Engine 4 and Unity can look pretty as well. Developers are lazy.

>why are more people not using cryengine??
Because Unity VR support has been around longer than Cryengine VR support, and games take time to make.
>wizard fighting game
Yeah, that does look pretty cool.
>climbing one
I still prefer climbey for the variety of content.
>bethesda are overhyped rubbish
Moderately true.
>made for a gamepad on a console
They aren't just clicking and dragging the whole game into VR, they're rebuilding mechanics so that it works. Fallout 4 VR will be made for a VR headset on a PC.
This is basically your entire argument, and it's entirely subjective, and can work better/worse on a game by game basis.

Good thing you'll be able to buy third-party controllers for the Vive, then. Something that'll never happen on Oculus's side.

>Because Unity VR support has been around longer than Cryengine VR
yeah but like none of the unity games have been in development for more than a few months to make that relevant
>Good thing you'll be able to buy third-party controllers for the Vive, then. Something that'll never happen on Oculus's side.
but you dont HAVE to on occulus side, they dont come with the shitty wands that everyone wants to replace asap, they ALREADY have the fixed controllers and they still look better than the valve prototypes
whats the point of buying extra controllers if all the games are crap made by bedroom indies anyway

i did get refunded for star citizen recently maybe i can use some of that to pay the difference and swap over

The wizard game is called The Unspoken. Great game, all of 10 people play it though.

the unspoken (which I'm guessing is the wizard game eyou're talking about) actually looks really cool for a wave defensey type game

as i understand its a 1v1 pvp game and not a wave defender

op rift suffers from terrible tracking issues and having to buy a 3rd sensor to try to attempt roomscale, plus plugging all sensors into your computer and runnning the cords suck. and i own one. that being said i still like it better

>he fell for the vr meme
lmaoing every lel

to expand on this now that i read the thread they're huge issues with spreading power throughout all those devices, most people have to fiddle for hours on that alone, and its much more cords around the house and uglier for a smaller "room scale" experience. go look at the oculus forums and 9 out of 10 are trouble shooting things.

Also, you'll have 3 cameras in your room that have a constant connection to Facebook. oculus doesnt send anything interesting for packets, and the cameras are basically pitch black, and if someone else where to hack them theyd already have gotten access to everything else in your computer

didn't they completely break tracking for 3+ sensors with their newest patch?

not completely.
in the current state when your spinning in a circle and the primary tracking gets handed off from sensor to sensor it confuses head leds as touch leds so it wigs out for a split second, also for who knows why changes the floor height slighty which over times makes you shrink or grow. its still very playable but occasionally will get you killed in games like onward. theyre working on it and hope to have a patch out by end of feb early march iirc

yeah let me know when theres a game worth the effort other than "but muh roomscale" yeah great, rift does it too but that doesnt make it worth sacrficing literally every other aspect for when theres no games that actually make use of it in any meaningful manner

if you can teleport or press forwards or any button to move around in a game then its automatically disqualified and when i say roomscale i mean more than 2 meters square, because thats just standing

I know what you mean, i have a gym mat that is that big and rarely need to get off it on the games i actually keep coming back too, but when ive used vive in big rooms the freedom of dodging and getting lost in the enviroments without worrying about bumping into something definitely has value