What video game character should be Sup Forums's mascot?

What video game character should be Sup Forums's mascot?


It's always been Etna. She has 2 banners.

inb4 vivian

Toon Link

This is a no brainer.

fuck that
there should be a yotsubato video game

Lucina! She's cute! CUTE!

None, because Sup Forums is not just vidya.


Jack Frost


We need him back.

But Etna is shit.

Why don't you pick me Sup Forums? I'm probably the most iconic character in gaming!

Oh, yeah? What's your catchphrase?

I was kinda expecting bugerpants



The dude you play as in that pedo VN

Big boss, even people who hadn't even played MGS lust for his phantom peen

I would be fine with these

Sup Forums once made an OC that was a combination of different individual features they liked about their waifus, couldn't we do something similar?

>What video game character should be Sup Forums's mascot?

This big jew mother fucker

>In this day and age
People would just deem it Reddit tier and tell us to fuck off. No one has any respect for tradition.

Does Yotsuba have a (official) game?

We tried that out about two years ago.
Didn't work.


People will call anything that isn't "what did he mean by this?" reddit, it doesn't matter

>Us gamers huh?
Jesus, this is hard to read. Would still fuck though.

Yotsuba will always be Sup Forums's official mascot.

He's basically Sup Forums incarnate. He's contrarian, he fucks with people, he hates everything except fucking with people and hotpods, he lies incessantly and usually poorly, he's edgy as all fuck, no it wasn't personal but you're already dead kiddo, he comes up with creative insults for people, he is generally unhelpful, and he unironically named his evil empire the BFF Empire.

Proto Man, since our song is Light Up The Night.

Okay, just having some fun here

it's all good OP

I recall one where you take pictures of her before stripping down her clothes

thats definitely vr's

Hold on there

Is he self aware of that? This is important

>Not this guy

I'd be cool with Conker.

Yes. He knows he's an asshole, and actively tries to be a bigger asshole whenever he can.


fuck off

OP is asking for a Sup Forums vidya mascot so i guess its fine

If we were going with someone for Sup Forums in particular my vote would go to JC Denton

>Yes. He knows he's an asshole
It won't work them, being a dense motherfucker is obligatory

Actually /s4s/chan replaced her recently.

Remember that Hiro put longcat in the main page before that, i don't think it really matters

I like the green thing


The whole "movement" was an autistic mess in the first place so that didnt help

This. We've always had a mascot.

Our mascot is Yotsuba
End of story
Bye bye
See you later


Postal dude

Who is that? Better than Yotsuba crap at least.


Cdi link



>yotsuba won't be our mascot one day

>when people take your character, they ruin it
I still hate how they bastardized her.

>Better than Yotsuba crap at least

I nominate poison


Someone dump some yotsuba manga already.


I want (you) to leave



Thanks user. Your a kind man.



Its doomguy


End yourself.

Why cant metdroid crawl?!

>Even for fuuka

Yotsuba is a jerk






>autistic mess
sounds like it represents Sup Forums pretty accurately then tbqh


No mentions of adachi? Im dissapointed.


I'll spam the fuck out of hiro if he ever gets rid of yotsuba


people on /v dont play video games so they wouldnt get the reference.


404-chan is already the mascot and has been for years

banner chan




Sup Forums changes every couple of years, so it's hard to say.

I want to say Travis Touchdown though.



check Sup Forums.org right now



ooh shit