How will Sonyggers ever recover from this?
How will Sonyggers ever recover from this?
>that filename
dude fuck off back to re ddit
It's actually a funnyjunk filename, which is even worse than reddit.
Kill yourself, OP.
>hurr reddit durr
Nice argument there,sonyfuck.
How about you stop caring about something as pointless as a filename like a fucking retard and admit that your shitbox platform has no games.
ps3 doesn't have that many games
I don't own a PS4 and don't plan to buy one.
Go back to Funnyjunk and kill yourself.
Please kill yourself I don't even have a PS4 and it's fucking disgusting that people try to start shit with pics they couldn't even bother to edit themselves.
Litterally the best games of this generation are PS4 exclusives.
>kill yourself
This is Sup Forums,not the youtube comment section you absolute retard.
Breath of Fire 3
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Dino Crisis / 2
Final Fantasy 7
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil / 2 / 3
Silent Hill
Devil May Cry / 2 / 3
God Hand
Metal Gear Solid 2 / 3
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Silent Hill 2 Director’s Cut
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4 The Room
Binary Domain
Dark Souls / 2
Dead Space / 2
Demon's Souls
Devil May Cry 4
Metal Gear 4 / PW / R / GZ / TPP
South Park The Stick of Truth
Dark Souls 3
Gravity Rush / 2
The Last Guardian
remember when ps3 had no games?
>The Last Guardian
>Gravity Rush
>tfw you have so few games you keep shilling HZD
oh wait i dont know that feel because im an idort
add Nioh on there my boy
Yeah, I modded mine and still don't play it.
Waste of 150$.
Add Breath of Fire 4 and Resident Evil 2 Revelations, please.
Posting the entire PS2 library vs 2 PS4 games is shitty b8.
>half of those aren't even out yet
This has to stop.
Nier isn't even an exclusive.
Horizon Zero Dawn is SJW bullshit.
The rest of those games I don't even know.
Bloodborne gets shilled way too often.
>oh look a faster dark souls
How revolutionary.
Welcome to Sup Forums,buddy.
Thats a lot of weeb shit user
Pretty sure half of those are on PS3/Vita
I know Star Ocean and PV are, pirated both on my PS3
Star Ocean was fucking terrible.
What's the issue?
Sonyggers are desperate to call it exclusive because there isn't a steam page yet.
You can preorder it for PC on the SE site though.
Literally 10 days until the game releases and no PC release date.
It's a timed exclusive and you know it.
Jesus Sup Forums these threads are getting fucking bad. Stop shitting up this board, it doesn't need anymore help. Please, let's discuss video games and post dank memes once in a while, but this console war faggotry needs to settle down. 80% of these posts are outright trolling, the other 20% are people who can't afford to buy more than one console. Everyone else who isn't a total pleb is going to enjoy gaming on their PS4, Switch, and PC.
Persona 5 is also on PS3.
Fucking idiots ive seen the original image on facebook, its "How many games you had in your childhood compared to growing up". OP took you all for a ride with his cropped image.
Fucking nerds
It only gets worse from here anan, if the switch does well, sonyggers go into overdirve and nintendrones go into full damage control, if it sells well, vice versa.
Everything would be fine if PCfats quit their autistic ramblings.
My PS4 arrives tomorrow
im retarded first well was supposed to be badly
It's good to have these threads so we know where the source comes from
What live would be like without funny junk/facebook anti-PS4 fags?
Nice picture.
What 90s phone did you take it with?
only PS4 games in the pic is assassin's creed and cod...
I know your image is copypasta, so I'll post mine since it's real.
That's basically the only game out that I don't have but want. Interested in horizon and the Crash collection as well. But after that wow, I don't see anything in the PS4's future.
That's because consoles are on the way out now that the PC has access to 99.5% of games released. There's no reason to own one when there's only 2 games across a span of 4 years.
Where the fuck is red dead redemption
By making counter Reddit memes, of course!
>Pretty sure half of those are on PS3/Vita
Half of the Wii U library is on Switch and 3DS
By getting jobs and buying more games?
On the shelf with the twenty other copies at the vidya store