Here's your Lara Croft for today, sir.
Here's your Lara Croft for today, sir
I thought Tomb Raider was awesome even though I hated all the previous games. The QTE was well done imo, and the combat was crisp. Story.. meh. Graphics, awesome. Lara.. 10/10.
Waiting for Rise of TR to drop in price. Ain't paying £30 for a similar game that I'll kill in 10 hours, even though I do long to hear Lara's death-moan.
i bet she doesn't even own a video game player
looks too frail
Just pirate it you idiot.
Or are you, dare I say it, a consolefag?
>Waiting for Rise of TR to drop in price...
Good call honestly.
And somehow the story is actually worse.
I think nu-TR games are for people who don't like Tomb Raider.
Is this attempting to criticize the gameplay or something? Nearly anything can be reduced down to looking like Atari Adventure if you strip out absolutely everything...
>yet another videogame movie
When are they going to give up?
I like old Lara more.
> here is your fridge for the day
Looks fine to me. Am I missing something?
Its a swedish actress with all the capability of nicholas cage and about the same body shape.
More based on old tomb raider. TR reboot is a lot different. Maybe not as good, but that's what it is now.
This actress looks in-line with the new TR.
Body shape looks suitable for the TR reboot. I have no idea about her acting ability, so that makes sense if that's what people are concerned about.
Im not him, but not every game can be this reduced. You can simplify everything, but there are degrees to the level of interaction.
I first noticed this stuff lack of interactivity with Splinter Cell. That's when AAA games started having much larger gaps between interactions from players and visual representations.
Compare a game like the first Splinter Cell to Metal Gear Solid. MGS is more of the 'game', but the render them in abstraction like this atari-raider here, and MGS has way more interactions. MGS becomes pac man, then it becomes centipede, then it becomes almost like a racer (we're talking about imputs here and how they are represented); Splinter Cell, for as great as it looked and as great of an environment that it created, never really changes--you move up whichever corridor you are in and press X to Interact. You stab a guy, you as Fisher knife him quietly, it takes place as you watch it. Compare that to snapping someone's neck in MGS, spamming the button, almost like a QTE, except the quicker you do it, the faster you can get back to cover.
The difference though is in MGS, YOU are the one DOING.
This Tomb Raider has no player doing. It's all Lara doing.
I blame Sam Fisher for this shit.
She's a good actress. Previous user is a literal retard.
That picture is about the most flattering there is of her, she genuinely has an awful shape.
>all the capability of nicholas cage
Say what you want about the man's acting ability, but he makes every movie he's in way more entertaining than it would've been without him.
Name one film she has been competent in, if you say ex machina you are hilariously stupid.
Why on earth are they remaking this? The originals barely got by almost entirely down to angelina jolie, no-one's going to see a nu-tomb raider film with an ugly lead...
I can totally agree with this, but can you also admit that there is almost undoubtledly a single interaction within MGS that can be simplified to this level of silliness? For instance, following whats-her-hot-buns through the minefield? I'll admit, these climbing interactions occur many more times than once, but it's hardly (at least not in my opinion) a good representation of the game on the whole.
>name one film she's good in but don't name the ones she's good in because I say so
Fuck off retard
>that boot heel
No because she was absolutely terrible in that, dragged the entire film down like a wooden block. You clearly arent a gpod judge.
I think maybe video game films would be more viable if they'd stop reproducing the exact same story as the games and instead make alternate stories.
Maybe something else that was happening ion the world at the same time, or another characters story, or a prologue of some kind.
Adapting games for film is redundant, games have a higher level of interaction that when held up to a film with the same or similar content, the film pales in comparison. Besides, who likes doing the same thing twice, but shittier the second time?
Alternate stories are the way to go. They expand the universe of the series, have the potential to answer questions and explore ideas, and don't rehash.
So why isn't anyone doing this?
Angelina Jolie will always be a goddess to me.
more importantly its showing the lack of progress games have achieved over the years in terms of gameplay compared to graphics
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
> "which way to the tomb stealer auditions please"
Ah! I looked at it through the shitpost filter, looking at it through this lens I find it to be a much more interesting and worthwhile statement. Thanks for the discussion.
Thats just a sad body
>Its a swedish actress with all the capability of nicholas cage
So everything between " a mad joke" and "fantastic"?
Young Denise Richards would've made the perfect Lara Croft
Sexy women are sexist so no. Dirty women with no boobs and angry face all the time is the new era.
It was literally one of the reasons why the film was acclaimed. Watch more films you tasteless faggot.
Ex Machina, Mission Impossible 63, Anna Karenina, Hotell
>Exertion Noise: The Movie
Hard pass.
Well, she's not sexy anymore. Charlie Sheen really ruined her
>tfw this is what my beloved tomb raider has been reduced to
why even live.
>the chosen one dude
>game makes it immediately obvious he's the prisoner
>immediately uninstall
>in siberia and no slutty clothes
>reinstall so I can immediately uninstall it again
Domnhall gleeson and oscar isaac were. The film wasnt even acclaimed, it was a copy and paste job.
I loved the original games and played them on PS1 when I was younger. I thought TR was good. The crafting seemed odd at first but it worked. The forays into "TR does Uncharted does TR" sometimes. The only aspect I really didn't like at all was it was a bit too cinematic without warning. And I don't like the game taking control from me as a lazy way of changing levels, and then wanting me to do QTE. Either let me play or don't. But everything else was okay. I hate that you didn't get the dual wield until the end but i get why.
Getting all her bad and forgettable performances out of the way first before posting some good ones?
I thought she was just bad but posting those makes me realize she must be being dicked by a few producers.
Too bad she's batshit insane now.
>Vikander's acclaimed performance earned herBAFTA Award,Golden Globe Award,Empire AwardandSaturn Awardnominations, plus several film critic award wins, for Best Supporting Actress
Contrarian retard
Good, that means she'll try weirder stuff.
When you see how we waste great actors like fassbender on videogame movies its probably for the best that we just get second rate ones and go under the radar.
> unironicallly using politicized industry awards to judge artistic merit
Yeah dont worry the revenant was leo's peak performance dont worry about it. Posthumous awards to people never awarded in their lifetimes arent telling at all, i cant wait until the next all black academy awards!
Yes, I should judge performance based on what some faggot on a video game board tells me, because his opinion is surely worth more than that of actual film critics
Kill yourself
You have such a skewed perception of reality and it's really fucking up how you behave towards other people man. I hope you redpill some day. Because it's gonna be a shitty life if you can't.
Its worth more on account of being based on actual judgement and enjoyment and not in group praising, political agendas and financial incentive. I can hazard a guess that shawshank redemption is your favourite movie.
Samefag try harder
Shit actress. Even shitter game to base it off. Not going to break even.
I would have liked her if not for those nigger lips.
Perfect for dicksucking though.
honestly the over abundance of QTEs turned me off before the game could even start. Who the hell hides the meat of their game behind QTEs?
You sound fucking effeminate
Here's your Lara Croft for today, sir