Why do people play moralfags in RPGs?

Why do people play moralfags in RPGs?

Does anyone else find this interesting? Does it make up some inadequacy or insecurity in their every day lives? Are they simply emotionally and intellectually undeveloped and immature? Are these people a way to make a quick buck from devs like Bioware who want to exploit their childish hero complex?

Other urls found in this thread:


>real life
>be a moralfag
>get lied to, stolen from, taken advantage of, manipulated

>be a moralfag
>get rewarded and everybody loves you

hope this helps

People bring their own morality into the decisions they make in video games.

They play "moralfags" because they are good and kind people in real life. You don't because you're an asshole.

Oddly in games where the dialogue choices are not voiced at all I usually use my own opinion on which way to go for choices.

Give the character a voice though and it becomes a straight "Evil asshole" or "Goody twoshoes" kind of game.

Did you miss the KOTOR 2 thread buddy?

most games rewards moralfags

Not everybody is restraining their inner edge at every waking moment. Some people are good because they want to be, not because they have to be.

Most RPGs base their quests around the assumption that you will be the hero, so if you decide NOT to be the hero you essentially just cut yourself out of experiencing intended content. Being a "moralfag" assures you get the fullest game experience.

Because I like to play characters different than me
This is also why I always play as male characters

This is how good is usually depicted in fantasy/hero journey literature. Game of thrones is the only one I can think of that shows what happens to good/honorable people most of the time.

Post pix or GTFO!!!



If you're a moralfag, you have to accept one simple truth or you're an ignorant cuck:
Childhood is being Chaotic Good
Adulthood is being Lawful Good
Enlightenment is Neutral Good

Don't fall for the chaotic good meme.

>falling for the "im a gril, plz give me attention" meme

Game of Thrones is edgy bullshit

Because I'm not a moralfag in real life and I like to roleplay.

>"lololol, look how intelegent I em"

You could atleast have waited a few more (You)s or did you samefag all three posts?

It's a little something called empathy, meaning you can feel for and relate to even fictional characters.

nice pasta


In vidya rpg it's often the most rewarding path unfortunately. Other paths are too destructives to be properly implemented in video games.

I played more neutral evil dudes on P&P than I played good guys though. It offers more possibilities.

>I_want_to_be_hardcore_but_mommy_won't let_me.jpg

Some enjoy fantasy games for the escapist "fantasy" aspect of it. Real life doesn't really have any heroes or truly good people. Every once in awhile, people want a story about someone who is, against all odds, truly good and not just acting good for some personal benefit.

It's a similar reason why people like Captain America in the MCU, and what Superman was SUPPOSED to be in the DC movies.

All the best items are restricted to lawful good characters

Did you stop after that or did you also read the other books?

I haven't read the books. the 3 seasons of the show I did watch ensured that I never will.

its fun to be the hero

Fair enough

...why would anyone read the books? It's the same or worse edgy bullshit from the show, with even worse delivery because of Martin's 'stylistic quirks' as a writer.

>stylistic quirks
Yeah, thats what eventually put me off them as well.

Alot of it is based on historical accounts.

>muh realism

Neutral paths are same as good but with less reward. Evil paths are just retarded edgy shit.

That's why p&p > vidya

How moralfag am I?

>accidentally left some pears and apples in a bag
>apartment invaded by fruit flies
>get bug spray
>spray fucking every single one I can find
>feel nothing as I gas hundreds of these fuckers
>see what I think to be another in the corner of my room near the ceiling
>spray it
>it flips the fuck out and turns out it was a little spider on its web
>it's trashing about and gyrating everywhere suspended by the webbing
>feel so bad about it I get a teaspoon measure of water and grab the spider carefully and try to wash it to get the spray off
>it died in my hand
>I'm a monster

Legit can't play "evil" characters anymore.
Up until I was 16'ish I thought it was the most fun, but now it just feels hollow, and I feel bad for the NPCs.

unfortunately, p&p requires friends and you have to be very lucky to have friends that are even interested in that.

It's not that hard to find a party on the internet. What's hard is finding a good party.

Worst case scenario is you end up with an autistic party story to make us laugh/cringe/rage on /tg/

Sometimes, i miss being younger, more ignorant, and willing to be around obese people with bad hygiene poor attitudes. my high standards are why I don't get to play p&p anymore

If you made it further than I did (about two-thirds of the way into the first book, after numerous attempts) you're a braver person than I, anonymous.

>>What's hard is finding a good party.
>Get to peace negotiations towards the end of a diplomacy-centric campaign
>Use Inspire Deathless Frenzy and turn the whole party, even the wizard, into a bunch of blood-crazed psychopaths
Why are berserkers so best?

>Book of Vile Darkness

Somehow I'm reminded of that Mario 64 glitch were you can make it rain a couple of caps on Mario, only with fedoras followed by a "m'lady".

I should go to bed

Which game?
Probably not, I've read the sil twice and even studied the collected history of middle earth from a medieval history and philology perspective. So more autistic maybe.

I think you should just stop posting altogether


Most fantasy literature that isn't aimed at tweens is pretty grey morality-wise and edgy

I just want a group of people who take it seriously but don't get super spergy about the entire idea of it, as it were. It's fine that you RP your character, but please keep it in the back of your mind that it's still a game and we're all real people with (hopefully) real lives.

I know casuals play like that because they lack roleplaying skills and aspect.

But wouldn't it be hilarious if someone actually played a D&D kind of RPG and picked "Chaotic Evil" alignment for himself, thinking it represents his real life persona the best?

To me it is.

Children are actually neutral until the concept of morality is taught to them.

We get it, you're jaded as fuck.

>Does it make up some inadequacy or insecurity in their every day lives?
>Are they simply emotionally and intellectually undeveloped and immature?

Ahaha! Yes I too am a smart and brilliant intellectual human being! I know that getting engrossed in a video game and playing the main character like a human being is childish and for the mentally retarded. Glad to see a fellow genius in this thread! We're good guys, it's not our fault we see the world is evil and keep being sent to the friendzone! *Tips fedora*

because it nets you all the rewards

next question: why does the average RPG player ALWAYS pick female chars?


>Which game?
Frenzied Berserker, a prestige class in d&d 3.5, had a combination of abilities that wasn't particularly overpowered but was insanely amusing to use - namely, Inspire Deathless Frenzy (read the ability descriptions for 'Frenzy', 'Deathless Frenzy' and 'Inspire Frenzy')
Basically, it allowed you to turn yourself and any willing allies into a group of almost unstoppable madmen who would indiscriminately attack and slaughter everything in their vicinity, at the drop of a hat.

Well, be that as it may, you still persevered further than I did doing that with Tolkien's work is legitimately impressive.

Why do you feel the need to be a dickhead to people that aren't real? Are you taking out some childish frustration from your every day life on these video game characters that don't exist?

This I'll never understand.

This as well. Don't feed me that tripe about looking at a dude's ass either, if that's where your attention is 90% of the game then you need to go glaze a knuckle.

what are these quirks? Haven't read them nor am I interested in the books but curious about them quirks

You asked about the A V E R A G E person. You gotta lower your expectations of their capacity.

To be frank, it would be. Self-inserting in pen&paper probably would severely cripple the experience for everyone at the table. In a videogame however it does not matter. You can still have a good time self-inserting without influencing other players because singleplayer. Lack of rp skills or not, it really shouldn't be an issue to OP.

That said, Chaotic Evil all night long

Sticking to noble ideals despite hardships is the mark of a true man. It's a damn shame that almost no rpg have you struggle with ideals, they just slap on easy does and reward you for having basic empathy.

If you just want to be an asshole you shouldn't have the loyalty of any party members outside those opportunists you can pay who'll stab you in the back at the first sign of weakness, whilst being good should reward you with unbreakable loyal friends but overall poor rewards.

>tfw can never bring myself to do a evil run, don't like to see virtual characters suffer

I can play a game more pragmatically or resort to committing lesser evils for greater goods, but I can't ever find myself to go pure puppy kicking evil. I just don't find it enjoyable.

I might be more evil/morally ambiguous if the definition of "evil" in those games wasn't restricted to being an edgy psychopath. Why aren't there games that let you do subtle Machiavellian shit?

It's not enjoyable because it's fucking boring. All you do is show up, smack people in the face and ruin their days.

Someone like Rance make an excellent villainous protagonist because he still manages to do good despite being a self-centered selfish asshole. Problem with rpg is that they equate selfishness with evil.

I make choices I would in real life. That's mostly good, but I have flaws and play to them.

I completely agree with you. I usually play incredible pragmatic psychopaths but they never commit evil for the sake of it.

>tfw too intelligent to be good

>caring about a spider that was invading your home

i bet you bought the humble open borders / terrorism bundle.

Hey man spiders are cool, we eat the mosquitos and shit that bite you when you sleep.

Don't you crawl into my mouth when I sleep and get swallowed?

>not making your own nonsensical laws before you play an RPG
>not punishing pickpocketing with death
>not letting murderers go scot-free

It's more fun to play as chaotic good when you make up stupid bullshit like not being allowed to wear leather armor on wednesdays and shit, and punishing that shit with flagellation. Chaotic good is the most patrician of all alignments, since you're pretty much free to do anything you want without having to follow some autistic neutral shit or be xdevol.

My inner rules lawyer is titillated. I wish my friends would play 5e but now they just vidya and magic.
Honestly reading the sil might have killed my ability to enjoy ASOFAI but it was mostly

>describes a snow covered tree for like 6 pages
>secretly it's a sci fi setting
Mnight shamalamamalama twisty
>heavy themes war is bad feminism good
Not that I necessarily disagree but he layered it on a bit thick
>the others were never the bad guys it was always the children/plant aliens
>just kidding, war and the patriarchy are the real villains
No shit really Georgie?

also getting invested in this slog-fest when GeorgeRR might die before he finishes would tilt me to no end.

sad but true

I think the alignment you're looking for is chaotic Neutral.

>Chaotic evil character
>Immediately tries to murder party
One of these days, I'm gonna make a CE character, and just keep everyone guessing.

Because Paladin is best class

Oh fuck how to formatting

Evil and immorality is seen as a failure state by most people.

Being greedy or selfish and screwing over innocents to achieve you're goals implies you can't succeed using your own merits.Not helping people in need implies that you can't help people in need.Stealing implies inability to earn.

Reminder that morality sliders and systems were a mistake to the rpg genre.

I love the clash between broken grammar and Freud's pic.

It's really, really, rare to even encounter an evil route that isn't complete hogwash or some afterthought.
Most of the times being evil just means that you are a greedy dick, with the chance to let somebody die for your own benefit as the pinnacle of that alignment and in the end you'll often end up as the hero anyway since you usually have to beat up some bigger asshole.
Another thing is, if you try to go full genocide in games that even let you do that, you'll either just break the game or do nothing but thin out the npc population, maybe robbing yourself of a few sidequests, while the main story stays intact.

Funnily enough, the cruelest and most cold way to play most rpgs is often to min-max but that's usually not achieved by "roleplaying".

>Not helping people in need implies that you can't help people in need.

Not this is philosophical gold.

>describes a snow covered tree for like 6 pages
Stop exaggerating.

>secretly it's a sci fi setting
>Mnight shamalamamalama twisty
I get if that's not your thing but it doesn't make the books ebjectively bad.

>Oh no the female characters do stuff! This must be femlit.

>the others were never the bad guys it was always the children/plant aliens
Again, you might not like it but I do.

>also getting invested in this slog-fest when GeorgeRR might die before he finishes would tilt me to no end.
Why would this even be a point if you don't even like the books to begin with?

Preach it.

To this day the evil route of Soul Nomad and the World Eaters remains as my shining example of a truly sociopathic evil route in a video game.

Yea, but this is adaptation of D&D for PC tho.

>to me it is

calm down coldsteel

>Save the angel midget from certain death, because you need to kill her friend in front of her.
>Penn just goes missing and nobody cares
>You are such an asshole that fucking Raksha re-evaluates his life and becomes a hero
>Last stage is literally a final boss battle in reverse. You are the final boss.

The Demon Path is a fucking masterpiece.

I think it's great that you enjoyed it, overall he's a pretty strong writer and I think that the universe has potential (just look at his other writing).
I just couldn't keep going with it. Maybe you're right though, maybe I'm being too harsh. I'll give it another go soon.
Stay golden, user-kun.

>always make the good guy choices in vidya
>help people out in MMOs all the time
>actually evil IRL

Losing on purpose end up as the good ending.

And then you get sealed with your childhood friend inside a sword.


>play Pathfinder/D&D/any tabletop game with group
>that one fucking guy
>that picks a CN/CE (or acts similar to one in a game without a alignment system) in a group of good aligned players that wants to roleplay and take it seriously
>tries to be "lol randum" and try to screw over the party
>claim it's part of their character
>gets upset when our party abandons the character to die or we straight up kill him
>"lol its just a game why are you guys so upset"
>usually a DM's sibling or a close friend so they don't want to kick them

where do these people get off

like god fucking damn

why even play when you're not gonna take it seriously

What clash? Do you think some Austrian has proper grammar?
They can't even speak their own language properly.

They get off of you, because you are bunch of nerds taking games seriously.


that's my dick youre thinking about

Your post is just insecure anger, in turn.

It's mostly because:

>be a moralfag
>get rewarded and everybody loves you

You always get all the coolest shit in games by being a moralfag treehugger, always.

If you decide to rape and kill some innocent farmer and loot her house, there's nothing in it. If you help her save her bunny wabbit, she'll give you Carsomyr +5, which she inherited from her grandpa, who happens to be a god of some sort in the game's lore.

So yeah, blame game developers for this shit.

>"We're upset because you're either deliberately acting antagonistic. It's childish. Learn to read the room and step up."
roll for charisma

The "good guy" playthrough is still the developers' intended experience in the vast majority of western RPGs. I always feel like I'm missing out on cool shit when playing evil characters

I usually pick the moralfag path because the other option is to either be a mustache twirling cartoon villain or to be a moralfag in a douchey way.