What should I play? WoW or FFXIV?
What should I play? WoW or FFXIV?
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Final Fantasy has shit combat due to the gcd.
Neither. MMOs are trash, go play something good.
t. sub level 50
>still playing MMOs
Im not sure about FF but getting into WoW is very hard unless you start at the release of an expansion. Once you get behind in item level and progression you will never catch back up because you wont be allowed into any groups or guilds. If or when you get behind in WoW you stay behind
vanilla wow of course everybody plays it nowadays.
Stop playing WoW.
Level 53 reporting in.
The game is still slow as aids and the fastest class in the game gets a 2.3GCD at best.
>the fastest class in the game gets a 2.3GCD at best.
How do people play this shit?
>It took XIV 2 expansions on top of literally having to be remade after tanking, to be on par with a game that shot itself in the food, twice, with MoP/WoD
Come on user
Tons of off GCD skills.
Apologetic squarefag syndrome basically. It's the slowest Simon Says game you will ever play.
mop was good
FFXIV tells its story better than WoW does and I think the roles you play in FFXIV are more fun.
WoW has awesome lore but you have to watch videos about it because the game does such a poor job explaining it.
Why do you have to lie?
Combat system
WoW's max level dungeon content is pretty good, with mythic+. Community is trash though and it looks like an N64 game compared to FFXIV. Probably avoid MMOs altogether if you can.
These are two things FF14 doesnt do well.
>all classes play the same
>dungeons are just a linear mess
Yea now post the gear score.
>Inb4 whole set
>dungeons are just a linear mess
Exactly like WoW, but the FFXIV dungeons simply look better.
>WoW has awesome lore
This would be a good point if Blizzard wasn't intent on ruining everything that was ever good about it. I'm not sure WoW is even still consistent with itself, and the new stuff they keep adding is just retarded, like the Void Lords.
A single player game like FTL will give you more satisfying content than both of those MMOs combined. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this, that's how bad they are at the moment.
Wow dungeons actually look better. FF14 dungeons are linear from start to finish. WoW has plenty of dungeons that don't go in a straight line.
This is true too. The lore at this point is so complicated and messy that it's almost impossible to keep up with, and as I've said it doesn't help that Blizz is incapable of making consistent story telling while questing.
>WoW has awesome lore
But they present it in the most shitty way. The WoW story is extremely unengaging.
WoW hasn't has a good dungeon that wasn't a straight line in like 4 xpacs.
>WoW has plenty of dungeons that don't go in a straight line.
None at max level though. And Halls of Valors branch is barely disguised linearity.
I do like how they took that PoE style Key system for mythic plus dungeons
Only downside is people literally check your gearscore/artifact count and nothing else
>That content drought
Lorewise, the game died with the MoP cinematic, Gameplay wise, Cataclysm/Late LK cut deep, and with WoD the body finally stopped bleeding out
Pretty much what you would expect from random 240-260 pieces. 2.0 gcd is not hard at all to get on NIN.
That's why you read the books. But honestly the game shouldn't have to rely on the player to read sources outside of the game to tell the story.
Why can blizz do story telling better in everything but their most popular title?
I managed to get into plenty of mythic+ just with world quest 840-ish gear (~855 with weapon and one legendary I got from an emissary box). The ilvl requirements are somewhat lax. All the true ilvl shitters are sitting in PUG raid groups.
>what is huton
Cuts down GCD naturally, same with grease lightning
>all classes play the same
Before level 10, maybe
All classes play the same.
True, max level in WoW is basically just doing chores in between doing group content with people who still can't move out of green puddles, even after six fucking expansions to practice.
Neither, unless you hate yourself. Play WoW for combat, play FF if you're a weeb.
Name any two classes that play the same and out yourself as never having played the game.
Due to double weaving being mandatory for all jobs, the effective GCD in XIV is 0.83s. On that note I've always disliked the terminology, the true GCD in XIV is actually the 0.5-1s action delay between ogcds, the 2.5s is better termed the weaponskill cooldown.
Meanwhile in WoW you can go full retard and macro all ogcds to one button to fire them simultaneously. That's the mmo that gave us the term 'facerolling' after all.
I was taken into Mythics and Mythic + 5 as soon as i hit 110, thanks to a lot of good guildmates, but also some people do carry runs for shits/gold.
>TERA stopped being a consideration some time early last year
I will never not be salty by this
>not hard at all to get on NIN
Thanks for proving my point every other class is slow as fuck then :^)
I meant to say that there's no difference in how one person plays a class and another. It's all the same thing. But all classes actually do have a similar pattern to them each
>1-2-3/ sometimes 4 and sometimes 5, back to 1-2-3
>use off gcd skill. It lasts only 15 seconds and goes on a 90 second cooldown
>back to spamming 1-2-3 while waiting
>watch Robocop 3 on the other monitor while not using my brain
ogcds give minsicle duration effects for a very long cooldown. It makes it feel like Im playing some kind of mobile game where they limit how much fun you can have, except this time I cant pay to make the fun more frequent
Did someone say post Knights Karsh?
You said the fastest was 2.3, its not 2.3 its >2.0.
Crestfall soon
>people using NIN to show how fast the game is
I'm sorry, one game did ninja better and it didn't have any gimmicky cooldowns
thats all ive got
I love how RO characters casually walk everywhere.
>No Flip tatami
This reeks of casual
why do people who spread the 2.5 meme never mention how half, sometimes more (and sometimes less), of your abilities aren't restricted by the global cooldown?
Show me one(1) class rotation that has only 5 buttons not including long cooldowns.
Even Serenity, the top WoW guild, had their players say that FF14 was not a good mmo. They're the most hardcore you can get mmo wise.
so was garo armor sets added in as a promotional item? because they look pretty fucking slick.
>top wow guild
why should i care about the opinion of a group of people who are clearly biased towards WoW?
Scratch that, even if they played all mmo's equally, why should i care about one (1) groups opinion?
Isn't it the same fucking shit?
The MMO genre is fucking dead and you should thank Blizzard for that.
>top WoW guild says game not wow is bad
Could have fooled me with that un-biased review.
Thats right meanwhile any one who isnt nin still gets a slow shitty gcd.
Thanks for being retarded though .
They aren't biased. Hell, they went over to Tera for a time. But if you aren't going to listen to a source that is more invested in mmo gaming than either of us, then you'll forever be stuck to your drone ways of believe FF14's 2.5 gcd meme isn't real.
>dungeons are just a linear mess
And that's why you play LOTRO instead.
What did they say about Tera? Tera is bad too?
Guild that literally plays WoW as their job says that WoW's competition is not good. I wonder if they could have some ulterior motives to do that.
can you link to anything they actually said on FFXIV?
i struggle to see how they could dismiss XIV but praise WoW when you are far more active in XIV.
Tera is too susceptible to latency.
>I need someone else to tell me what is fun.
Get a fucking life and learn how to form your own opinions.
>when you are far more active in XIV.
But you're not. And it's in some of their top member videos and streams.
Formed them myself. It's just better to have them confirmed by people who play mmos more than I. FF14 is a slow ass game and not fun at all.
So the only problem you have with the game is it's slow? Isn't that a subjective problem?
It might have 2.5 sec gcd, but every class has multiple skills that are off gcd and can/must be weaved in between the other skills.
I have three
>combat is slow
>all the fun actions of my class, like the off gcd ones have long cds
>all the fun buffs hardly last long enough to matter
>I can't customize my class at all. For instance, I cant choose to be a fire orientated black mage. Im stuck to the same pattern and playstyle everyone else uses
And I know all of this is because of fucking PS3 and PS4 cross play. Fucking hell. How did we go from the fast combat of FF13 and the depth of FF12, to the simplified shit in 14.
Ragnarok Online
FFXII and XIII aren't MMOs.
Have you done any of the raids.
You got it wrong, it should be < 2.0 (lower than 2.0).
none, WoW died 10 years ago and the other is weeb shit
A2 while sleeping on my keyboard. I'm not fucking kidding.
I was fucking tanking, too.
I'm a WoW player and I'm telling you, fuck it, don't go to Legion. I can't figure out what it is but the game just doesn't feel fun in this expansion, they're not visibly doing anything nearly as bad as Warlords was, but something is just murdering all my drive to play deader than dead.
I keep hearing good things about FFXIV, but unfortunately right now I'm stuck with a Macbook, so I can't play it. So go play it in my stead, user.
WoW has proven multiple times that class customization just doesn't work. There's always the best spec that everyone half competent will play and all the customization just means that special snowflakes who want to be unique can be different and useless.
if you were paladin that's understandable, especially if it was A2n and not savage.
Legion is daily quest the game, and tries to trick you into thinking you're doing something relevant, but then you hit level 110 and realize you're doing the same quests you did during story, except they're for the week.
No I mean real raids.
Like savage content
>1.0s GCD
>"Superior Quality MMO"
>"Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch"
A2 is below LFR tier, unless you meant A2S which is a bit better but still nothing amazing.
>the fastest class in the game gets a 2.3GCD at best.
Literally has not played the game at all, because Ninja gets 1.93s GCD, PERMANENTLY.
WoW's are better. Rest is subjective.
Just because a bunch of dps autists like having high dps doesnt mean the rest of us don't like having a different playstyle. I was using a fucking fire mage with specced frost talents in MoP mostly because no one could fucking touch me while having the burst of fire. It lowered my fire specialty abilities, but it made me absolutely versatile as a mage.
The problem with 14 is that you can't deviate from what the class forces you into. And if you try, you literally end up being less effective than what your class asks you to do. Healing, dps, or tanking. You have to stick to what your class's optimal actions and rotation is.
not that guy and I like XIV but the most offensive thing to me is the lack of interesting items
i want to do a quest or some form of content to unlock/find some quirky boots that let me jump three times as high
Some monk gloves that neuter your damage but make all your weaponskills inflict knockback.
A corrupted white mage cane that makes your heals deal damage and your damaging abilities heal.
Interesting stuff like that, and if some of it used to get around a certain boss fight, that's neat.
Of course then it devolves too 'bring gimmick item so we can do gimmick strat or kick' but fuck dude i want some interesting items.
because its a job
>WoW Soundtrack is better
>Literally all war drums and occasionally flutes with night elf theme.
t. tone deaf retard.
Funny because at one point, cross classing was suppose to be a way to make this thing work, but Square ended up forgetting about it and are now phasing it out of the game. They absolutely abandoned the idea of class customization for housing and optional cash shop items.
I think the fact that ff14 can be successfully played with a controller tells you all you need to know
If you tried to play wow with a controller you'd be the laughing stock of every group
>better in wow
This is objectively wrong.