Barely any games worth playing

>barely any games worth playing
>most good games getting ported to other systems
>doesn't have its own Zelda or a 3D Mario game
>considered a joke by most people
Is the Wii U the most JUST console of all time?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's like the kind of console i'd expect if Atari or Hudson/NEC made a console

It's definitely the worst console of the past couple generations, if you don't include literally who shit like the Zeebo

>the opportunity to turn it all around arises with the introduction of a portable wii u called the Switch
>all nintendo games for the next 5 years would be designed with the Wii U in mind and released simultaneously on the Switch
>Wii U heavily discounted to $99.99
>extra power of the switch attracts third party developers with modern games
>Wii U sees dramatic increase in sales among younger and casual audience for its entry price point as a home-only Switch alternative.

>blow this opportunity by needlessly keeping the archaic 3DS alive instead while actively trying to get people to buy the successor handheld, ceasing Wii U production and development.

Switch will top this.

Not like thats hard to do.

>extra power
this is a tired meme, it's been proven BotW runs better on the WiiU

>Hudson/NEC made a console
Except the PC Engine is actually good.

>it's been proven BotW runs better on the WiiU
Bull fucking shit.

>>Wii U heavily discounted to $99.99

Things what will never happen. It's time to buy our (((new))) console, goyim.

did you really fucking think a handheld that, when docked at 900p, would even match the horsepower of a home console designed with 1080p in mind?

>designed with 1080p in mind?
I can count the number of 1080p Wii U games on one hand.

I can't believe here of all places somebody going to buy switch. This is worst console ever, launching with ONE shitty game which is available on the other console, paid online, technology from 2006, fucking 3 hour battery. Whoa. But i can forgive all that if nintendo games was somewhat competent. But NOPE it's all early access garbage tier, fucking zelda looks like it was done by one person in a month.

Fucking nintendo fanboys even sony faggots better than you.

and you won't be able to count a single one on the Switch

wrong, most games will be 1080p when docked


Mario Kart 8 and Fast RMX run at 1080p on Switch.


I'm actually waiting for a wiiu pricedrop. Its pirateable now so its one time investment with a couple of good games

sorry you wasted your money on a shitty Wii U but the Switch will actually be a good system

>Instead of Wii U and Switch unified environment with similar performance ranges, Switch is competing for handheld dominance as a much more powerful comsole with incentive to sell over New Nintendo 3DS XL, New Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS
I've landed in the autistic retard timeline help how do i get back to my time

Kimishima was supposed to have died already

Nintendo should use that warchest (lol) they have saved up to make a system thats powerful with a shitty gimmick if they want to as well.

They will not see a fucking dime from me other wise because I'm not getting dicked like I did with Wii and Wii U.



It has good games, including a 3D Mario (but no exclusive Zelda is baffling).

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8
New Super Luigi
New Super Mario Bros. U
Pikmin 3
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Maker
Super Smash Bros.
Yoshi's Woolly World

Nintendo kind of undermined its lineup by releasing Zelda, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Splatoon 2 on the Switch, and Yoshi & Poochy's Woolly World on 3DS.

>Doesn't have its own 3D Mario game
Yes it does. It's literally called Super Mario "3D" World

>It has good games
No, they are not good. Games like this always sold in bundle for $1 on pc and even than nobody wants to buy them. You delusional if you think somebody normal wants to play all this garbage.
A mean
>New Super Mario Bros. U
Haha. Are you serious? You must pay me first so i could even consider to play this shit.

>flagship first party games are sold in $1 bundles on PC

Okay so you're either delusional or retarded.

What games do normal people play?

>barely any games worth playing
Stopped reading there.

It runs at 720p on WiiU.
Switch is 900p docked/720p undocked.

>not listing it's best game

>>most good games getting ported to other systems

you're including PC emulation i guess

>Is the Wii U the most JUST console of all time?

>3 hour battery

Stop listing this. It literally can't be better.

Most people buy PS4/XBone because they have outgrown Mario and Zelda, and moved on to:
>dudebro shooters
>AAA multiplats

Meanwhile, WiiU only managed to attract Nintendo's fuckbois because it only had:
>Mario rehashes
>Nintendo's manchildren games

That's why WiiU is the only casualty of this gen's console war.

>>flagship first party games
Remember knack? Or Ryse son of rome? That was
>flagship first party games
too. And they are awful. Still better than nintendo games though.
Mount and blade, red orchestra, total war games ;^)

>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
>New Super Luigi
>New Super Mario Bros. U
>Super Mario 3D World
>Yoshi's Woolly World
No. Sm4sh is bad too, but at least it serves as a franchise wanking pass time if that's the only reason you play the series for.

Damn, some of those are legit awesome. I think you're missing out.

>Remember knack? Or Ryse son of rome? That was
Nobody remembers those games, that's why they end up in $1 bundles.

I thought the Wii was the worst console I have ever owned. The Wii U is a close contender. If I couldn't hack VWii and play GC games on it, it would be. No games. No games at all. Disgusting.

Nobody remembers pii u ether. It's like this thing never existed.

Obviously everyone on Sup Forums does since you guys keep making threads about it everyday.

Shills. Same with bloodborne every day. Same images same posts. Do you truly believe someone who completed the game 2 years ago would make a thread about it every day in 2017?

It hasn't came out yet how could you possibly know it's going to be a good system?

>barely any games worth playing
ps4/xbone too
>most good games getting ported to other systems
3ds ports are retarded versions
>doesn't have its own Zelda or a 3D Mario game
mario 3d world
>considered a joke by most people
yes, i agree with this one

>buy the WiiU solely for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
>get Nintendoland, great collection of some minigames - earning the hate of all those ZombiU people
>hyped for Smash Bros 4 throughout its development announcements, mildly interested in the other IPs like Mario Kart and Splatoon (the later one bought spontaneously)
>Zenoblade Chronicles X pushed the hardware to its limits, have sub-par experience played on Gamepad alone but quite an enjoyable time on TV
>finished off the WiiU's life cycle with HD remakes like Wind Waker (personal favorite) and having a to-go game like Mario Maker
>friends and me still play Smash, Mkart and Game&Wario whenever we meet up, the later one being a surprise casual party hit of enormous proportion that even girls want to join in
>Zelda BOTW probably going to be the last WiiU to get before contemplating to sell the WiiU to poor households with less budget.

Sure, it didn't live up to most expectations (like a new Zelda title) but I easily poured a bit over thousands of game hours into this thing and it was always a multiplayer enjoyment that didn't cut corners for single player games. I am not sure if Playstation or Xbox could keep up with this amount of local multiplayer.

Great games but you really should waste your time typing this as all it's going to get from Sony Ponies and MUSTARDZ is green text about how shit the games are
>all while PC MUSTARDZZZ are literally begging with tears welled in their eyes that the dev team of CEMU work 10 x speed to make their emulator barely passable in time for March...which is not happening by a long shot.

>wii u owner
>get to play zelda early for free thanks to softmodding when a review copy gets leaked
>normies get pissed off about DLC while it is just more free shit to me
>emulationcucks think they are going to be playing botw at full-speed on day one when it took the devs to their shitty closed beta emulator 2 years to get wind waker working properly
wii u is the definitive way to play zelda my dudes

>No Bayonetta 2
>No The Wonderful 101
Why even bother posting at all?

>doesnt have its own 3D mario
When will the 64/sunshine fags fuck off with their eternal whining

I just hope for a price drop once the Switch hits the market. I still want to get one but don't want to spend too much on it.

I actually like my WiiU. Its not the best system ever but we had some good times with the few good games it has,

I think its a real shame it never took off but it lacked 3rd party support.

On Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

If I got the game for Switch, would I have to purchase MK8 DLC again?

The timeline has been corrected, accept 3D World as an anomaly and stop ruining Mario threads, you 3D impaired fucking cunt.

>New Super Luigi
>New Super Mario Bros. U
>Super Mario 3D World
These games suck.

Its the truth, nintendork
nope, not even counting emulation.

It can't be worse than Wii U, at least.

best response

>System isn't out
>I-it will be good, just you watch!!!!

>wii u is the definitive way to play zelda
if you're poor
I can't wait for Odyssey to come out so people will finally stop pretending that 3D World was a good game.

This console has the best game this gen: Xenoblade X.
That alone makes it worth acquiring.
Now with Zelda, the second best game this gen, it even becomes more relevant.

Also all games are free on it now.

>I still want to get one
Take it from someone who owns one.

>This console has the best game this gen: Xenoblade X.
>Now with Zelda, the second best game this gen
Dumb menial work simulator poster.

It'll be better than the Wii U.


that doesn't mean it will be good though

Whoa, let's not get carried away here. If anything at all happens to the handheld side of the games once the 3DS is done, the Switch is dead in the water. I could see it doing even worse than the Wii U in that case.

The way I see it, there are two (2) games ultimately worth a damn on the Wii U. Two games which rise above good to great.

Splatoon, which I personally don't give much of a fuck about but a lot of people seemed to really dig it and the game was Nintendo making their own splash in the TPS genre. Good for them doing something different.

Super Mario Maker, which I did enjoy. It's not perfect but it's a fun too which makes good use of the dumb controller pad.

Now don't get me wrong, the Wii U has at least ten other games which are all good but nothing remotely special.
Is Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze in any way more fun than DK Country on the SNES? Not really.
Is Mario Kart 8 different from any other Mario Kart? Nope.
Smash? Nothing new.
Don't get me wrong, they are all decent, fun, good. Whatever you want to call them.
They aren't bad games, just mediocre games.

I think 10 years from now the Wii U will only be remembered for the two games I mentioned plus a couple of heavily censored JRPGS.

This is primarily why I'm excited for the Switch because I think even Nintendo knows they fucked up big and they have something to prove now, I expect them to bring their A game going forwards. Nintendo sucks when they think they are on top (Riding the success of the Wii).

There are two factors that define whether a game is good:
- is it Japanese
- is it an RPG.

The rest is trash.

The Wii U is a modern day Dreamcast, except the Dreamcast actually had good games

Splatoon is not a TPS, it's an arena shooter.

Given that the Dreamcast is the best console of all time, that's a pretty generous comparison....

Zelda isn't an RPG, stupid.

>The way I see it, there are two (2) games ultimately worth a damn on the Wii U. Two games which rise above good to great.

Stopped reading there.

Why not? I played some games at a friend's house and liked them, for example Xenoblade and Fatal Frame. which I already bought the retail version of

The Wii U died a premature death, but it still has more games worth playing than the PS4. Pikmin 3 is better than any game Sony has ever released, but it's not even top 5 on the Wii U.

What's wrong with Splatoon? I said I didn't play it I just recognise a large amount of people enjoyed it and it wasn't something old with a new coat of paint.

Most of the games are just not that good, and you'll be able to emulate everything reliably in a year or two at most.
There's no point in buying this piece of shit. Just buy a Switch if you want to play Zelda when it comes out.

I enjoyed it for the most part. No exclusive Zelda sucks. MK8, Splatoon, and WWHD were the highlights for me. It was a much more playable console than the Wii.

>it's not even top 5 on the Wii U.
Yes it is. Wii U has like 7 games worth playing max.
I got way more use out of my PS4 than Wii U and PS4 is still getting games

>in reality
>wii u has bayonetta and smash if you have friends
>ps4 has bloodborne
>xbone has nothing
both this gen and the previous are shit

The Wii's library blows the Wii U's library out of the fucking water. You literally have no taste.

>most good games getting ported to other systems
You know, I get really annoyed seeing this brought up in Sup Forums threads when the Wii U version is always superior, assumedly short of MK8: Deluxe.

Hyrule Warriors Legends barely runs. Mario Maker 3DS literally doesn't have online play. Smash was internally called Smash 4 & 5 and for damn good reason, the idea of calling it a port is laughable. So whats left? Wooly World? Who gives a shit.

3D World, Captain Toad, W101, Bayo 2, XCX, Splatoon, etc, there's a lot of good games for the Wii U that are literally only on Wii U.

you forgot
>every game is censored as fuck

Stop kid. The Wii is all waggle shit and shovelware sans a couple of games. You're an underage cancer child that grew up with it.

>when the Wii U version is always superior
No one cares. If you have a 3DS there's no reason to buy a Wii U. Wii U graphics are shit anyways so its a waste to spend $300 on one.

I said I would only buy their next console if they made it region free and look what they did.

>you'll be able to emulate everything reliably in a year or two at most.
I may be blind about it right now, but I don't see how I'd reliably emulate the use of the Gamepad in Fatal Frame and while we're at the topic, I don't get why the game never gets mentioned in threads like these.

>The Wii is all waggle shit and shovelware sans a couple of games
And its STILL better than the piece of shit Wii U. Go fuck yourself you tasteless faggot.

>I don't get why the game never gets mentioned in threads like these.
Its censored and digital-only

>waggle shit
>better than MK8, Splatoon, or WWHD
I really want underage to leave.

And yet it made more profit than either.

Really makes you think.

No More Heroes is better than anything on Wii U
Galaxy is way better than 3D World
Mario Kart is just Mario Kart, whatever.
Wind Waker is the worst 3D Zelda so not doing any favors by bringing it up.

Honestly, the WiiU has a great line up of first/second party games. It just got fucked by Nintendo's absolutely bafflingly bad marketing for it and inability to get third parties on board. I still think it was worth the money I put into it. Hell, it was probably worth the investment for the sheer hours spent in MK8 alone.

>The worst Zelda game
>Now with exorbitant amounts of bloom

>Honestly, the WiiU has a great line up of first/second party games.
Stop this meme. Most first party games on Wii U are worse than their Wii, GC, or N64 counterparts.

>Super Mario Galaxy
>House of the Dead
>Sin and Punishment
>Kirby's return to Dreamland
>Fragile Dreams
>Trauma Center
>Fatal Frame 2 and 4

I thought the motion control was pretty intuitive in these games and more than just waggling around.

First, WWHD wasn't good. Second, Splatoon wasn't good. Third, you Wii U defenders shit on all the good games yet bring up the shitty ones, so go fuck yourself. Tropical Freeze did not deserve this fate. Wii U posters are cancer.

What makes MK8 better than MK64, besides graphics?

>No More Heroes
>not waggle
Choose one, bucko

Daily reminder that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is a better game than Mario Kart 8th Rehash

>trying to do a star with motion controls in trauma center
Fuck that.

>No More Heroes is better than anything on Wii U