Nintenfags will defend Zelda's $20 DLC and the underwhelming launch line up.
Don't you have any dignity?
Nintenfags will defend Zelda's $20 DLC and the underwhelming launch line up.
Don't you have any dignity?
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Nope. Lost that years ago, just looking forward to play it.
I'm not poor. 20 bucks is pocket change.
I don't mind because I will be playing game of the decade
You should get a PS4, it is the superior console.
Get a job neet
Why am I being pressured to hate a game before I've even finished it?
I already did. What games should I get?
I like Nintendo but dlc announced before the games even out is horse shit no matter what platform
>launch title line up
News flash, Sup Forums. No console in the last 10 years has had a good launch line up. It's not the 90s anymore, accept it. This doesn't matter because only hasty buyers and scalpers get a console at launch.
For real, no matter the company.
Announcing dlc before the game is out deserves a backlash
>its ok when nintendo does it
Not times time. Even us Nintendo fans are pissed. Fuck the Switch.
The only worthy comparison to make is with MK8
But the pass early, get some nothing shit to pretend you didn't just spend money with no immediate payoff, in the end it doubled the games content.
How can you measure what Zelda will be like though?
New story, for all we know could just be the same story from a different character perspective. It could be a single side mission.
Hiding hard mode feels like a copout, since the game seems best suited for variable difficulty.
Their biggest mistake was talking about it now.
I hope they learn from this.
>It's only wrong when nintendo does it
This fucking sentence sums up everything that happened since Nintendo releaved the Switch
>mfw Hard Mode is DLC instead of included in the regular game
DLC might have a place in the world but not like this. How can you defend this shit, Nintendorks?
He can watch all the movies on youtube though. Such as
Let's not forget about those threads about people trying to return UC4 because they got bored of their interactive movie.
Funny thing, PS4 games are not memorable. Only game you see being talked about is Bloodborne.
You can't meme your way out of this. Even diehard Nintendo fans are admitting that everything about the Switch is shit.
If anybody defends it they are either baiting or a fucking retarded fanboy
Stop speaking for me, thanks.
By not buying it.
I rarely ever buy DLC, considering how less than 5%~ of companies do it right.
Why is it okay when other companies do it but not when Nintendo?
Sup Forums was like "Oooh Bloodvorne day 1 preorder dlc extra skins only 30 dollars" but then they bash Nintendo for doing exactly the same
I think Sony fans need to pay reparations to every single Nintendo fan for the way they were treated, then they need to be castrated and killed.
Fuck Sony and fuck white people
You deserve death
Maybe the hard mode actually changes things other than health and damage? We don't know enough now to know if its worth money, the true suckers are the ones who buy things without knowing what they're getting.
Post proof that defenders exist or fuck off with your console war garbage.
They eat de poopoo
They stretch the enus and eat it
>The 100$ special edition doesn't come with the season pass.
>People will spend 120 dollars on a game
Nintendo has fallen
I might buy it once I've seen what I get for my money. Why are you crapping on something you have so little information about? Don't you have any dignity?
>>People will spend 120 dollars on a game
So games will cost the same as back when Nintendo was still making great games?
If you could support your best friend in a time of need, wouldnt you do it?
I've spent more than $120 on far worse CEs.
I couldn't get this one though, I was too slow.
Did you read my post? I said it's bullshit no matter who does it, even Nintendo
Doesn't seem like it. I've seen tons of people on this board interested.
They really shouldn't have announced the DLC until they were ready to tell us what it actually is. They deserve the backlash