Why do you guys pirate games?

Why do you guys pirate games?

Because it's free and nobody will try and stop me doing it.

It's as close as I can get when the industry refuses to make pirate games.

free shit + no demos

Minimum work necessary to achieve desired effect. It's basic efficiency.

Life is about creating the best situation for yourself at all costs.

>have video games and less money
>have video games for free

It's not a hard decision.

>game costs $60
>no demo available
Fuck right off

because publishers are niggers and don't make fucking demos anymore

There's no way I'll ever pay 70+ dollars for a single player experience

Because im not buying a physical cartridge second hand for 10x the price on ebay.

Because I want to destroy the videogame industry.

Because I can and I don't want to pay

I'm not going to pretend to have the moral high ground


And my country is free so I don't need a VPN to torrent

Also piracy is legal for personal use here

Where the hell do you live?

I'd download a car if I could

I want games and I don't want to pay for them.

cuz im a neet without money and even if i did have money id still pirate cuz games are shit nowadays and not worth the $60+$25 dollars


Supreme court ruled that piracy is legal as long as one does not make a profit out of it and does not redistribute copies.

Basically if you download from mega it's okay, if you seed torrents it's theoretically illegal
(But nobody cares here)

I completely pirated music for years before I started paying for a $10/month service

even I didn't and don't pirate games. Not cause I couldn't here without getting caught, or because I wanted to 'support the developers', I was just never stupid enough to pay $70 for a game I didn't know anything about. I'm just really careful with what I buy, buy when shit is on sale, and I tend to have pretty good luck finding games I like.

Some of the games I come back to the most frequently aren't $70-80 AAA titles anyway, so

do you live

Oy vey, it's another Shoa

I only pirate games that cannot be bought anymore.

I used to pirate all my games, but from about 4 years ago I've gone legit and buy all my games. That said, I only buy old titles that are at least 75% off, usually spending less than $10 per title.

I'm poor but I do my part to support the industry, and nowadays being legit is easy and convenient with online stores.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to buy music and software too.

Why do you guys PAY for games?

>pcucks beg for games
>but they don't buy them
Really activates that grey matter

>buying AAA games
>in 2k17

What will you do when cube world finally patches and reopens the store?

>games are shit nowadays
you shouldn't waste your life playing shit games, user, even for free

Inb4 food analogy

I've downloaded so much shit. I literally pirated entire college lecture series. I listened to enough pirated college history lectures to fill a major or at least a minor.

i pirate games and play for 10 mins then quit cuz theyre shit

Because it's not illegal

Because I can.

No money to pay for them and skipping Denuvo. I do have my list of the ones I've played though, once the proper time comes, I'll definitely buy them.

Because their leeches of society that don't want to contribute, even to the HOBBY they claim to care about.

>don't buy games
>wonder why devs don't want to port games to pc

i thought italians being a niggers are meme but u fuck are worse than slav niggers

I generally only pirate something when a game has certain "features" I'd rather be without, like an always on internet connection.
Otherwise, I get really old stuff that has a retardedly inflated secondary price. I'm not paying some chucklefuck 200 bucks for a N64 game.


literally to test if a graphics intensive title works on my toaster

yesterday I bought Arkham knight on steam
after struggling to get it to even boot on my windows 10 laptop, I finally realized it is unplayable on that machine

I should have pirated, but I thought that the game patches would have fixed the famous performance issues

Because I'm white.

Game too good but budget too small

Cannibalizing what little there is of the PC AA(A) market. Just parasites festering in the mud.

At least the frowned on consolebabbies buy and support entire genres of games funding over a third of the entire video game industry. Pirates just self serve and give legitimate vidya supporting PC players a bad name.

The above posters are why millions of dollars go to creating drm to fuck over *everybody* instead of funding the games actual development.

In the case of Berseria and Resident Evil 7 there were demos, pirates are grade A cancer, they will pirate regardless.


>AAA games should be supported
Also, it's not the pirates fault AA games died, don't delude yourself

Literally this

Sup Forums of all places doesn't need to sugarcoat it. it really is that simple pirates are literally vidya niggers.

self serving people that try to justify their misdeeds with ignorance. You pirate cause u dont want to contribute, u take without giving back. easy

>placing the blame on others

>no capitalization
>no punctuation
>reddit spacing
>against piracy

because i can

>consolebabbies buy and support entire genres of games
At least PC gamers do not outright commit actual theft. Pic related and super common.

>AA games died because of pirates
>not because normies usually just buy the stuff that's the most heavily advertised and they couldn't keep up with marketing budgets
Nice me.me

Im a jew with my money and I want to save money If its possible

Yeah because you can't pirate on consoles right?

because its free. Seriously though, try and stop me. Calling me bad names is getting old

i pirate exclusively on nintendo platforms because i know those retarded fanboys will just foot the bill for me :)

Same in Switzerland, except torrents could be a problem since only the download is authorized. Though nobody enforce this regarding torrents

>buy used games
>it's totally not the same as pirating, because you actually pay money for it
>the developer will see none of it, but I swear we're the good guys

to try before i buy
and not some pissweak demo
i also use chipped consoles and havent bought a single one of them either, no idea why people say console players never pirate, its basically only the box you need to crack

>itt - butthurt game dev wannabes and shills

lmao cry more

For games I don't like, spite.
For games I do like, unemployment.

Hey why didn't you buy them?
Oh wait...

To try the game before I buy it.

To this day I bought every game I downloaded except 5

don't mind me, just pirating these groceries!

But user, I used to. But that doesn't really matter because the majority of normalfags, who make up the majority of the game market, didn't.

get their shit and their tears for free. Kek

But that not pirating, you're getting away with the original product

>I'll waste my time on games I don't like that'll show them

As an unemployed person my time is worthless.
Might as well play games I hate to show people they're just shit at the game and need to get good.

No money, but I did get a job so things might change

wtf i hate pirates now

Digital shit have no value. Imagine Steam shutting down and all your library is gone now.

i don't give a fuck
deal with it

I don't even pirate games anymore.

I don't see the appeal of downloading "free" horseshit as it's still horseshit.

Companies like Ubisoft and other AAA devs should really be paying me to play their godawful games, even when u can get em free they're not worth it.

you pirated that stock photo to make your point! gasp!

>mfw I pirated HoI4


No friend, nothing "should". Not even the facilitation of the air you breathe "should". Shit happens for many reasons but unless you believe in the bible or someshit there is no universal good or bad. No should or shouldn't just cause some overruling deity creates it so.

Shit happens or it doesn't. In this case, games get funded and made to make money or they don't. People like you are parasites because you don't just ignore the process that gets the game made like somebody not in the market for vidya like my grandmama. You express interest, follow, discuss and also employ use of the product without actually contributing.

You take without giving back like the other user said and that's ok. What's not ok is when it fucks over everybody else cause all of as sudden System shock 3 becomes console exclusive or gets securom ULTRA or isn't made at all due to lack of return of investment yet more people are using and are interested in the product than actually contributed to it.

You constantly plague and disrupt developers so we get shit like the bannerlord team contacting denuvo for potential implementation. So yea, no "should" but whatever you do decide on doing has a consequence and in your cancerous case, it fucks over all of vidya.

more like truly free unlike the citizens of Land of the freeā„¢

free real estate

Buyfags BTFO.

Is this pasta? I just hope it is for your sake.

because I can
the same reason you pocket money left in the parking lot rather than hand it in

Im on Sup Forums - blite at 4am, im not saying your a bad person. But ill ask this: you don't want to give some support to people who bring enjoyment to your life?

ain't reading your wall of tears homo
go get a real job because no one's buying your indie walking sim

you dont like bois?


because I can

>still crying


>tfw you like free stuff but you also like spending money


name? sauce gives nothing.

see pic

a sink

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Free stuff.
I am not a good person.

depends on what you consider piracy, if you consider things like old school emulators, fightcade, and handhelds piracy then yes quite actively.

i only do this because there aren't any effective and long lasting way to get those old games otherwise, and having active online for old school fighting games through fightcade is something i really love having access to.


here is you're (you) user.

you live a sad life

After the introduction of Steam refunds, I don't.

I normally don't understanding pirating games like The Witcher 3 where you get the GOTY edition for 25 $, but games like Mass Effect where most DLCs are either unavailable or only sold on Origin for the same price as 5 years ago without any discounts is a disgrace.

I don't understand why EA is so retarded to make it extremely expensive and extremely hard to get their full game, but are on the other hand so bitchy if there are torrents where the full game with every dlc is available in only one click...

There are so many other retarded publisher out there who don't understand that people pay only for quality. I bet most pirates only play like 10 % of their pirate games and only finish like 0.1 % of their pirated games, because they are shit.

But the modern pirated isn't on any torrent site. The modern pirate uses youtube to watch his games and can do this completely legal. I would argue that lets plays are the most destructive thing for the gaming industry. I have not even once(!) bought a game of which I watched a lets play/walkthrough/"movie" on youtube. And the best thing of this kind of "gaming" is that you don't have to spent money and you can get the game cut which saves your time.