OverWatch comp players

Anybody want to group up for some Comp? rank 1500-2300, i just want to play with some sane humans for a change. all my friends got sucked back into WoW

maybe even put together a rag tag team

It must be a sad life to devote yourself as a sheep to a game that is meant entirely to steal your money and your time.

Bumping for visibility, i think this has potential

Why the hate for a good video game on a video game board? wanna play? i dont spend my money on it, and i only bought the base game. it's just good fun m8

I've wanted to play OW with Sup Forums for a while now.

I'm in the 2500 to 3200 range though OP.

All games take time and most cost money. This one is really fun in exchange.

sigh, i grouped up with 2 friends and they both dragged me down from 2800 to 1535 over time lolol

where are you tho, don't want shitty connection

mid west US colorado

ah too bad i'm in Australia
are you stuck in elo hell ?

elo hell is only the attitudes of the players. when people throw because they didnt get their hero pick, it kills the soul

do you play on the Europe server?

i play on americas but i tried to play with a guy from new york once and had constant 300 ping

>midwest US

Me too. Go the fuck to sleep, Jesus Christ user

How the fuck are you going to be healthy and happy (and better at the game in turn) if you stay up this late shitposting on Sup Forums?

>Playing competitive games with Sup Forums
I don't see how this is any better than solo queue.

They havent gotten a penny from me, the only annoying tHing are the event skins but you can usually save enough coins for atleast 1 legendary by playing a couple matches a day.

Why so salty


In pretty sure you deserved to go down too, sounds like you are pretty shit

>good video game

it doesn't challenge you. it's just a game where you play tanks and supports and can even do it with controller and attain a high rank.

In pretty sure you deserved to go down too, sounds like you are pretty shit

You should have atleast started carrying your friends at some point before hitting rck bottom but you didnt.

one player has very little effect on a game of overwatch unless ur a hitscan god or something

Even a good Genji can shred teams in low ranks because so many are bad at aiming.

Lmfao the toxic little fuccboi in this thread is exactly what ruins games like these. Bet he's just salty he's shit at the game and had to take come here to bitch as he fights off tears. Not even going to (You) him either, just sad as fuck but hilarious all the same.

I would play if I wasn't in this hellhole Australia. I'm also shit at video games so I fit that rank range.

the thing is, i was just playing for fun. they were playing so badly people would eleave and the n wed get fucked. only took like 6 hours lol

Would play with you but i cant even play with friends now thanks to point limit

>mfw i can't even avoid the salt here

you guys, do you have any real life friends?

Nice google image m8

Nah. Friends only hold you back from obtaining an eternity of (You)s

woops wrong doggo


I really want to get to diamond and have been steadily improving. I'll play with you s-soon

>tfw realised this too late
>tfw already spent 40$+60$

I have a group that plays around nighttime 10pm-3am west coast.
Catcakers#1504 we are around 2400.

>west coast

How does that translate to central time?

First of all git gud.

Second thing - which heroes do you mostly play. Let me give you tips from high diamond/low master.

>steal your money
How? This isn't tf2 where you can get some ultra rare dick butt unusual effect on a hat by opening a crate with a 2% chance to get one. You can literally obtain everything for free by just playing the game.

Finished my placement matches got put in 2300

The only other season I played was 1, got to rank 69 or something I don't really remember.

Am I shit?
I also played lots of tf2lobby

thanks man i added you ishkatar#1822

Pharah, soldier, mcree lately, lucio, mercy, sym, mei, rein, monkey. those i can play reliably well. i end every single match with at least 2 golds (gold don't mean shit)
they do when you get 45-55% of the kills every fucking match.

no matter how hard you carry, you cannot carry mental illness in elo hell~ Renee Descartes

I know right. this guys bait is trash

I'd play with you but my roomie moved out and took his two copies.

SO I guess I'm turning to begging because I dunno if I want to spend money on this.

im on pc dude, copies? you sound like a console peasant bruh

This. I literally have all I want in the game on random chance with like 90 hours game time and 4,000 to spare. I only paid like $30 for the game.

He bought both on console, so I played on ps4. I'd play it on anything, really, I don't have preferences.

>not playing Hanzo

>i just want to play with some sane humans for a change
>coming to Sup Forums
>a board notorious for being fucking shit at competitive video games that would rather whine endlessly than actually get better

>me and roommate do placements
>go 9-1, end up around 3300
>roommate gets more points/win then me because i played a few matches the previous season
>eventually can't even queue with each other
>quit playing ranked because of retarded ass mmr.

Shit's stupid.

You can. It is a matter of mindset

I suggest sticking to either tanks, or dpses - pick the class that has most impact on the game at your tier.

If people group up consider tanks like Zarya, rein.
If your team is full of dumb fags go for dps.

Soldier is a solid pick all around, pharah is decent.. Unless they have good hitscan heroes and players.

If they won't group up, at all, wait for at least few fags and flank the enemy. Focus supports, then dpses.

You might want consider reaper - he is piss easy to dominate whole teams with if you are good.
He sadly falls off when you are playing Vs people on your skill level.

Also Zarya, if you learn her, is the best hero for pulling yourself from that shit. You gain extra damage from dumb fuckd in your team with shield. You have ult that can wipe teams.
And those fucktards will shoot your shield.

Why is ELO / MMR taken so seriously in a fucking team game ?

>previous season
>haven't played online shooters since 2007 or something, aim has completely decayed
>play like total shit
>3 wins, 7 losses
>end up at 2500
>decide it's time to get back into FPS
>invest a ton of time in several FPS to improve
>accuracy improves across the board everywhere
>see that Overwatch season ends soon
>decide to finally do my placement matches for the current season
>play significantly better than previous season, multiple gold medals every game no matter what role
>7 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses

I mean they probably have some other metric in place that decides your rating but that still felt like a slap to the face.

I mean it does eventually become an issue if you can't play with your friends due to the skill gap being so high.

Bcs people like to compete and show that they're better than others.

Name one game where competitive players aren't complete trash

This, in low sr just try to pick heroes you can solo carry with so Road, Zayra and pretty much any dps. (even ana is a good pick and just become a healslut).

And just communicate give callouts tell people to back off and don't get greedy (I even see this happen in GM). It might look stupid to be the only one talking but it helps so much.

Just fucking junk rat for me desu, lclick shift rclick kills a lot of guys, grenade are so good to just fucking spam it works and kills, always gold damage no matter what, usually good kills

Watchpoint girbalter is my favorite map, I like defense junkrat or bastion or hanzo. Attack pharah, soldier, winston

But most maps I just default ro junkrat, soldier, roadhog. Winston rarely, but he is still good against prpblematic snipers

you dont understand lol, people will iterally throw and afk if you take the dps they wanted, even if theyre shit. everytime i go pharah or soldier im on fire the whole match and i have 5 medals. but since they didnt get their ick i lose and it ends up being 4v6 because my other team mate gets pissed and just throws. fuck these childish retards. blizz plz ban them

Oh and I do callouts as second nature
tf2 lobby

To all the people below ~3500 SR: Just git gud at Pharah. Pharah is an amazing hero that can carry games, and most people (at least below 3k SR) can't aim for shit. I have some Tribes experience and she is my most played hero, but shes really good.

Wins dont mean shit in placement matches. Your performance on a particular hero compared to other people who play him does.

that feel when just finished a game as pharah with 58 elims, 34 objective kills. 24k damage, and gold objective time. STILL LOST BECAUSE SOME FAGGOT DECIDED HE WOULDVE BEEN A BETTER PHARAH AND THREW! JESUS FUCK

Naise. Pharah is pretty easy to get stats like gold damage etc with though. Still, they should have a way to track people who throw. Better stats would be good too, but Blizzard prefers safe spaces.

I'm right now living in a foreign country and have no friends, no online friends even.

So I only work and play this shit, feel free to add me if you are interested, I'm spanish though.

Rank gold around 2000 points by the way

It's harder to get multiple quadras and still lose though. that takes skillful bad luck with team mates

add me dude, ishkatar#1822 slowly climbing out of gold

>2k mmr

nah, literally shit


Sure, thanks

Mye nothing you can rly do about those guys... just report,block and dodge their queue and hope for a better game next time.

Glad this doesn't happen as often the higher u get but it still happens but those games just make me depressed. (Read something that they were planning on changing the reporting but not quite sure)
True junkrat can be rly good if the enemy team doesn't respect junk and try to counter him. Just be prepared to switch junk more often the higher you get.

how the fuck do you block people?!

Did you try a proxy/VPN? My game went from 150 to 60 ping

In game, tab and right click on their name or go to social tab, recent players and right click.

Blocking ≠ not getting queued with them, it just blocks any form of communication with them. There was an avoid player option once but they removed it cuz people used it to avoid players who just played bad that game and not for what it was intended (I miss that option sometimes)

>some dude goes attack torb
>we win
>say "that was fucking retarded"
>someone got offended FOR the attack torb
>Apologize or I'm throwing the next round
>refuse to say sorry because i refuse to let a dumbass on the internet hold power over me.
>picks shit like sombra and widow
>im just doing my job healing the team with Ana. Even him but alot less than everyone
>"this would go smoother if you apologize"
Lost and blames it on me when he threw, Not a peep from the attack torb

Personally, I have never played with a "let me play my hero or I throw," that shit is rare. Are you US? I don't meet anyone like that, just the everyday "FOLLOW THE COMPOSITION I AM SAYING, YOU NEED TO SEITCH HEROS NOT ME I SWEAR"

They still try, they just bitch on mic a lot

i find that if i lead with my impersonations people warm up pretty fast. whenever i just ask nicely they all descend into chaos

>tf2 lobby
Do you think Sup Forums could get a highlander game going? I never got particularly good, but even just trying in steel was more fun than overwatch. Risk vs reward, and individual player skill is so much better in tf2 imo
I still like overwatch, but I only play it because no one plays tf2 anymore, valve ruined everything

Sounds gay, sonic the hedgehog?

But yea, people get so fucking butthurt, I know why other mobas don't have automatic voice chat, all the rage being in text doesn't ruin or game nearly as much

is this the new UI for the next season?

>tfw season high was 3149
>did not get to 3500
j u s t .

>Guy picks bastion "We need Ana and Rein"
>"Road go rein"
>"Fine gg we lose. Idiot players"

I usually say "i can be anything you want me to be, except Zayra" and its true im a god Ana and Hercules Rein, a decent everything else, a shit Zarya

I am always between 2800 and 2950. Fuck.

>he doesnt remember tribes

I am fucking shit at this game. I got placed at 2400 after my placements and I lost/didn't play long enough to make my way down to under 2000. I don't know if it's the leavers, or the fact that I exclusively solo queue, but it's incredibly discouraging.

I only solo queue after midnight. The children aren't playing and talking with annoying voices and there are no quiters.

Yeah see the problem I have with that is that I end up with koreans.

Nah dude, fuck bastions trying to make the team conform to their will. If you can't play him in any composition, you shouldn't be playing not in premades

That said, I switch to decent combo characters usually, but mostly the other way around of "oh we already have a rein ana and mecy, I'll go bastion" instead of trying to make the team revolve around myself
I have my fair amount of lucio play myself, people are really bad at aiming at him, and enviornmental kills are fun too. One of the best characters, no doubt, so I jave no problem healing when appropriate

The only time I have heard girls say callouts on the mic, and no one addresses her back or talk about her gender

Little kids during the day are all thirsty

>You can literally obtain everything for free by just playing the game.
i didnt get mei and dva skins. I got like 10 legendaries but only 3 of them were event related, the rest were duplicates of base game legendaries.

in any case, the game is balanced around the lootboxes dropping often enough for tryhards to have a chance at getting everything throughout the event, while being rare enough to force people who dont play that much to pay for them if they want a specific skin.

>Anybody want to group up for some Comp? rank 1500-2300, i just want to play with some sane humans for a change
You're not going to find any in that range, user. And if you do that means they're there because they have 0 mechanical skill

It really doesn't make much sense for such a team-focused game to have a comp solo-Q that disregards your preferred heroes.

>plat ranking, ilios, playing tracer
>doing mildly well but still losing
>halfway through the round the roadhog says 'give me tracer or i torb'
>go soldier
>he goes tracer
>dies repeatedly
>decide to go roadhog
>he out of nowhere says "k" and then goes torb
>we still win the round because roadhog is such a retarded hard carry
>he turns the amp up and goes bastion next round
>doesn't even accidentally help us like most people who do this, just continuously throws himself at the enemy team and dies
>still win that round
>he goes sym for this one
>places turrets in retarded positions and sit emotes on point, but ends up accidentally helping us because the enemy team still kept dying to his turrets
>doesn't even put down tp/shield
>we win
>leaves instantly

What is the mindset of people like this?

no lol, i'm a spot on Mcree, soldier, and winston. can also do a passable hanzo.

can't count the number of times people actually thought i was matt mercer