New Action-RPG for PS4

looks decent

looks gay

yiff in hell


inb4 defending furshit because it's a ps4 game

This shit looks like that Naruto game for Xbox360.

Looks like one of those generic PS2 games you'd by on a whim and end up enjoying

Need more games like that. Not everything needs to be a magnum opus

>fighting game mechanics

No thanks. There's a reason that genre is tiny.


Good way to ruin your game and any fanbase you may hope of it having

Naruto: Furry Edition

That's what I thought when I saw Evergrace. It's not really a good game, but I really enjoyed it.

Feels like nobody wants to experiment on weird shit anymore.

Because it makes people upset when they just jump in without making any effort and they don't win?

>furries are still a thing

Fuck off and die furfags.

I want more games to experiment on weird mechanics and ideas, but making your game about furries is embarrassing.

Another Dust Elysien bullshit thing?

I wasn't talking about this, just weird shit in general.

>Furry game
>MC is called Shadow

Great another reskinned sonic fangame

>that read

Wow. Haven't heard an announcer that doesn't even pretend to give a fuck what he's reading in a long time. I bet he did this one take, turned around and held out his hand for his paycheck.

Looks like a low budget PS3 game. Those deviantart tier character designs dont help either.


Its actually Chado, the narrator is just inept.

>Naruto game fighting

I like it.
I don't like that the guy could tell us everything about it without missing a thing in 2 minutes.

As always amazing exclusives Sonycucks.

Why does it look like a korean MMO?

Why are you steam cucks so obsessed with graphics? can't you look a game for its gameplay?

sonyponies proving their intelligence once again

Nice try furcuck

>b-b-b-but steam

>You just know these characters are gonna be sexualized to hell and back by degenerate furries
I miss when anthropomorphic animals were just goofy and didn't make me think of DeviantArt.

Fucking yum!

>New Action-RPG for PS4
it is multiplat

so now that HZD is shit, is this the Zelda killer?

Oh good, now we won't have to listen to sonyponies pretend it's anything of value.

Your only complaint is about how the game looks

That's the only reason you avoided to answer my question by trying to play the smart greentext card.

>not VIDEO game


And you're a dumbass who doesn't know the difference between graphics and art style. Keep digging yourself deeper.
>avoided to answer my question
I don't answer rhetorical questions.

user, I don't know why you visit DevianArt or 8-chan porn

I never saw a single second of this garbage. My life is better without it
When I see a game like Banjo I don't think of anything other than good N64 memories.

Why are you so worried about what people will do if you don't visit the place they post their shit?

>Game character design
>Not part of the graphics
>Thinking graphics is the setting you use in your Steam to tune up your shit indie shovelware
>Not understanding the concept of graphics

Well, I have some news for you...

>Well, I have some news for you...
Is it about an outbreak of hilariously pathetic backpedaling? Because I think you caught it.

>attack ps4 game for being furry shit not because its a ps4 game or for graphics



Is English not your first language?

Why the extra 's'

Look incredibly stupid
When will developers drop that fucking artstyle for characters? Looks fucking lazy.


I like the art style but the gameplay looks like shit and half the cast is sonic characters.

You people do know that children and young teenagers play games to right? Just because your minds have been corrupted by the internet does not mean everyone else minds has.

The game looks neat but I am not the target demographic for this game. Looks like something a 8-13 year old would love.

Go back to your basement you crusty ass fatty.

I just wanted to antagonize sonyponies. Of course now I know it's multiplat so I guess I can't do that anymore.

I fucking wish the artstyle was better for this game. The models look so fucking jarring and ugly as fuck.

Looks mediocre.

The only action RPG coming out that looks good is Ni No Kuni 2

That's because it is. It's a new ip from a new dev. If yo uwant this, except good, play it and give them money.