Best running animation: Lara vs Vanessa

Part 1/2
When Lara runs, her butt wiggles left and right. She has a big, peachy but firm ass.

Part 2/2
When Vanessa runs, her ass bounce and shakes. Her butt is big like Lara's, but it's jiggly rather than firm.

Who's got the best running animation?

Lara hands down.

Because of 60 fps, more polys and smoother textures, or because of the running animation itself?

I just like Lara desu.

Vanessa. Just look at her booty bounce! It's like a fat ass, but without the nasty features of a fat ass.

Lara's is nice too, but I really miss that juicy jiggle.

Lara because I have a swimsuit fetish

That ass isnt very big m8, neither is lara's. But i give it to lara based on smoother animation.

Yeah, but the question is if people like the jiggle and bounce, or if they prefer more firmness.

Depends on your definition of big, I suppose. I think they both have big butts.

I guess big is relative in a sense but you would have to go to japan for it to be true in this case

I don't know man. I think her butt is big compared to her thighs, waist and upper body. Maybe it's not a big butt per see, but it looks big on her otherwise slim frame?

>neither is lara's
It's big compared to her thin waist.

This might be the most degenerative thing I've read all day

kill yourself already vanessafag

which tomb raider is this one?

That's usually what it is in games, a small waist rather than a big ass. Like overwatch doesnt have a single big ass despite the obsession, it's all an illusion from impossibly tiny waists.

sauce on gayme


So the ass itself is pretty much at normal size. I agree with you then.

Also, I really like the contrast between Lara's firm bum and Vanessa's jiggly cheeks. I mean, if you look at how their buttocks actually move and not just the size.

Are you that autistic guy who keeps posting pictures of Lightning and saying that anything larger than hers is a "nigger ass"?

No. I just love some sexy running animation in third person games.

Lara's looks like she's athletic. She's got good form, like she sprints a lot. Vanessa looks like she's struggling, already exhausted. I like Lara's more

Very good point, I think. Because it makes sense as Vanessa's butt is s jiggly. She runs more heavy because she's less athetic than Lara.

Jesus christ you two, go do some exercise. You dont become a rock when in shape, muscle sways too and you retain about 10% fat as a guy and 20% as a woman. Ive done university bodybuilding contests and when i box my arms wobble. Most fit girls on the treadmill have asses that sway around.

Its just bad modelling in game if they dont.

Lara's ass sway, but it doesn't bounce and jiggle like Vanessa's. You see this difference, right?

I want to drag my tongue across wetsuit Lara's ass crack.




None of my post had anything to do with their asses

>if you're not a gay prude like me, you're degenerate
kill yourself my man

slightly disturbing desu


Really like how it looks like the girl with the jiggly butt struggles to run. As if she's carrying too much junk in her trunk and tries to cope with it.

Meanwhile, lean Lara has a much more athletic butt and it shows in her animation.

But animation are excellent for what they're trying to achieve.

ATWT is such a shitty fetish

Gonna go with Lara
Vanessa's ass is on point however, can't dismiss it

Is she trying to swallow a bass whole?

"On the point"?

It's really more like preferring Lara's running animation but Vanessa's ass
I'd post gifs of Vanessa's ass in action but I don't have any & it doesn't involve running

Is it possible to play TR bonerless?

You mean this one? Jiggle jiggle!

So what makes Lara's running animation better?

And why does Vanessa have the better ass? Because of the jiggle jiggle?

She's being fucked in the ass by a horse.

No, her hips just move. The ass should still 'jiggle'.

Hard to say
Lara's wearing a swimsuit & it doesn't obstruct much from her figure
Vanessa in the posted webm has her figure slightly obstructed by the camera very close to her (it doesn't show her whole body) & her outfit (at that camera angle) not displaying her ass as much