The elder krogan spent more than 1,400 years causing a ruckus in the Milky Way—wearing the title of soldier...

>The elder krogan spent more than 1,400 years causing a ruckus in the Milky Way—wearing the title of soldier, mercenary, and at times, pirate. When the loyal, but stubborn, veteran was given the chance to join his clan on a voyage to Andromeda, he had no choice but to sign up. Doing so would present him with a whole new galaxy of stuff to shoot.

This is Nakmor Drack, your new squadmate. Say something nice about him.

can you fuck him?

>"Do you have any idea how many humans I've watched die? You're meat. You spoil."


Probably gonna be a permanent squad addition like Wrex was.


Shrack is Drack

>mercenary and pirate

uh no you can shoot him on first game

never forgive bioware

never forget mass effect 3 ending

never forget mass effect 2 shit gameplay

never forgive

last words of mass effect 3 trilogy were DLC


never ever

>So guys
>Let's take Zaeed
>And make him a 1400 year old Krogan

This description feels like it was written by a fucking intern.

Why does he look like such a nice guy? Seriously, look at his face.

1400 years is really fucking old even by krogan standards.

Literally an edgy grandpa

Probably worse than Wrex, probably less funny than Wrex, but maybe he'll spout old geezer and pirate lines.

RIP Robin Sachs

He has the best taste in hard candy on the squad.

Is he gay? He's probably gay

>"I'm too old for this shit!"

>Doing so would present him with a whole new galaxy of stuff to shoot.
>stuff to shoot
I feel like they're bad on purpose at this point.

>ugly females
>terrible descriptions

Is bioware even trying anymore or they know that everyone will buy their shit?

>guys he is so old xD 1400 years old, So he joined to shoot up things XDDD
>he is so edgy, hmans are nothing you are meat you are going to die XDD

I am vommiting

No, because he's the "evil" squadmate, and gay people can't be evil.

"Big bad krogan kill, krogan smash" wow, what a nice character.

And he starts at level one. Probably outclassed by the spunky just-picked-up-a-gun companion.

No, you missed
>Big bad krogan kill, krogan smash... for long time

Someone post the bio for Cole or whatever his name was from Inquisition.

>He is a ghost in the shadows, walking unnoticed through crowds. He can slit an enemy's throat before they even realize he's there, and slip away, never to be seen again. Those few who do notice him soon forget he ever existed… and Cole isn't certain that he does exist.

these character backgrounds are so shittily written you'd think they pulled them from deviantart fanfictions

Bioware can go fuck themselves.
I sincerely wish everyone who works there could be captured by ISIS.

What the fuck is bioware doing? You cant even blame SJW boogeyman for this shit, its just biowares fault. The trilogy was a very good series except 3s dumb ending and now they make a description like "stuff to shoot" to a krogan. Wtf is going on with bioware

My favorite was Blackwall
>I thought I knew what pain was before I shoved a toothpick into my dickhole.
Something along those lines

How can you say "The trilogy was a very good series" when every other line Grunt says in 2 is "I want to kill something Shepard".

But there's the

what the fuck happened to bioware? ME1 had plenty flaws, but also had great atmosphere and an incredibly potential, DA Origins was a bland setting, but the edgyness and some of the hilarious things you could do made up for it, the origins system itself was amusing too

their games always had shitty aspects but overall made up for those aspects, but now they are just awful, ME2 at least had Mordin

ME2 > ME1 > ME3
This is objectively true and you know it. This franchise became popular because of 2.

>became popular
And then it subsequently became shit in ME3. What a surprise.

>People generally don't give two fucks about the humanoid characters in Mass Effect, and use ayylmaos instead
>Andromeda pushing SJW agenda like Dr. Rokso pushes cocaine into himself
>Make ayylmaos boring and retarded so people use the "badass" and "realistic" female characters


>everything popular is bad, look how contrarian I am
No. It's bad because of BioWares incompetence. Also you can't make games while EA is fucking your ass.

I like Krogans.

Short answer: They turned to shit.

Long answer: Nobody from the original Bioware works there any more. The company is nothing but a rotten husk. After the EA acquisition, a lot of people were fired or left in disgust. Those that remained were slowly supplanted by cheaper, younger people with no experience, talent or ability.
These days they are hiring straight from tumblr and review sites that give their games high scores. I'm not exaggerating that part either, it's verifiable truth you can look up if you don't believe it.

There's no one at Bioware who cares, and even less people who can actually code, animate, write or direct a video game. That's why everything they do is so miserable.

>>everything popular is bad
It's definitely worse. Or do you enjoy your games dumbed down?

How can you have such shit taste?


2 Did nothing right except Mordin and Omega.


If all of these animations were sped up 50% or maybe 100% they wouldn't actually look that bad.

This is mostly true with one small correction:

They do keep a handful (and by handful I mean 5) half-way decent code monkeys from silicon valley on staff.

Everything else is spot on though.

So the new bad aliens are going to have a leader that is against aliens coming to their galaxy right? He's big plan is going to be to kill these faggots and then build a mass effect wall around the galaxy right?

Its literally perfect.

>taking niggers to andromeda
>taking krogan to andromeda


And he will have his sexy, but ultimately feeble in character female flunkies at his side. At least three of them.

You know, it's hard to have any faith in humanity when Bioware will shit out Andromeda and it will be their worst game ever, but it will get 98% and 100% scores across the line and 10/10 IGN, Polygon and neoGAF because EA can afford those kinds of numbers.

And then all the writhing vermin who only look at the numbers will buy it, and even if they see how bad they've been fucked and how godawful the game is, they'll be obligated to say they loved it and give it good reviews because disagreeing with the die-hard fans AND the review sites would be nothing but a lesson in futility.

Because filling a galaxy with Krogan to use them as a jack-in-the-box bazooka against the super-reapers is an amazing idea.

Think about it. How many basic Krogan warriors, with a basic shooty gun and Krogan fighting stick, would it have realistically taken to beat Sovereign. Maybe ten billion? Twenty if we are being generous to Sovereign?
Now what can you do with twenty trillion Krogan?


>Lol he's like a billion years old, and like the death god of the Milky Way, but you've never heard of him, he's that cool! And like he wants to go shoot stuff so he's like "okay lol" when they tell him to go somewhere new. Also he drops all of his murdering ways to join up with a woman who has the face of a Male-to-female transition gone wrong, which is to say a standard trans woman.

welcome to the modern video game industry where a games succeeds not on quality but on its marketing campaign, take a second and looks at destiny budget i don't really have opinion on the game itself but most of its budgets was on marketing its fucking ridiculous.

As far as we know the reapers never cared about anything but the Milky Way.

Also Rachni > Krogan

Every time I watch this webm it gets worse

>That fucking amateurish transition at 0:13
>Those people firing in the background at the jedi who whirls his saber and everyone is standing still
>The jedi who has a completely open shot at 0:01 and doesn't do anything
>The jedi and sith just sort of freeze in place at 0:11

I wrote Invader Zim fanfiction better than that as a child.

The way you phrased that made me think of Borderlands.
Mass Effect is literally and unironically writing bios for their characters that Borderlands would use.

The very worst part is the guy being shot in the back. Look what he does. He crumbles forward, but then he spreads his arms out as he continues to run forward before falling.
That's not how a human react to anything.
No living being would do that.

>making a sexualized little girl "okay" by making her 1400 years old
Wow, is this a new low for Bioware?

Ah, but these are SUPER reapers! They are just like reapers, but bigger, stronger, and they care less about lore! Because what good is a Mass Effect game without reapers? A new enemy? Sorry, we can't come up with a new enemy. But trust us, Super Reapers are so epic. Like, one of them is the size of Earth to Mars.

Who did they have mocap this shit, the Toronto School of Interpretive Dancing?

Holy shit user if thats the case then i have to preorder the super duper day 1 special edition!

did someone say REAPERS???


Ah yes, the "superreapers". We have dismissed this claim.

I doubt anything in TOR is mocapped user.

And if they used mocap, it was probably done on lego figures.

maybe he'll be kinda like a xenos zaeed?

i had high hopes from cole because i liked Justice


But council, one is being detained in C-Sec right now! The broadcast is on that TV right there!

it's mocapped, they just had awful actors


Well... It's better than Kai Leng.

I'm sure if I was 13 years old this would be badass

Every time I look at this game it becomes more unappealing.

Cole turned out to be pretty interesting though. Him and Blackwall were the only 2 characters I gave a fuck about

You missed how the jedi in the background at 0:03 isn't even animated. They're just standing there with lightsaber casually pointed aside while guys shoot at him.

>stuff to shoot

I didn't know the character bios were written by the same guys that did the animations, aka the janitors.


Because it was a good series

My initial impression was that he was boring/forgettable. Actually, I literally forgot the guy existed when I got to the stronghold. Literally literally.

When the game ended and everyone was gathered, I saw him there I was like RIGHT that guy was a thing.

You can be either of those things, and still loyal. Loyal to your brothers-in-arms, but still killing whomever you're paid to kill. And refusing to take contracts that would pit you against allies.

>a race of belligerent warriors who is kept in check only by the extremely high mortality rate
>le special snowflake veteran who somehow lived through it all

So is he supposed to predate the genophage?

Uh yes super reapers

Is this the game where you either play as a "woman" with a face made of butter or an atrophied literal midget?

>tfw I made a shepard a passable Picard look-alike for my playthrough of the series
>Now I have to settle for this shit

There are very few Krogan being born, so the ones that are born must train to be the best soldiers possible.
That actually makes perfect sense.

>kept in check only by the extremely high mortality rate


But you're shitting all over that Krogan from Andromeda because he has a description that sounds EXACTLY like they're describing Grunt, only he's old instead of young.

>the ones that are born must train to be the best soldiers possible.
What a preteen line of thinking.
Especially since they have the brains of walnuts and the entire genophage was invented because Krogans were more than willing to throw their lives away in battle non-stop no matter how many of them died.

That's their one and only battle strategy, "shooting stuff" as OP's image puts it.

Hey, you know what would be better to risk your life in battle when your species is dying?

Almost literally anything else.

Except Grunt was literally an edgy, angsty teenager (Well, few-week-old, but you get the idea).
This is just edgy grandpa

>killing wrex
Why anybody does this is beyond me. It's as easy as breathing to make him stay.

I'm hype. Are you hype?

>tfw still no Volus teammate

>Especially since they have the brains of walnuts and the entire genophage was invented because Krogans were more than willing to throw their lives away in battle non-stop no matter how many of them died.
There are two types of Krogan post Genophage.
Wreave who is a mad autistic.
Wrex who want to take a more logical approach to things.

>Daddy AF
>Violent asshole
>nice eyes
>Prolly huge dong

Gonna fuck this grandpa.

Gonna fuck him good.

>your only two choices are playing as a manlet and a troll
Very hype

wrex is awesome, but the genophage in me1 was way more nuanced than "IT'S LITERALLY THE HOLOCAUST" that it was in the sequels
the fact that wrex pushes hard to find a solution clashes with the fact that he's just about the only decent krogan you meet, and giving him what he wants would imply having the galaxy submerged by violent and unkillable lizards who multiply faster than you can kill them
it made you think twice at least, I can see ending up killing wrex if you wanted to keep the krogans in check in a playthrough