What was your reaction when you saw this for the first time? Was it like "wow...

What was your reaction when you saw this for the first time? Was it like "wow, she looks great now" or was it more "WTF have they done to her?"

to be perfectly honest with you, my first thought was something along the lines

>muh dick

Time to fap.

I think it was dull surprise that they extended the game past Mother Brian (I had a hunch because half of Chozodia was missing from my map) which turned to frustration when it was revealed to be a shitty stealth mission. I pretty much equated the suit with why I hate Zero Mission.

Shit didn't really hit the fan until Brawl.



I always wonder why people find Zero Mission Samus to be sexier than Super Metroid Samus? Bikini vs full cover suit.

You never saw the bikini rendered with this much detail in M3 did you?

dump yer slutsuits boys

no ass

that's a white girl ass

>"I have to infiltrate the space pirate ship. Without armor. Well, shit."


where is casually dressed samus?

i need it for RPG reasons

if i could get a princess samus, that would be appreciated

>this much detail
Exactly what kind of details are you talking about here? GBA resolution was lower than SNES resolution.

I didn't really care too much either way at the time because of the issue that pointed out.

I never could get a perfect stealth run.


Sure compare the OP screenshots to this.

I would impregnate her and never stop trying to do it over again.



I was mostly thinking if going around without her suit on wouldn't kill her or some shit.

Well OK, SM used a small sprite. However, because of the higher resolution on SNES, you can actually see muscle definition on SM Samus that is completely absent on ZM Samus because of GBA limitations.

So yes, the character was drawn bigger in ZM, but with less detail.


>mix of fanart where the ZS covers each breast individually and where the material stretches to cover both
I don't know why this arouses me so




I don't really follow, sorry. Left is clearly more detailed to me.

Well now you just inreased the size of SM Samus so that she becomes more pixelated. My point was that in ZM, they draw Samus a lot bigger, but because of lower screen resolution all of her muscle tone is gone.

In SM, the sprite is much smaller (and therefore looks less impressive) but because of the higher resolutiono of the SNES, you can see her abs, thighs muscle etc which is absent in the ZM shot.

So for example, if they would've drawn SM Samus as big as they draw ZM Samus, she would've looked a lot more detailed.

See what I mean?

>if they would've drawn SM Samus as big as they draw ZM Samus, she would've looked a lot more detailed.
Yeah, but they didn't.

But the thing is that SM Samus still has more detail. You see her muscles? On ZM Samus, she is drawn with the simple anime style, which automatically cuts out details.

They did this to make it look good on GBA. Look at ZM Samus. It's bigger but actually less detailed.

Her muscles are more defined as an artistic choice, meanwhile GBA has greater detail in her hair, her ear, her fingers and her clothing.

If you're just trolling then I'll admit you got me good.

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: What was my first reaction - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D



>you can see her abs, thighs muscle etc which is absent in the ZM shot
It also helps that those features are actually exposed in SM and not covered up as they are in the ZS. Also, SM looks more fit/athletic in general. That's not so much a difference in resolutions or whatever, but just how they're designed.

It's not an artistic choice, it's because they couldn't do it. The resolution of GBA is not high enough to add muscle tone, so they went with an anime look.

You can see her ear, fingers etc because she's drawn bigger.

>Cool, a new undergarment
Other than that, it didn't bother me. People complaining about her are just retards either way.

Am I the only one in this thread who notice that her blue suit is shaped just like a thong?


t. chimp

I didnt like that comb over thing she has in the front.

Look I do not by any means hate Zero Suit Samus. Heck, I've fapped to it many times and overall I really like the design just from a practical standpoint.

However yes it's gotta be said, when I saw ZSS for the first time I thought that Metroid had just died a little on the inside. I ultimately prefer huge mech suit Samus

Manga samus.

Different manga Samus.

Why? Why don't you want her to show herself without the suit?

My first thought was just

>Oh, so they're trying some kind of bodysuit look for what she normally wears underneath the suit. Salright I guess, miteb.cool

If only I'd realized how far down the shitter everything would go after this.

Are you talking about the uni-tit look sort of like in pic related?

I find that any art that tries to emphasize and detail the actual like, mass and weight of the breasts is usually the best, and this looks a lot better to me than the suit having skin-tight individual tit pockets.

Fusion Samus was much cuter.

Because of no ponytail?


>that one samus erper got driven off the board last fall and hasn't shown up since

what a shame

samus is the best nintendo girl

My only thought was:

"Wow, she is not a robot?"

Will Sup Forums kill me if I carefully point out that left Samus is carrying a lot of extra weight in her ass and thighs here?

If you catch my drift...

Sh-she skipped leg day a few times...

But you see what I mean?

Suddenly Samus was interesting and I cared about her.

I wonder if that was the same one that helped me out back then. Last time I got to play with a samus user, we met here and moved over to trash, but haven't seen one since.

Seems like she's angry at Zebesians for something mildly annoying

Nice ass but nowhere as good as bare legs and midriff.


>Metroid game begins with Samus just relaxing as she takes some vacation time, picking up guys at the bar
>suddenly, space pirates attack the station
>first portion of the game is Samus with just a blaster pistol trying to get to the ship dock so she can equip her suit

I was too hyped by the twist to care about Samus' ass behind the text.

I still love the ZSS segment and consider the mark of an absolute dudebro to dislike it

>nice ass
It's a fucking anime ass!

Princess Samus is underrated

Yes, and?

>sigh another waifubait shit

*raises paw*
Whas wrong with that

Don't you think the OP pic makes Samus's butt look a little... like, too soft?


>you will never bound Samus, blindfold her, gag her till she only dreams with your cum and finally making her a fully submissive living latex sex doll

why even live bros

Sybb, I'm shocked! You actually learned new words!

It's getting harder and harder to understand your point.

>Princess Samus
>not posting this classic

>dreams with your cum


>tfw she will never fart on your face

its a sub/dom thing

I don't want to upset the Samus fans by saying it out loud. Don't you know what a butt is like when it is too soft?

That's what Samus's ass is in Zero Mission.

Fusion Samus should have become the standard design instead of Zero Mission Samus.

That vaguely Fusion style two piece sportswear costume for Smash 4 samus is arguably getting more popular than the Zero Suit.

>working out a part of your body makes you lose weight in that specific part of your body
That's not how fat works.

I'm glad Smash brought midriff Samus back but she still has the dumb ponytail and rocket heels.

>implying heels on a two-piece aren't the tits, let alone rocket heels

I don't give a shit about muh practicality, I just don't think the rocket heels are aesthetically appealing.

Is her ZM ass considered fat?

What was your reaction when you saw this for the first time?

That's what I meant.
I don't give a shit about muh practicality either, rocket heels look and are fucking cool, especially with a two-piece.

They're laughing at the prospect of Sakamoto ever being trusted with a budget again.

They just look like glowing bike handles to me.

>No visible muscle tone
It's trash.


I didn't think any more or less of it than I did any other time Samus has been out of her suit. It didn't start annoying me until they made sure the zero suit was like 70% of her identity.

Out of suit Fusion Samus is best out of suit Samus, though.

why did ZM have to be so short

Fusion Samus is the best because she looks like she has a life outside of her job.

ZM does it too

what part of her did they remodel again?