Ok this is insane...

Ok this is insane. Is this the first game that actually feels next gen instead of just being a high resolution ps3/360 game?

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn. The game looks incredibly good when downscaled and when walking. That aside looks like a trainwreck.

user, that's a 1.7MB, 640x360 webm

there's literally nothing special about it and this thread doesn't need to exist

Not even close.

The dialogue is looking incredibly bad. It seems they can't zoom up to models without the AA illusion being broken.



>This marketer doesn't even know how to blank post.

Get with the times Gramps.

>What is Need for Speed Rivals
>What is Ratchet and Clank
>What is Uncharted 4
>What is The Order: 1886

trips neighbor

looks cool

too bad that it is a sjw game so I won´t support it

I'm literally shaking. I can't wait to play this game. GOTYAYEY

Why does the world look less alive than even shitty RPG's like Black Desert.

There's like no ground clutter or something weird.


You can see the ANTS crawling on a tree.


>ants on a tree
Truely next gen indeed

fuck me thats too fast

>those hips
I don't need this game.

I'm tired and have a small headache but
>That fisheye FoV
I don't want to see what that'd look like faster than walking speed right now

gotta remove that clutter for a cinematic 24 FPS

Stick to your low tier weebshit Ben.

But where is the ass? i need to see it.

>fish last generation
>ants this generation

Whatever next?

It's a shill. No discussion or anything of value here, simply advertising on a popular internet medium. Hide thread and move along.

I actually own a PS4 and am on the fence about a Switch, the only thing I would buy for it in the near future is Splatoon.

To be honest this thread reeks of a marketer but who cares, I can't believe people are still buying sandbox games.

Which would you prefer?

1.) Infinite draw distance, as far as the eye can see from atop the tallest mountain, but the grass quality is lowered

2.) This webm, where high quality grass springs up out of thin air when it's nearby.

Hey listen, i'm having a great time with my life.
I have a great group of friends and fans and i'm about to host a discussion between Suda and Kodaka. I just don't think this game is right for, nothing else.
Love and Respect.

Pop in as long as it's not enemies or things that will get in the way doesn't bother me

Are these webms from PS4 or PS4 Pro?

A nice middle ground where people who aren't Indian are paid over $0.50 an hour to actually find the optimized middle ground between those two extremes.

probably just PS4. it's old footage from the E3 reveal last year.

Really tired of third person action games. What does this game offer that others don't?



This looks no better than the witcher

witcher 3 has done all of this already and it doesn't even feel Next Gen to me, just hyper competent which we don't get at all these days

all these games look the goddamn same, all these shitty animations, cutting animation, sitting at the bench animation, sitting on the dock animation

the kids are well animated though I will say that.

no hate meant for this game specifically though. it's just crazy to me how people buy the same shit and don't even realize.

then on the other end you have a new zelda coming out and people going crazy over the worlds Open World not realizing it's going to be the same shit they always do in zelda with a little bit more abstraction here and there, and a lot of boredom midway through due to lack of options borne from combat structure and environment type.

ben-kun makes me far too happy :)

witcher 3 does not even come close to matching horizon in terms of graphics.

this t b h

This triggers the MicroSony toaster posters

Well yeah, the Witcher 3 looks good, it's not fair to compare it to this shit with some of the worst LOD this gen.

This. And TW3 looks way better in motion.

That webm only looks decent because its small

TW3 looks average. Maybe "good" in motion.
"worst Lod". Tw3 has a horrible lod as well. By your standards, arma 3 is the best looking game ever.

the lighting and water in this game look terrible. The character faces and expressions are weird as fuck. Half the terrain looks great but the other half looks bad so together it just looks messy.

wtf is wrong with the lighting ? It isn't "flat", like tw3 or an ubisoft open world.
The water is average but tw3 is far worse. At least we have ssr here.

the witcher 3 is still a 10 times better game

whoa.... so this.... is the power.... of the cell......

>pc cucks keep referencing the witcher like its a good looking game
>that massive downgrade w3 got before release
no sorry, if you want to rally behind a game in terms of graphics, pick something like battlefront or bf1, dice's engine is beautiful


True. All W3 has going for itself is how nicely the plants sway in the wind. It looks middle of the road otherwise and honestly somehow worse than Witcher 2.

i swear to god these posters are just like pc cucks from reddit or something

you cant even make thoughtful or legitimate complaints, you just shitpost, the same way liberals on reddit/ here have been spamming shitposts about trump

idc we are talking about graphics. Did you miss the point?

Did you just jam together all the memes you could think of into one post Mr Marketer?

I play on a PC and i can't stand cdrone taking tw3 as a graphic standard

Sup Forums was a mistake



t. guerilla dev

It's a lot better, actually

Aloy is cute and has nice hips

Fight me.

I play on a PC every thing max and i agree.

>tw3 lighting is flat
>the water in tw3 is far worse
Oh so we're just making shit up now

Eh, I'll get it when it's $20


thats why you modded the shit out of the game? (btw it looks worse than vanilla lighting).
Is it a bait?

Am I missing something? This looks like skyrim with mods.
What? Witcher 3 looks better than this.

Sup Forums is always right

A preachy, feminist narrative.


>What? Witcher 3 looks better than this.
Another cdrone.

>That hip sway

You're right, that's insane.

She looks like Wilma Flintstone and Billy Ray Cyrus had a premature baby.

Witcher 3 also has the market cornered on red heads.

i don't know how could anyone think this looks "good". Did you play AC unity? Far cry primal? Homefront?

does anyone else hate when someone is demoing a game and they move the camera around really slowly ?

like, i can imagine them slowly moving the thumb stick as they hum the jurrasic park theme, shits cringey as fuck to me for some reason.

i get they are trying to show off the world but it triggers me for some reason.

because they wanna show what the game looks like?

yeh i said i get why they do it, i just feel its forced

>Ashley fucking Burch
not even if you pay me

Oh so you mean pc footage.

>games has good graphics
>PCucks get so fucking triggered because they cannot play this game and start posting shit games like Witcher 3

comedy gold.

>honestly somehow worse than Witcher 2.

>People buy games day one
>Still complain about games
>They dont even check a gameplay video to see if its good

Why do we pretend the Witcher series is good? Its fucking awful literally the worst combat in any RPG. I mean if you want shit tier movie games you probably like Witcher.


>sonygger being this assblasted that he has to play TW3 at 20 fps and 600p

At least Bloodborne runs at locked 30fps.... OH WAIT LMAO!


that hip sway is sexy but exaggerated as fuck

TW3 pre downgrade is literally TW2 open world btw.

Hnng that hip sway

>implying I would play Witcher

lul mate I got Nioh and BB why would I play Sitcher?

that's your opinion

Must be a console cuck who has never seen good graphics before

Because you touch yourself at night.

I'll take 60fps over "next gen" graphics any day.

Console players don't even realise how shit

Is her torso made of owls, because it doesn't even sway an inch when her ass is all over the place.

I guess they could only afford the animator for half the day.

that's your opinion

Did you know our heads kinda work the same way slightly?

Since when we move our bodies bop and flop so we'd shake about constantly, but our neck kinda keeps it leveled and cool.

I did know this, but I also know torsos aren't heads. or necks for that matter.

Oh I didn't pay attention to what you wrote, I was too focused on the owl.

For Honor looks better.

Nice hips, too bad you can't and will never actually see them since she wears a towel so the CIS white males can't eye-rape her.