Any Ragnarok bros here who know their shit about renewal?

Any Ragnarok bros here who know their shit about renewal?

I got an Assassin and a Hunter close to level 99 and about 40-50m zeny. Should I go GX or Ranger to farm for money and gear (don't necessarily want to main them, I just want a class that excels in PVM)? Also what gear should I aim for first?

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Both are great. Either go Arrow Storm Ranger with White Wing set or get a Thanatos Katar and go Rolling Cutter GX.

Go GX. They are able to solo far better. Also if you're playing iRO consider getting a Rogue bot to farm shit for you.

I third GX. Run the ghost palace(Sakray's quest) daily until you get your free Thanatos gear so you can do other instances.

Oh and if you're going GX it might be a good idea to invest in Morriganes set early on. It's cheap but helps a lot.

How long do you rock the morrigane's? The Manteau seems a bit steep in price because you have to kill Thanatos for it.

You can buy it for like 8-10m.

Check out this. This shows you shit people are buying. Just spend a few hours farming and you'll have the dosh for some starter shit.

How does a level 99 character earn 10 mil?



No, really it's not that bad. You just need to be smart. Grind in places where you get stuff that you can sell easily. And get a Merchant to sell your shit and once you got a bit of money look for cheap deals on ragial.

Quite often you'll find people selling stuff for cheap because they want to get rid of it.

>be smart, like me
>but I can't tell you where or what
gud effurt

PROTIP: Download openkore. Make a Rouge. Let it farm either Poison Spores or Strawberries overnight. Everybody does it and it will make you about 5m per night.

user you just made me want to play it again. And here i thought i left it finally for good.

Not that guy but

Do you really expect people to spoonfed you?
Its like giving your secret to everyone in internet.

>protip: cheat and bot
That is literally the mirror opposite of pro.

Op here. Getting close.

I'm just funposting. That dude doesn't seem like he knows what he's talking about. I already do have the money. And I was right, he is a botting shitter pest.

How do you make money? Farming shit for player stores would have been my approach too minus the botting.

I miss this game.

Reminder that this is the best server ever.