Will people finally stop pretending this game was good once Odyssey comes out?
Will people finally stop pretending this game was good once Odyssey comes out?
Will OP ever stop being a huge faggot?
Odyssey wont be that good. I often hear 3D world was mediocre and too long.
I preferred this to galaxy.
Literally no taste
SM64>galaxy 2>galaxy>3D world>land>sunshine
Good taste.
I got this with the pre installed with the 3ds, it seemed like a really mediocre game if this is the version you mean
Took like a day to beat. That metal Mario kid can go fuck himself
Put Sunshine after Galaxy and Land before 3D world and it works.
>You were only pretending to have fun admit it
Sunshine is garbage.
>Land better than anything at all
>one of the best platformers of all time
>not good
Playing this game with friends was some of the most fun I've ever had with a game.
Anything is better than Shitshine.
anything is fun if you do it with friends
Better than 3D World.
Yeah i had a grand old time with 4 of my best friends huddled around watching me grind in etrian odyssey
Just like Knack was supposed to be the Mario killer?
3D land/world are mediocre, but Sunshine is barely even a platformer.
I'm okay with this
3D World and Galaxy 2 are the pinnacles of 3D platformers, fullstop.
Collect-a-thons are shit.
Still salty over Odyssey's announcement huh?
It's NSMB but with the tiniest bit of it's own character
I think it's too short. Land and World should have been one big game.
Yeah collecting the 3 stars is a shit objective. Collecting green stars was also the worst part in Mario Galaxy 2. The seperate objective for each star is so much better as a concept it isn't even funny.
The music is a huge wasted opportunity. What's there is fucking GOAT but there's just not enough tracks
If Odyssey ends up being a collect-a-thon, then it'll end up being bad, too. Nothing is more boring than a Skinner's box masquerading as a 3D platformer.
Fuck Rare. SNES Rare > N64 Rare
Desu I like jumping on shit in my platformers, not running around an empty open city with npcs straight out of Sonic 06.
sick meme bro! upvoted
Mario 64 and even Sunshine can hardly be called collectathons compared to Banjo, Dk64, and Spyro.
>I got this with the pre installed with the 3ds
Is not the same game dumbfuck.
No, this game is specially fun with friends because the core gameplay is great.
Its mediocre compared to other 3D Marios
It was mediocre garbage, always and forever.
>Will people finally stop pretending this game was good once Odyssey comes out?
Is a great cooperative game, its well executed and the controls are perfect.
Is a good game OP, just acept it, you have shitty tastes
>3D game that requires a run button
>grid-locked movement
>perfect controls
pick one
>Its mediocre compared to other 3D Marios
is a multiplayer game. The other 3D marios are not mutiplayer games. I can´t see how is mediocre, the last worlds are some of the best designed levels in all mario history.
>too long
It was simultaneously too long AND too short. Too short in that it didn't take much time to 100% and too long in that the first 3/4's are mind-numbingly easy and half the game's levels are rehashes of earlier ones.
>is a multiplayer game. The other 3D marios are not mutiplayer games.
that's a flaw of this game. 3D Mario doesnt need multiplayer. It limits what they can do with the game.
>I can´t see how is mediocre, the last worlds are some of the best designed levels in all mario history.
Maybe champion's road, that's it.
The controls are fluid and respond better than any previous 3D mario games. Run button is part of the series since.... Super Mario 1?
Finally a thread where Sunshinefags are getting BTFO.
64 and Galaxy 2 are the best.
"multiplayer" dumbs down the overall gameplay.
It also sucks that you often need special abilities to get to green stars or they're just hidden. They should have made all green stars obvious to spot and reachable trough hard platforming that you can do with the default characters.
That the game has multiple characters with different running speeds and jumping heights dumbs the gameplay even further down since the designers needed to make the levels so that all the characters can do them.
Everyone knew it was shovelware trash that you wipe your ass with except underage wii u kids. Their only defense was play it in coop and you dont even have a wii u so you havent played it. No other game in history has legitimately put me to sleep besides 3D world. Its special for that; being that fucking garbage.
>that's a flaw of this game. 3D Mario doesnt need multiplayer. It limits what they can do with the game.
How a main feature is a flaw? the gameplay, levels and pretty much everything was designed for multiplayer.
not every 3D mario needs to be sunshine, 64 or galaxy.
>The controls are fluid and respond better than any previous 3D mario games.
I highly disagree.
>Run button is part of the series since.... Super Mario 1?
Not in 3D games.
>How a main feature is a flaw?
Because it limits what they can do with the level design, as 3D World clearly shows.
>not every 3D mario needs to be sunshine, 64 or galaxy.
Yeah they do. Or at least they should.
The controls are not nearly as tight as any of the previous 3D Mario games. I didn't have perfect control of Mario till the end of the game while in Mario 64 it was so easy to get the controls perfectly down. The shitty camera angles are part of the problem. Run button was exclusive to the purely 2D games.
The Mario fanbase really is fucking spoiled.
>Galaxy 2
>better than Galaxy 1
>"multiplayer" dumbs down the overall gameplay.
I dissagree. Multiplayer enrich the overall gameplay. You should know if you played it with friends.
>It also sucks that you often need special abilities to get to green stars or they're just hidden. They should have made all green stars obvious to spot and reachable trough hard platforming that you can do with the default characters.
You need to git gud to not lost the special habilities, so you will able to catch the start.
>That the game has multiple characters with different running speeds and jumping heights dumbs the gameplay even further down since the designers needed to make the levels so that all the characters can do them.
To collect all the stamps/stars you need to finish the game, going trough every level with each character.
Mario 3D controls are shit tier not only because of the run button. The main problem is thar Mario only starts dashing after pressing the run button and running for a while which makes the gameplay extremely unresponsive. This shit wasn't there in any of the 2D games, you could easily at all times run at full speed which made the game significantly better to control.
why does everyone hate sunshine
We're back on the correct timeline.
>How a main feature is a flaw? the gameplay, levels and pretty much everything was designed for multiplayer.
And that's why 3D World is a shit.
3D World barely qualifies as 3D to begin with. It features light platforming to accommodate for this multiplayer bullshit. It's horizontal as fuck. It lacks all the cool movement tech that made 3D Mario (and the level design to use it).
The only thing Galaxy 1 has going for it is the atmosphere and the story.
How is it possible to have such bad taste? Sunshine isn't perfect but at least it's not so easy it's boring. The only reason you would put World before Sunshine is the multiplayer but there is absolutely 0 (zero) reason to put it after land.
Galaxy 2 had better level design.
It has the worst levels in a 3D Mario bar none.
>Cleaning the beach
>Extinguishing Piantas on fire
>Cleaning an eel's teeth
>Shadow Mario re used 7 times
>Piantissimo re used 3 times
>Lily pad level
>Pachinko machine
>Worst Bowser fight of all time
The levels without FLUDD are really good but they are few and far between.
>Multiplayer enrich the overall gameplay. You should know if you played it with friends.
Not really, multiplayer barely adds anything to the gameplay. If I play fighting games with friends multiplayer makes the whole difference. If I play 3D World multiplayer adds nothing to the fucking gameplay. You sit around playing the same level at the same time. There is no significance to more people playing the game regarding the gameplay. If I play Left 4 Dead in coop with friends this makes the whole difference since we need to help each other out all the time and use cooperative strategies to get trough hard situations. In Mario 3D World you just run next to each other, there is no addition to the gameplay.
Multiplayer only is a significant addition if the gameplay becomes different trough the multiplayer. You can't just say the multiplayer makes the game so much fun because it isn't the gameplay that changes trough multiplayer, it's just the atmosphere that gets better while playing with friends.
>To collect all the stamps/stars you need to finish the game, going trough every level with each character.
Not really, I did most levels with Mario or Luigi and there were only very few times where you needed a special character to get a stamp or a star.
>Because it limits what they can do with the level design, as 3D World clearly shows.
For a singleplayer experience, but the game is designed for multiplayer.
>Yeah they do. Or at least they should.
I disagree. Not every mario needs to rehash the same formula.
Horrendous voice acting. Awful gimmicks like the watermelons and the boat sections. One of the worst final bosses in the series. Rushed production that lead to blue coin filler and that stupid pachinko level that was clearly not tested thoroughly. Not to mention the retarded story even by nonexistent Mario standards and the mediocre voice acting. Fuck this game and fuck the gamecube babbies who grew up playing it.
If you had trouble with the fucking watermelon, you might have an extra chromosome
Fludd made any platforming irrelevant since it had so many crutches build in to help you out, hence why everyone loved the bonus levels where fludd gets removed, since they were the only legit platforming in the game. If that was not enough there is still the problem that the level design was fucking awful.
>Multiplayer enrich the overall gameplay.
On the contrary, you sacrifice much of the existing concept to accommodate multiple players, as 3D World has shown us. Couch co-op is doomed to ruin games, keep that shit to online or multiple systems or don't do it at all.
>Not really, multiplayer barely adds anything to the gameplay. If I play fighting games with friends multiplayer makes the whole difference.
Players can cooperate to earn each star/stamp. You dont need to have a speacial item to get it.
>Not really, I did most levels with Mario or Luigi and there were only very few times where you needed a special character to get a stamp or a star.
You need to finish the game with each character going trough the whole game to earn the last stamps
3D Games > Sandbox games
Sunshine is much better then galaxy or 3d world. Yeah the best parts of the game are when you lost the suit but St least the game was fun, challenging and not a complete handhold. Sunshine was the last good 3d Mario
Even if you have no trouble with it the mission is just boring and unfun. And let's not fool ourselves, everyone messed up at least once, destroying their melon and had to go fetch it once more.
>On the contrary, you sacrifice much of the existing concept to accommodate multiple players,
Maybe its because 3D world dont want or need to be galaxy or 64/sunshine?
It's just a worse version of Mario 64 with less content to boot. All it has going for it is the aesthetic and "muh controls."
go be wrong somewhere else
>>Players can cooperate to earn each star/stamp. You dont need to have a speacial item to get it.
Awful gameplay.
>ou need to finish the game with each character going trough the whole game to earn the last stamps
Just an awful tedious concept. Even if you played the game with a friend you still would need to do levels multiple times for no fucking reason at all. Hell even with 4 players you would need to redo levels since you later get a 5th character.
How you can write this with a straight face and not see the fundamental flaws behind this concepts is beyond me. It also adds nothing to the gameplay, it's just awful game design. There are only few green stars where I can even imagine that more characters would be helpful anyway.
>implying it was bad
This retarded meme again
It doesn't, but at the very least it should feature 3D platforming and the movement the series is known for instead of being a poor excuse for a 2D Mario masquerading as 3D Mario.
What sandbox?
>You need to finish the game with each character going trough the whole game to earn the last stamps
Kek as if the game wasn't boring enough already, you need to go through it multiple times. Even if you played the whole fucking game with 3 friends there is a secret 5th character so you have to do it again anyway. Who the fuck though it was a good idea?
I was pretty critical of it but it really grew on me now that I gave it another chance
my only complaint is the bosses are stupidly easy and a few levels just dont work for co op (shit like red block run)
I wouldnt say it is as good as galaxy but it is better than most games released. As someone who owned both I would say this game is all around better made than bloodborne which you faggots can never shut the fuck up about
>Gladium dropping by just to assure everyone this opinion is correct
Now we just need Cody.
>Couch co-op is doomed to ruin games, keep that shit to online or multiple systems or don't do it at all.
Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends, and both Retro DKC games are all fantastic platformers and they have local Co-Op. Not every game needs Co-Op sure, but it's not evil to have.
>keep that shit to online or multiple systems or don't do it at all.
Paid online (or good non volatile internet connections) or making sure every person spend enough money to buy their own systems is surely feasible for everyone.
Why were there only 3 of the koopalings? The bowser fights were fucking awful too. The boss fights in galaxy were so much better.
>less worlds than 64
>Locks you out of collecting Shines outside the mission you selected
It's shit m8. Hopefully Odyssey is a return to greatness and we can stop pretending Shitshine was good.
Even the Galaxy games were nothing but glorified extra smooth toilet paper with prints.
Rayman features some long stretches on the levels and some really zoomed out camera to accommodate even while playing alone. It's not 3D World levels of ruined, but the side effects are certainly there. And in Legends' case, Murphy was supposed to be the big thing. Glad they delayed the thing to fix it. As for DKC, well, no complaints come to mind.
>making sure every person spend enough money to buy their own systems is surely feasible for everyone.
Worked for the handheld line since its inception.
>cat Mario is yellow and not red
Does this not drive anyone else up the fucking wall?
I disliked this as well. The levels were bland and small.
>People still think 3D World was a bad game
Try getting some friends, you lonely nigger. Even then, playing the game solo is still a lot of fun.
>Worked for the handheld line since its inception.
A handheld is a lot cheaper compared to a console generally and is more affordable in comparison.
>Rayman features some long stretches on the levels and some really zoomed out camera to accommodate even while playing alone.
A zoomed out camera isn't a bad thing if it shows more of the level. A lot of people praise the Taxman versions of Sonic 1, 2, and CD showing wider screens of the level and it'll be present in Mania. As long stretches, Rayman in both Origins and Legends like in 1, can run and dash again, so they did want to let loose.
Why would anyone waste time with friends on this game? If I spend time playing with friends we play something good instead.
Underrated post. Time for some Mario Kart.
SM64 >>>>> galaxy 2 > galaxy > 3D world > land >>> sunshine
Me and my friends were cutting our dicks off! LOL SO FUNNY
This is the tragedy of 3D World. Even with all the concessions made for multiplayer, it was still a bad game with friends.
>A handheld is a lot cheaper compared to a console generally and is more affordable in comparison.
Well, those days are over now.
>A zoomed out camera isn't a bad thing if it shows more of the level.
Depends. I think 7th gen games went overboard most of the time. Feeling small is something I appreciate in 3D games, not 2D ones. It makes the levels look smaller instead.
>A lot of people praise the Taxman versions of Sonic 1, 2, and CD showing wider screens of the level and it'll be present in Mania.
Taxman's remakes were wider, but retained the original zoom. And yeah, I'd be one of these people, just that extra bit of vision does wonders to classic Sonic. I didn't like it before that and I was a Genesis kid.
>just that extra bit of vision does wonders to classic Sonic
Amen to that.
>one of the best platformers of all time
But the music is so catchy.
Stop taking a post and transforming it into a thread
This track isn't even that catchy. It just became a meme because of the porn. Personally I like the ghost level music the best youtube.com
3D World is great yet simultaneously being the poster child of what made the Wii U such a catastrophe, just one of a slew of games that were bland derivatives of what they'd already put out on other systems.
They didn't offer a new, compelling experience until Splatoon which was released in the Wii U's third year on market, way after everyone had given up on the Wii U (considering which, Splatoon sold remarkably well).
It will be hard for Odyssey to not expose 3D World.
>Well, those days are over now.
I suppose they are.
>Depends. I think 7th gen games went overboard most of the time. Feeling small is something I appreciate in 3D games, not 2D ones. It makes the levels look smaller instead.
I get what you mean but they're not inherently bad. Like anything, it's all about how you use something, not something be instantly good or bad, or whatever else be the case.
>Taxman's remakes were wider, but retained the original zoom. And yeah, I'd be one of these people, just that extra bit of vision does wonders to classic Sonic. I didn't like it before that and I was a Genesis kid.
Little touches and tweaks like that are always appreciated, and I look forward to Mania with open arms.
That aside, like someone else said, multiplayer in platformers can help a game. And you know for 3D World, they tried, they had their attempt and that's that. I agree with someone else that said that different 3D Marios can be different things.
And here's the thing. I like the sandbox style more then the other style, but that doesn't mean the other style is bad. I enjoy games that follow the sandbox style (Banjo, Spyro, etc) if they're solid enough, but I also enjoy and look forward to 3D Platformers that follow the other style if they're good enough as I think it was good they experimented and now with a decent amount of time passing, it's time to return to the formula that 64 did. Also I think Nintendo made a distinction to show that both styles will also live on in the future in general.
All the 3D Marios have their pros and cons but none of them are outright bad games personally.
Sunshine was a mistake. It also promoted the idea that Peach is Bowser Jr's mom, which implies scaly rape from Bowser.
Nu-nintendo doesn't even try anymore with the ghost levels.