Why does Sony copy literally everything?

Wii-Mote = Playstation Move
Playstation All-Stars = Super Smash Bros
Analogue Stick
PSP = Gameboy Advance/DS
And now it's looking like they'll copy the Switch. Holy shit Sony, quit robbing everything you can.

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i still would've liked to try that boomerang controller. i heard that it was actually pretty comfy.

You also forgot Knack = a shitty version of Mario.

Can you really call it "copying" when they do it better every time, though?

Yeah, the PlayStation move was sure great! Fuck off.

Yeah, because it was just sooo much worse than the Wiimotes. The shit you were forced to use.

Because they're kikes.

Why do washing machines all look alike? They literally copy each other

He also forgot Horizon Zero Dawn = shitty version of Zelda.

They were worse in every way, had literally 0 games ever made for them, and sold awfully.

You can't make a good clone from the shitty game Mario is

>Sony is literally the only gaming console company that blatantly rips off other hardware manufacturers products.

>They were worse in every way,
Absolutely wrong.
>had literally 0 games ever made for them, and sold awfully.
Can't argue you on that, though. No one likes waggling, and it only caught on with the Wii because you were forced to own a Wiimote, even if you just used the classic controller addon.

not an argument

Absolutely not wrong. Big fucking magical wands with lights on them.

add the gamecube's pressure sensitive shoulder buttons that both the ps3 and 360 stole from nintendo

Playstation All-Stars = Jump Super Stars
PSP = Game Gear

>Enter console race
>3D isn't going to be a thing, we don't need control sticks
>3D turns out to be a thing
>Haphazardly slap on some control sticks to your current controller
>Keep the design for the next twenty years

Sony might actually be the most retarded company in the world, glad they've been bleeding to death for the past 15 years.

It is an argument. Name one time Nintendo stole a hardware idea from Sony.

Wiimote = SEGA Pods
Smash = Fighters Megamix
Mario Odyssey = Sonic Adventure
Star Fox = Master System port of After Burner
Gamecube = Dreamcast minus online
oh wow

>incorporate best aspects of competitors' hardware into your own
>this is somehow a bad thing


Why are so many PlayStation fans niggers?

>why aren't all controllers completely different
>how dare companies use tried and tested ideas that other companies have made into a standard
what would a console look like if Sup Forums made it?

>literally the only company that steals stuff without even covering it up.


sony always loses baby!

wait? what?

how is Sony copying the switch?

New patent shows they patented something looking very similar to the Switch.

But the GC had triggers before MS

If it's so clearly theft, why haven't they been sued.

xbox hueg already featured those

>grasping for straws THIS hard

I really wonder what it would take for someone to be this furious at sony for no good reason to make this image. Nintoddlers are always "B-B-BUT SONY!" in threads and this just proves my point that they have some massive insecurity issues when it comes to sony.

t. Someone that owns a 3DS

oh, alright.
which one was developed first though, pretty uncanny for both companies to develop them at the same time in secret

Well who knows, user. Does it really matter that much?

And PS2 had pressure sensitive face buttons

At least the Wiimote was more discrete than a big glowing dildo.

Sony copied everything, even paid online.

But he's fucking right.

Both companies does the same. Keep jerking off to Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft/Steam if that makes you happy.

Could it be that they literally start shit with everyone to warrant such hate?

>grasping for straws

This is pathetic on a whole new level.

>PSP = Gameboy Advance/DS
Nintendo didn't invent handhelds. Nice bait kid

The use of CD's over cartridges for console games, which Sony pioneered with the PS1.

>What is Sega CD
>What is Turbografx CD

Hello underage.

>sega cd
>wasnt its own console and sold like shit
>sold like shit outside of japan

Sony were the first to make it work and be popular internationally.

>intellivision invented the d-pad and shoulder buttons

>wasnt its own console and sold like shit

So does the PS1 prototype for the nes

>They don't count even though I specifically said "The use of CD's!!!"

Here is your (You)

lul related

>pioneered specifically means coming first and only coming first, no other circumstances

Off yourself.

>Mario Odyssey = Sonic Adventure


You're still fucking wrong either way autist.

>3DO 1993

Now kill yourself.

>this strawpoll taken by mostly nintoddlers fearing the sony boogeyman makes me right

mhmmm keep telling yourself that. Maybe come up with a better way of dealing with your insecurities than attacking others.

>literally started by copying the nintendo playstation

Its #4thegamers bro!

Sony never copy, they improves existing technology

how about all star brawl?

>post proof

I bet you believe that winning the popular vote matters too.

Gamecube had triggers before the 360 had

rly meks u tink

>Maybe come up with a better way of dealing with your insecurities than attacking others.


Why are Sonyfans the biggest hypocrites?



Gee i wonder who was behind this

im pretty sure i saw some picture showing off nintendo stealing from sony.

I love my PS4

>i wonder who was behind this


It doesn't matter who make it first, it's who make it better. And everything PS ripped off was upgrade to Nintendo's shittyness.

Time to add the switch to nintendo's list of "innovations"

are these people from Sup Forums ?

those shits comes from sega saturn 3d pad . kek

Are you implying the PS3 had better triggers than the 360? Or controller for that matter?

Boy I am laughin.

>fallout on console


So the Playstation Dildo was better than the Wii Remote?

>Sony never copy, they improves existing technology
Stay in school and improve your grammar.

They just are.

They aren't, not compared to nintendofans anyway

in terms of motion detection, yes
but aiming with it as a gun. no. it was pure shit.

god, i miss the lightguns.

You guys never owned a dreamcast?
(Sony actually kinda copied their memory cards too.)

They didnt copy anything that wasnt already a standard and natural solution to a problem you fucking retard. HDDs werent feasible so what else would you use, huh? Fucking retard kill yourself

Nintendo didn't make the analog stick but they did make the thumb stick

that's beause you are a loser and massively retarded

Everyone always talked about how Sony designed the PS1 with 3D in mind. Apparently SCEA as even went as far as trying to limit the amount of sprite based games on the PSP.

Ever heard of the PocketStation faggot?

Wii U pro is blatent rip off of 360 controller

Fuck off Horizon will be much better than Zelda
Horizon will be goty 2017

PocketStation ( jan 99)
sega vmu ( july 98)

>nintendo invened a tablets with controllers atached

>Nintendo invented analog sticks

I love this meme


Something like the movie existed for the PS2 though long before the Wii came out

The Wiimote was unusable until motionplus debuted. This makes the Move better since it worked right out of the box.

Threads like this convince me that Nintendo fan boys are the most retarded.


the patent was from 2015, i guess Sony are time traveling stealers now.

This only shows who nintoddlers are most asspained by.

I was looking for some wierd addon for the sega saturn or dreamcast controller that was never released and it was way ahead of its time but i dont remember what it was.

But i found this

>sega cd
2nd best selling add on EVER


This shit is never going to be released, is just one of thousands of patents companies fill out everytime an employee doodles on a napkin.

It was a dual analog/digital button, as far as I know that was the only thing of its type, wan't very good

>intellivision invented the d-pad and shoulder buttons

D-Pad in definition stands for "Directional Pad". It's the number of directions (whether it's 4, 8 or 16) that determines the appropriate description and how it was incorporated to be used and processed into a 2-D game environment (at the time) in 1976. Not merely the design/geometric shape of the D-Pad. In essence, the circular disc counts.


>Intellivision was the first console to feature a controller with a directional pad that allowed 16 directions. The disc-shaped pad allowed players to control action without lifting the thumb and was considered by many Intellivision users to be a useful innovation.


>A precursor to the D-pad was the four directional buttons used in arcade games such as UPL's Blockade (1976)[1] and SNK's Vanguard (1981).[2] A precursor to the standard D-pad on a video game console was used by the Intellivision, which was released by Mattel Electronics in 1980. The Intellivision's unique controller featured the first alternative to a joystick on a home console, a circular pad that allowed for 16 directions of movement by pressing it with the thumb. A precursor to the D-pad also appeared on Entex's short lived "Select A Game" cartridge based handheld system; it featured non-connected raised left, right, up and down buttons aligned to the left of a row of action buttons. Similar directional buttons were also used on the Atari Game Brain, the unreleased precursor to the Atari 2600, and on some early dedicated game consoles such as the VideoMaster Star Chess game.[3] A controller similar to the D-pad appeared in 1981 on a handheld game system: Cosmic Hunter on Milton Bradley's Microvision; it was operated using the thumb to manipulate the onscreen character in one of four directions.[4]

You got it reversed. Seems like you and the rest are assravaged by it.