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wtf i love tshirts now
I'll care when they announce it somewhere that matters.
>check my order
>it's not just added to the standard order, but is a seperate thing and costs £4 more than ordering the game alone
I kinda want the Emil shirt though.
>only shows PS4 logo at the end
starting to get worried here lads
That's a creepy shirt I was only interested in this game for cute robot butts and such things.
cool trip
story behind it?
D-did he sexually assault him?...
Its coming to pc they promisd
>tfw no t00bie butt t-shirt
Haven't you heard?
>there are people who will not only play Automata, but were anticipating its release for multiple months, and don't know who Emil is
>there are people who will think Emil's appearance in Automata is a self-insert style reference to the funny quirky moon head director man they saw online
Why do you even care about other people?
good question
They are almost as bad as people who will play Nier Automata on PS4
Heard what
It was canceled sometime ago pal
You mean everyone who plays the game? :^)
Is the version on amazon the day one edition or standard?
lol very sexually hehe ;)
day one
This bugs the shit out of me.
Not to mention that discussing Nier in any way shape or form always gets derailed by some faggot posting 2Butt
But those are the people who'll be playing it on PC
>pcucks on suicide watch
Who would want to wear that creepy ass shirt?
So what happened to the moon people?
Does the short story in which Emil travels around the world for a few days come directly before the one with the overseer in the forest of myth?
So we have no real way of knowing how he lost his body again since in the overseer story he apparently had built one.
Or is Automata in a timeline in which Emile never found Kaine again?