Tfw finally done with Overwatch

>Tfw finally done with Overwatch

What do I do now?

Posting best girl for the last time

So what's the ending, I've been avoiding any news or info about the game.

The ending is the one in which your team-mates are fucking awful and don't team up and play the objective and you go on a giant losing streak which completely destroys you wanting to the play the game any more after hundreds of hours scrub

I'm in platinum

Even worse.

How is plat worse than gold you memeing fuckwit?

>Best girl
>Modified her to look more attractive


Hunter is better than any of the other skins and it's attributed mainly to the skin colour.

Prove me wrong, I'll wait

>Hunter is better than any of the other skins
Even Odette is better than that.

Because plat is full of salty fag and people who try so hard to ruin everygame

Widowmaker's breasts are small. SMALL!


Shit taste, user

Plat started out great, the quality of teams and game play was way higher than usual and all if a sudden I get teams with zero synergy, players that run off and do their own thing, people scared to go through choke points when you can make a push and all that other annoying shit. The game is great but the community has killed it for me, there is zero reason to play it anymore.

I don't need to prove you wrong because you made an unsubstantiated claim based off of preference. Debate works by someone making a point and someone making a counter point, not someone making a point and the other person being autistic.

Feel free to explain to me how she's "Best girl" when you have to change the way she looks to enjoy her, otherwise you're just as big of a failure at debate as you are at video games.

I dont even understand why people play ranked

If you enjoy this game or whatever why ruin it by adding in a shitload of pressure on top of yourself and salt for no reason? I don't think the 'high' is worth it you just spiral into getting less and less highs anyway

Big boobs just get in the way.

You're post proves you have shit taste and the fact you're getting mad over it just proves it

Because qp isn't even worse than ranked, it's the special bus of Overwatch

When will we have like, 24/7 insta respawn 32 man lijiang tower


You're shit at context, and once again, you're just spouting nothing because that's what you have. Nothing.

Lol calm down, sport

Captcha : here exit

I think it's telling you to leave now

is this woman pretending to be a centaur

The ratio to how good they are vs how good they think they are.

play GG

Well, since you have no points at all I think we can all move on now since you are, objectively the biggest faggot to ever make an Overwatch thread.

What's gg?

Damn you're mad

Time to play Rainbow Six Siege user.

A friend has been telling me to pick it up,is there a lot of base content without the two season passes? Can you carry a team if you're playing with shitters?

Guilty Gear, a game for intellectuals with refined taste

All maps are free and all operators (aka heroes) can be unlocked by playing.

And yes, you can carry a team due to the short time to kill. As long as you shoot 5 people before they shoot you then you don't need a team.

Try Rainbow Six Siege, I've had some great fun with it.

Also, posting absolutely best girl.

DLC operators take a ridiculous amount of grinding to unlock, about 70-100 matches to unlock one.

>i'm going to make an utilitarian argument for fiction
It's time to stop.

i got the "get to 3500" ending
now just waiting for "lootbox grinding event" dlcs, like everyone else

the gold is perfect with her skin color

Rainbow six siege

It looks more like brass rather than gold.

Did we invite autists?



Because you responded to a bait that assumes you're rank is gold with an answer that isn't at a respectable rank.

>tfw I knew OW would be shit
>tfw I knew OW would die months after release

Lol'ing hard @ all you morons who bought a Facebook game for 60 dollars.

Rofl'ing hard at all you morons who bought a Blizzard game post 2010.


>shit ported model
>shit clothes
>shit skin
>shit taste

Yeah, I don't get it either. The other day I had some salty ass actually check my profile in quickplay and start mouthing off that I was "too scared" to play comp. The real reason is that I don't want to play with unfun screeching spergs like him.

>mfw you don't like Overwatch



Graphic designer... sorry. I can't unsee this shit. It might be the light on the current map but gold would work brilliant with purple and blue colors. Scratched brass doesn't.

So autism it is, k.

looks more like burnished gold than brass

Blue skin is a one time shag, you nigger, anybody can bang the most deadly assassin in the world.

Its almost been a year user, games still going strong at least in EU.

fixed what

The waifu.

>tfw finally done with Blizzard garbage

So, what do we do now? I think the Blizzard brand has sunk so low even the normies are comparing it to dogshit nowadays.

>I think the Blizzard brand has sunk so low even the normies are comparing it to dogshit nowadays.

Why is Sup Forums so detached from reality, and why does anyone here think Sup Forums's opinions are shared?

DO NOT whitewash Widowmaker. She is blue and proud.

>Even the normies are comparing it to dogshit nowadays.
Say what? Every normie console owner I know love overwatch, play it over COD even.
Normies have always cared more about popularity over reputation, retard. Otherwise EA would be bankrupt by now.

Sorry bruh, just speaking from my experiences and those around me.

Generally the communities aren't very fond of Blizzard out there, especially after the way they pissed on Diablo franchise with D3 and the 20 year anniversary.

>he says this as Overwatch has become Blizzard's most succesful game launch and is being the fastest selling of all
You are the exception, not the rule.

>especially after the way they pissed on Diablo franchise with D3 and the 20 year anniversary.
The game that sold 30 million copies on PC alone?

>meme generator

Also, Diablo has always been trash.
It's not ruined because there was nothing to ruin.


Not that guy, but how does sales equal quality or rep? Blizzard are known to pump massive amounts of money into commercials

If they all thought Blizzard was garbage their sales would be going down, not up.

>there are people that actually like neo blizzard

Is this some new kind of meta-trolling?

>unironical usage of the word ''trolling''
You have to go back.

>your team-mates are fucking awful and don't team up and play the objective
And they blame you for losing too.

The irony are completely lost on you, aren't it?

start playing Siege

How about he plays a good game instead?
Team Fortress 2 for example, on top of not having to deal with Ubishit servers, and grinding like an animal to unlock a new operator, it's free.

>playing ubisoft garbage

Because QP is a "target practice" gamemode, which is even less serious than Mystery Heroes. You find ranked unfun because of ragers? I find QP unplayable on any level because no one takes is seriously. I don't want to tryhard, my plat is enough for me, I just want to play the game with the rulesets and the way it's meant to be played. For that I can bear ragers and retards once in a while.

Come play Paladins with the rest of us

Sounds like you're a sore loser who uses "I'm not really trying" as his emotional safety net.

Sorry, i'd rather stare at a wall and not do anything at all than play some Hi-Rez turd.

you're a gigantic retard, they play to win, for the competition, and to get better at the game

you play for a casual good time, there's a huge difference... now fuck off and go play a mobile game you fucking loser

Or you can play Team Fortress 2, which, unlike Paladins, doesn't feel like it had a budget of $5.99 and doesn't have character design made by drawfags taking requests on Sup Forums

>win every placement match
>get put at 2999
>have lost 8 out of 9 matches ever since placement
for fuck's sake

Siege is a good game
3000 hours in TF2 but the match making is garbage and there no good community servers anymore
UPlay might be shit but it's atleast getting better unlike TF2

>it's getting better
1 year and still constant downtimes, server issues, and the matchmaking taking longer to find matches than Titanfall 2 despite having about 10 times more players.
Not to mention joining a match takes like 3 times longer if the match has already started, for some reason.

I hate it when the bad ending is the canon one

commend yourself for no longer being a fucking idiot and playing a shitty, easy as fuck, boring as hell game.

Wow, someone's not very happy.

I mean the game is all over the fucking place but it's actually a flaming piece of shit. It's incredibly boring to play, the players are all braindead making the game mind numbingly easy.

You're on GM level, right?

>best girl
>posts one of the black ones instead of mercy

Now you start playing Paladins

Pharah is cuter than Mercy though.


Not interested in negro women, thanks.

I don't play that shit game anymore, but yes, for the first 2 seasons I was top 500. Didn't go below like 150-ish for all of season 2. And I spent most of my time in that game just dicking around doing stupid shit.

Post your MO or battlenet tag

>Tfw finally done with Overwatch

youll go back the moment they release an update or a new character, or offer some shiny thing that your pathetic little brain cant resist

how does it feel to be the laughing stock of the gaming community? buying shitty meme games and being milked for every penny? you are scum, you should stop playing games altogether, but we both know you wont

youll be playing overshit with the rest of the casual dregs who suckle at the teat of failure, fuck you and the turd you rode in on

>Egyptians are black

I am glad to hear there is even one less shitter out there


double fixed*

Well maybe not worse but its about
in plat there are people who know they are not gigantic shitters but think they are better than they are.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Plat was shit, people with garbage skill got there from their placements.
Only after a little while when they all dropped out (i have 2 people on my friends list who were playing together and were calibrated at 2500 now they are around 1200, yes they are gigantic shitters.) the games are better

holy shit, is her hips really that wide?