So now that Japan is confirmed for getting destroyed in the next 3 years...

So now that Japan is confirmed for getting destroyed in the next 3 years, are you getting ready to only playing western games yet?
It sounds like a joke or exaggeration, but it isn't

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t.greenpeace cuck

I only play western games already.
Eastern games are overrated.

Two more nukes
It's long overdue

Well two nuke's radiation gave them anime moe powers, what does three do ? Gundam ? No GF ?

Those nips sure love radiation! Cant get enough of the stuff!

i'd rather get nuked than be forced to play modern western games desu

read the article and maybe try to learn something for once

its contained
that much radiation if it wasn't contained would have already killed everybody many times over

Ah yes, I remember this. The raise in radiation levels is because they did a reading in a way they hadn't before, down at the contained reactor area. But selling fear of nuclear power is easy for clicks

>It's not yet clear exactly what's causing the high levels at this spot, either
Stalker-inspired game set in Japan when?

>But selling fear of nuclear power is easy for clicks
It's really sad, since development in nuclear energy is pretty much one of the best avenues to cut our dependence on oil and gas.

Fallout Japan confirmed.

But then how will the coal barons and greenies make a living?

What an overrated piece of shit game Sup Forums reccomended to me. It's nothing like fallout or Metro

Radiation is completely different from nuclear bomb attacks.

>It's nothing like fallout or Metro
That's a good thing, then.

The main way you refine uranium is enormous coal plants.

Why don't we just blast our nuclear waste into space, effectively eliminating it as a problem and removing the need to dig giant storage facilities?

This a lie, Sup Forums assured me that nuclear energy is safe.

Nice memes :^)

Or rather, why don't we instead invest in nuclear fusion to destroy waste?

Hasn't there been research on using nuclear waste in other reactors? Would be nice to milk it as much as possible and kill two birds with one stone.

They can't "remove" the source but they have to be able to contain/cover what's left of the reactors right? (Unless there's some Elephant foot in there)

Japan has no reason to just ignore it and pretend nothing happened because everyone already knows how hard they fucked up and I'm sure someone seppuku'd

I could be wrong but isn't fusion far less efficient than fission?
Or just not possible yet?

Yeah, why are we using outdated technology like these shitty non-quantum computers when we could've gone quantum a long time ago lmao

It is, earthquakes and tsunamis are not.

why the fuck should i care about japan? it's their problem, let them fix it. anything to attack trump, fucking libtards.

>durr, Trump is bad
Really? You really had to fit that into this shitty article?

Yes. They deployed a new protective shield over the Chernobyl reactor recently just in case
>Japan has no reason to just ignore it and pretend nothing happened
The government is currently pushing the "everything is cool" advertisements all over the country

Stalker: Shadow of Fukushima confirmed.

IIRC there is, but you need to enrich the waste to use it as fuel, and the US is real strict about how there enriched materials are used (i.e. only for bombs). Plus new nuclear facilities of any kind are a tough sell to the public.

>Guns are safe
>Murders are not

Take the gun away and the murderer is now safe.
Take the nuclear away and earthquakes are safe.

From what my meager brain understands basically all the energy we get out of fusion is currently used to contain the fusion and we don't get a net gain of energy.

>Take the nuclear away and earthquakes are safe.
>earthquakes are safe

>Get out of here, STALKER-gaijin!

>Earthquakes are safe

I for one will welcome the droves of Japanese refugees.

Imagine if a rocket were launched with a nuclear waste payload on board.

Make it "Smug lolis and anime tiddies the FPS" and you've got a deal.

>Take the gun away and the murderer is now safe.
He proceeds to stab you, strangle you to death
>Take the nuclear away and earthquakes are safe.
You get crushed in your moms basement as the ceiling comes down

I would nonironically play this.

It limits the damage.
How many people can a psycho kill without a gun?
How many people can an earthquake kill without a nuclear meltdown?
Much less.


It's less efficient because the only methods to get a fusion reactor to get going that we currently have takes way too much energy to actually get going or maintain. There are two or three methods in the science literature at the moment. I know they do it at Princeton, too.

I'm imagining what would happen if that rocket malfunctions and blows up (as is not uncommon for them to do) spewing nuclear material over thousands of miles.

Imagine if a rocket full of rocket fuel was ignited.

Skyrim predicted it with the Dunmer. Yellow-quarter in cities when?

Yeah, not too pretty.

fake news

Why don't we just bury our nuclear waste with the unsold copies of E.T?

Hence why you don't build nuclear reactors in earthquake prone areas.

But i already only play middle european games.

Nevada doesn't want too much garbage in its state.

We should send every weeb on the planet to Fukushima to fix the problem!

That will fix TWO problems!