Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
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Where's the gameplay
One of the best games of this decade, too bad the pc is not able to render such graphic
>le movie meme am i fitting in yet
Best in the series
4>2>3>Golden Abyss>1
My negatives from it are the game has some bad pacing from the scuba section to the auction house, I get that they're trying to establish Sam in the story and everything but it takes a bit too long. Also the Nadine fights were a waste of time
Not as good as 2 and 3.
Best Uncharted of the series
When it's good it's the best one but it has some really long lulls to the point that I've not even considered going back for a second full runthough.
>thoughts on this game
>posts pic of a movie
Too much climbing tbqh. After playing the Uncharted collection and then 4, 4 is like 3 hours longer and most of that just felt like padding
No. It goes
2>4>1>>>>golden abyss>>>>>>>>>>that mobile puzzle game>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>
Really boring and forgetting aside from 2 sequences (clocktower and jeep chase which was shown at E3).
It somehow managed to be longer than previous Uncharted games and yet had less gameplay.
>Above anything
the weak should fear the strong
Other then animation and graphics, it's painfully mediocre.
>Uncharted 4 has good graphics
I want this meme to end.
as far as gameplay mechanics go, 4 was light years above 1 but 1 had more memorable moments and characters and a better story.
Why do people hate 3 so much? It's perfectly fine.
Anyway, my problem with 4 is that the ending takes the easy road of a happy ending where nothing hurts the brothers. Weak shit.
The villains and characters in 1 were the most cliche pieces of shit I´ve ever seen, I only ended up liking them because of nostalgia. 4´s characters were much better written.
Needed more Chloe, desu.
I'm unironically buying the DLC just to control that sweet Aussie ass.
It was good.
For a movie! Hahahah XDDD!!! am i rite guix?? xDD
>alright buddy AI
>tired gameplay
>too long
>ludonarratove dissonance
>makes you play crash bandicoot twice
>sam will never be your older brother
Like the crime boss that gets off scott free? That was well written and memorable for sure. Or Drakes brother who quite frankly I didn't give a shit about but the game kept hammering it into my head that he was important
If you own a PS4 you should pick it up, if you don't own a PS4 it's not worth buying a PS4 for.
It's the best playing Uncharted game and the graphics are pretty great.
I only played U1 and 2. But if 2 is considered the best then I'm sure 4 is just another shit game.
Not him but Nadine wasn't a crime boss. She's a leader of a PMC. That's not illegal (as far as I'm aware).
She should have had some comeuppance though.
>ludonarratove dissonance
4 > 3 > 1 > 2
I honestly don't get the hype of 2 desu. It was pretty shitty besides Chloe and some set pieces here and there.
I unironically enjoyed the autoaim feature
I actually started playing it the other day
Prologue - A short action sequence where you steer a boat away from enemies
Chapter 1 - Slow railroaded platforming sequences with your brother
Chapter 2 - Couple of fistfights, small platforming segment, easy puzzle and a heavily scripted escape from the prison
Chapter 3 - Incredibly boring underwater segment where you recover some cargo and watch cutscenes
Chapter 4 - Massive amounts of cutscenes and examining items around your home. You get to play Crash Bandicoot whcih is pretty cool I guess
Chapter 5 - Similar heavily scripted prison escape sequence but with more shooting
Chapter 6 - Bit of platforming, crappy thieving mini-game and then a longer platforming segment
Definitely not impressed so far. Uncharted 2 had stronger opening levels. Please tell me it picks up.
This reminds me of a time I got laid with a black girl.
I was pretty drunk when we started going at it, and I think she had some dominating tendencies, she kept holding me down while riding me, and she kept riding even after I came while not letting me move.
She was nice though.
have a lot of 'Play' buttons
Ehhh, I just finished it. It was pretty and the actual gameplay parts were fun enough but the game is 80% dialogue/climbing and 20% shooting/gameplay and it shows. I found myself bored out of my mind so many times "Oh boy, another slide down the rocks, hookshot the branch and swing onto a climbing wall section. This sure is fresh!"
I enjoyed it but I got it cheap. The multilayer was pretty fun for a while even if it's hilariously janky.
I don't know I'm waiting for the price to be $5 or so. Sony game values always drop like a rock. Damn it feels good not supporting Sony movie shit by buying preowned.
the gameplay is somehow even worse then in 3, sometimes it can look impresive though
MC is fuckin asshole
Best gameplay in the series, disappointed about the lack of supernatural enemies but hey, it's whatever.
2 is so much fun. Guns blazing everywhere, and holy shit the last boss fight is intense as fuck.
Overall the game is much more exploration/stealth based than previous entries. That said, if you're getting fatigued with all the story/exposition chapters, it does pretty much do away with most of that in the second half. Also even though there are fewer firefights, I'd argue they're more fun/involved. The new level layouts have tons of verticality; pretty much every encounter feels almost like an arena rather than a linear setpiece. But also the story is pretty half-baked/disjointed and you probably won't be satisfied with how it resolves etc. Also if you don't like Sam, tough biscuits because he's pretty much the only consistent supporting cast member with everyone else kind of in the background.
UC2 story + UC4 gameplay ftw
Played all 3 before release since it was my first in the series to actually go out and buy but I by far think it's the best in the series and wish they would remaster the other 3 on the engine.
>Nathan slaughters countless men in the superficial pursuit of fame and treasure
>Rafe shoots one crooked prison guard who was trying to extort them
Really disappointing the story was kinda retarded and the twist with the brother and Rafe didn't make sense
>there's anons that pretend the previous ones were better
>nate didn't even bother to google alcazar
Did someone notice they retconned the scene in 3 where Marlowe talks about Nate's parents?
>self defense
>cold blooded murder
>Hey nate my life is at risk can you help me fight a personal army flying around the world in a dirty cheap plane
Somehow sounds more convinvcing than
>Hey nate we're getting the original team back together and Rake is gonna fly us around the world in his private jet with an army to protect us
>nate proceeds to murder hundreds of men only hired by rafe to search for treasure
1/10 never played it
No bossfights.
Only ONE (1) setpiece
TWO (2) fucking young Nathan sequences.
3 hours of literally nothing.
Less encounters than ever and most of them stealth bullshit.
Why was so hard to make Uncharted 2 2?
That scene takes place before Nate went on his adventures and killing sprees in Uncharted 1-3
>tired gameplay
Personally I liked Uncharted gameplay a lot especially on higher difficulties where enemies constantly trying to flank you when you hide in cover. In most cover third person shooters you just take good position and shoot everything and hide and repeat. In U4 above normal you have to constantly be on move and react really fast.
Meme movie was started by PCucks?
THIS! Fucking meme movie "game". I only tried it because it was bundled with my PS4. The 2 most boring hours of my life.
That Nadine shit is disgusting, because having her kick everybody's ass is absolutely pointless to the plot.
Really puts a damper on what is a pretty nice story overall.
You can tell they were trying to pander to feminists.
>being this butthurt
I liked almost everything about it except for the fact that was no supernatural stuff. That was a let down.
>can take a bullet and keep moving
>a punch can knock out a guy instantly
now im triggered
Why? It's standard videogame shit
It ain't about butthurt, it's about having some 145 lbs woman taking on two 180+lbs men who have a lot of experience in fighting and somehow winning.
That is ridiculous.
>only hired by rafe to search for treasure
And to kill anyone standing in their way (so Nate and co.)
Uncharted isn't new to supernatural witchcraft henchmen/right-hand men (Talbot in 3)
Really enjoyed the combat sections but there wasn't enough of it. Most of the game is walk'n'talk or climbing. I like the dialogue but all the climbing sections were dull as dish water. Why did they have so much of it this time?
have you seen any kung fu movie ever made? Skinny ass asian man taking on entire armies while defending a baby in a ladder and chair factory. It's fiction, it's not meant to be realistic. but just cause it's a woman it's suddenly "ridiculous".
>playing Uncharted for the combat system
the game would be 100x better if all combat was removed and it was just exploran and puzzle solvan
>can take a bullet and keep moving
The think with uncharted is that Drake only takes the bullet that kills. When the screen goes black and white it means his luck is running out.
Really fun and enjoyable game. Never felt like a chore to play.
I like 3 the best the plane sequence and cruise ship are still unmatched
I honestly can't even tell who's serious and who's trolling at this point
No donut Drake/10
It's easily the best in the series as far as the mechanics and writing are concerned.
The gunplay in Uncharted 4 does a much better job of utilizing the climbing and stealth mechanics since a lot of the combat arenas have verticality, tall grass and have places to grapple. Combat in the previous Uncharteds tended to be scripted as fuck the same way the rest of the game was, expecting you to take enemies out in a certain order to progress and making certain tactics impossible once the game decided it wanted to have a big gun fight, so it's nice that they made combat more flexible. Sneaking up a tower, kicking off a sniper, stealing his gun to take out some guys with grenade launchers, swinging down using your grappling hook to drop kick a dude and ending up in a fist fight with another guy makes you feel a lot more like the cool Indiana Jones hero the game portrays Nate as than the glorified whack-a-mole the PS3 trilogy had.
Climbing is still as simple as ever but at least the game does a much better job disguising it. The areas are more open, especially in Madagascar, and sometimes offer two routes to the same end point. The sliding, swinging and wall pick add some needed variety and timed elements to it too, you actually feel like you're doing things instead of pointing Nate in a direction and watching him be an acrobat. It's not something I'd call good or interesting but it's not as outright boring as it used to be.
The games fault is the pacing. Uncharted 1 and 2 had an issue with endless repetitive gunfights wearing the player and giving the games not a lot of breathing room, 1 especially. Drake's Deception struck a nice balance between the slow sections and combat, even if its story was a fucking mess and I'd call the game worse than its predecessor overall. A Thief's End goes in the opposite direction, sometimes having well over an hour of climbing, story and scenery porn areas before actually adding some tension into the mix. It's a shame.
The combat is genuinely good in this one. The way they incorporated stealth and wide open arenas made it really fun.
>who have a lot of experience in fighting
She had more experience in fighting. Woman knowing martial arts can beat guy. This is not ridiculous.
At the same fucking time?
I'm serious, why do people get so triggered about that when things just as bad happened before in the series but with men? Making it a man or a woman doesn't detract from the overall unrealistic fun atmosphere the games have
Yes, very rare but can happen.
I don't understan why no one complain about skinny girls with top model bodies and not a single muscle mass beat giant muscular martial arts champions in japanese fighting games.
How Uncharted 4 is movie? Explain.
epic memes ma man
So why Half Life or Metal Gear Solid don't get movie memes? I don't get it.
Surprisingly best gameplay out of the series and actual good gameplay despite the memes from people who have never played it. The climbing was brilliant and it had a lot of TLOU in it.
Cutscenes at the start were far too long and constant drake brothers flashbacks were dull. Also fuck the press X to be beaten up by a strong black woman who will just leave scott free at the end lest the players be actually allowed to kill the villian, seen as rafe was quite justified in what he was doing.
Great game though, surprisingly hard near the end.
>MGS 4
>not a movie
Good one
I do, that's my main complaint about the DOA series.
It's also why I like the way Street Fighter designs it's females, they are all impossibly sexy yes, but they also have decent muscle mass to them.
Half life 2 and mgs 4 and 5 did get movie memes.
>That fucking car chase through city
I'm sorry but it was fucking brilliant. Best action sequence in any game ever.
Sooner or later, you're gonna realize: a lot of anti-SJWs and SJWs are the same. Echo chambers, safe spaces, group-think, hypocrisy. Same shit.
>but they also have decent muscle mass to them.
Only Vanessa maybe. I don't see any muscles on Aoi or Pai.
it's only self defense
nate is the villain
MGS4 got the movie meme hard
MGSV and Half life 2 are on pc so that should tell you who started the meme.