So do we all love it or what?

so do we all love it or what?

I really liked it. My only complaint was the level design. Sometimes I'd get lost in levels. In some levels it took more more time to find the way I was supposed to go than the actually murder of all the enemies combined.

Also the vs human fights and most bosses are insanely easy. More than half of the bosses I did it on 1st try without having idea of the boss mechanics or attack aptterns.

go hang yourself.

don't cut yourself on all that edge faggot

I like it quite a bit. Its a very fun game. Level design seems pretty alright. Its not top notch or anything, and yes a few were quite confusing, especially the snow level, ninja castle, and burning castle. That's the last mission I've completed though. Haven't beat it yet.
Honestly my main gripe is the enemies being the same for every level, but that's been said a billion times.

Pretty good game.

Enemy variety is shit, music is dull and level design is awful. But the combat is good.

I might have just started getting impatient, but in the later levels I found it very easy to leave paths unexplored. Especially the defiled mountain, which seemed like for every path you took it gave you 3 more

I really liked it. I hope the DLC adds more than just new bosses and maps, hope we get more enemy variety, weapons, guardian spirits, and the like.

I would also really like to see Ninjutsu get buffed. It's so much weaker than Onmyo it's not even funny. Maybe stuff that lets you teleport behind/above the enemy, or use shadow clones. The bombs and kunai should also be more powerful, without requiring huge dex investments.

Very fun gameplay but like others have said, the core complaint is level design and limited enemy variety. Everything else checks out, in my opinion

>Get the vault-over-enemies skill for low-stance spear.
>it works with Ki pulse
>feel like the fucking Monkey King

this, It drives me mad. I sometimes enter the boss rfight by accident while leaving a lot of areas unexplored.
DS and BB level deisgn was much better imo

Just got all divine armour, where's the best place to sudoku to share it with you guys?

>he hated The Ocean Roars Again

literal plebs. the level was fantastic, and the cramped spaces forcing you to take greater awareness of your movements was a ton of fun.

dont worry about that, everyone in ng+ is swimming in divines

The gods show favor.
Sucks that the high guard is locked otherwise it'd be a perfect stat.

Kingos armor is GOAT btw stop spamming only Red Demon everywhete you shitters experiment with other builds.

I give it an 8/10, would be a 9 but Umi-bozu feels a little underdeveloped compared to the other bosses and there was this one hole I kept falling into like an idiot every time I went past it, died like 10 times there.

>no geralt reference yet

Fucking newfags get off my board.

>Make Souls clone
>Forget to add replability
Shit game. Will die in a month or two

When does the dlc come out?

I liked it. My current complaint apart from the obvious runs is that axes seem pretty boring. I'm on my second run now, my first one in which I used spears had me constantly switching stances and styling on motherfuckers once I unlocked all the skills. Throughout most of my axe run it's pretty much been almost nothing but high stance, sometimes low stance to finish off enemies. Sometimes I go mid just for the fun of it and drain the shit out of ki with rumbling earth, but there really isn't any good reason to. The charging golf swing skill for high stance is also garbage.

>lost in levels
lay off the ganja

Just replace it with another transferable effect?

I haven't played since after the Spider Castle in the 3rd region. I got bored quite frankly. The level design is always the same labyrinthy shit with no sense of place and 3 reused assets, boring to explore, boring to look at. Nothing interesting going on visually. The first level in this game is really the only somewhat decent one. At least there's a bit of different stuff going on visually.

Secondly the enemy variety is just shit. Maybe instead of piling systems on top of systems with the fucking clan shit, skill trees, prestige stats and what not and designing 50 different affixes for gear they should've taken the time to design more than 3 enemy types instead. And the ones that are there do not really let you take advatange of the combat system that much, they're all easy to exploit, and the best way to kill them is to do the exact same shit every time you run into them.
Sub missions are also boring as shit, and some of them feel like you have to do them due to guardian spirits being locked behind them, but there's frankly nothing fun about running through those visually uninteresting levels AGAIN to unlock some shit.

I've had some fun until then but overall i'm very disappointed with the game. Would give it a 5/10 so far. Outside of bosses, which are pretty decent it's just boring.

What replayability does DaS have? NG+ adds almost nothing. At least in Nioh you get better gear for it.

Saying that, I've been underwhelmed by Nioh and I regret getting as excited for it as I did. I'll get round to beating it soon but I just started playing For Honor instead.

Level design is subpar and the bosses overall are pretty easy. I can brute force most of them without thinking much about it unlike Bloodborne or Dark Souls where I still have to think.
Gameplay mechanics keep me going, though. Same for the hope of more fun in NG+.
If this game gets a sequel, they need to work on 3 things:
1. Enemy Variety
2. Level Design
3. Legitimate Difficulty instead of nerfing it multiple times before release for casual retards.
It's not even that I've gotten used to these games because of Soulsborne. This game is legitimately easier. Really wish we could go back to beta mechanics.

One Sword is all you need.

t.sloth baby

It's fun as hell.

I refuse to use sloth. It breaks the game. The game is still fairly easy without it.

Whether or not you think it is good is up to you, but the endgame of DaS has always been PVP

>tfw games where i live are expensive as fuck
>tfw im currently saving for an xbone to compliment my ps4 and finally play gears and halo
>2/3 of the way through for console alone
>tfw really tempted to say fuck it and just burn my money on NIOH, RE7, until dawn and either FFXV/Horizon/last guardian

what do?

I fucking loved the alpha

I liked the betas a lot

I liked the game up until Umi-Bozu and after that I got real bored real fast.

They blew their load in terms of enemies on the first few missions and the later skills you unlock don't mean much to me.

GOTY for me. The best ARPG you can play with Souls series.

Dont buy Halo 6 its the worst Halo ever Gear was always trash. Xbone is a waste of money.
t.xbone owner

That level had me constantly asking myself why the fuck this tried and true seafarer couldn't get himself out of a goddamn waterhole. Even in light armor this guy sinks to the bottom immediately.
Goddamn water holes, deadlier than any enemy on that level.

The absolute worst was having one hit left on the boss, going for a sideroll, and going right into the hole they put next to the bonfire. I can't even put it on anything but my own stupidity.

I love this game.

The best way to define it is its very good in the areas team ninja has experience, not so much in others. Combat is great, argueably better than souls games, but its bogged down by ok level design, the almost worthless loot system, tons of items that rarely have purpose, and lackluster enemy design after the half way mark

Overall I enjoy it a lot mechanically, but I dont consider it up to snuff as a whole to bloodborne or og DS


Is Gears and Halo really that important to you? Otherwise both consoles are pretty much the same thing, I'd buy the vidya

DaS1 is fucking trash and dated as fuck

Bloodborne > Nioh/Das3 > DeS > DaS > DaS2

So I just lighted the third fire in the Umi-Bozu stage and I think I'm stuck
How am I supposed to go back

>the almost worthless loot system
Funny because I thought the loot system was TOO effective. It made breaking the game so easy.

Most of the mechanics feel like they were balanced for the alpha build where enemies did way more damage at low toughness and if you ran out of stamina for any reason you'd stagger

kekkai, sloth, yin yang status, the entirety of ninjitsu+kusarigama, just completely and totally outclasses every enemy in the game.

Just use a travel amulet, it's not worth running around for hours.

What's dated about it?

People always say that but when I ask the only answer they can give is graphics or FPS which is stupid as fuck.

The way you came? I dont try to be a dick but that stage wasn't that hard to navigate. There probably is a ladder behind a wall or something.

Get on the roof

Alright you're selling me on it

unrelated question: My local supplier has valkyria chronicles for ps4 on a steelbook for relatively cheap (half as much as nioh or re7)
As a collectorfag, will that get rare? I will probs buy valkyria eventually but i feel like i shouldnt pass on that steelbook

Everything the movement and combat feels like ass compared to DaS3. DaS1 is so clunky even DeS plays smoother.

So as usual you can't give a real answer. Watch I can do that too.

DaS3 is so clunky compared to all the others. It just doesn't FEEL right.

How is it clunky? Try actually giving examples from both games and compare them and why 3 is better. Also if the only thing you can list is "movement is clunky" I think that's a mighty retarded reason to say it's dated. It's not "dated" in any way but the movement?

You mention the combat too but what does that mean? There are too many start up frames for attacks? To many ending frames? What?

You are being very unspecific.

>How is it clunky? Try actually giving examples from both games and compare them and why 3 is better. Also if the only thing you can list is "movement is clunky" I think that's a mighty retarded reason to say it's dated. It's not "dated" in any way but the movement?

Just play 1 and 3. If you cant see how the overall movement feels alot better and precisely in 3 and so does the combat thanks to weapon arts and better strong attacks.

That may be true but Halo 5 though is great

>it's another "we" episode
Fuck off, this place isn't your echo chamber

>Halo 5 though is great
>Halo 5
>any Halo with Promethean

oh and I meant Halo 5.

It's garbage, even DaS2 is better than this shit.

>so do we all love it or what?
I do

Love the game. Best samurai simulator this year.

ya man the MP is lit

>play through the game using nothing but 1kat
>play very cautiously, standing back and taking my time with enemies
>change my playstyle completely for my second run which is a Level 1 run with 1kat/kusarigama
>dodging, ki pulsing, ki fluxing, changing stances on the fly, doing wake up combos, all that shit incredibly well

I fucked up so hard when I played like a bitch my first run.
I can only imagine how many people played similarly and totally missed the point and feel that this game can have.

remove waifu

How hard is SL1? I've been thinking of doing it since I enjoy doing SL1 in souls but I'm not sure if it would be very fun with the extreme lack of skills youd be able to unlock.

feels like a game that everyone will drop and forget soon

Stop mistreating my wife, you dishonorable disgusting spear fag >:(

Those levels weren't confusing, they were intricate. Almost all side paths lead somewhere (usually a Kodama or a shortcut). I think the late-game level design of this game is really underappreciated.

Probably because of how shit loot is. This game really needed something to motivate you to explore, besides Kodama.

You mean after everyone played it? Yeah that tends to happen to games after you finished them.

In all honesty. I hope we play a different character in the DLC. But otherwise, I agree that enemy variety is the thing this game needs most urgently.

It isn't too bad so far, I just got past Okatsu.
Hardest bosses so far have been Yuki Onna and Okatsu, both of which took me 2+ hours.
The only cheese you can get is the ground needles for ninjutsu.

I don't know about Way Of The Strong though, might not do it at all because of the enemy balancing from what I've heard. Running through levels just for the bosses isn't something I want to necessarily do.

If you're interested, I have videos on all the bosses.
And also if you want to see something a lot more extreme, theres a guy called TolomeoR whos probably one of the best if not the best Soulsborne challenge runners.
Hes currently doing a level 1, no dodging, no rolling, no blocking, no consumables, no spells, no ninjutsu and no summoning run. Currently fighting Mitsunari for 9.5 hours straight.

really good but really hard. got any youtube guys that can explain the basic game mechanics to me?

Slothed the ice bitch. Don't even care.

Pic related me to any boss that pisses me off.

So nothing. Ok.

How does the Saika set weakness target work? Is your aiming reticle locked onto the target's weak point even if they are moving, or does it just automatically flick to the point when you start aiming?

There's an easy to miss Nurikabe on the other side. Don't know if you can knock it from behind.

Ya I'm not interested in cheese tactics, neither of my 2 runs so far have used that onmyo horsecock. It would be like how I do my souls runs, no magic, buffs, parries, all bosses, stuff like that.
I'm interested on how many samurai points you currently got? I know that you get most of them via levelling up, so I feel that if you don't level up at all in this game you'd be locked out of most of the interesting skills until endgame, and most of the game I'd spend just slowly poking shit to death from midstance 1kat.

yeah like dark souls right?

I can explain if you don't need a visual medium.

I'm enjoying it, but as others stated, the lack of enemy variety is really mind boggling. I figured the beastiary would be much bigger considering Souls games themselves have an impressive amount of enemies. Level design isn't as bad as others make it, I just wish there were more daytime levels.

Yup. The Dark Souls discussion now is Pvpfags circlejerking.

Is Sloth Talisman not supposed to work on Muneshige for no fucking reason? The effect lasts for like 2 seconds and just disappears and he's raping my ass again when against Honda. Honda gets slowed down for the accurate amount of time. Why?

there's nothing dishonorable about being a spear user.

they have the highest skill cap after all, you could never hope to master such a complex weapon.

You get a buttload from just using different weapons and increasing familiarity/proficiency with them. Skill points really aren't an issue.

You can only really get flux, iai, stance flux and dodge ki pulse along with the damage+ from ki pulse skills.

he gets knocked down no matter what you hit him with as long as he's in the air, really easy with kunai or high stance 1kat too. shame cause he's a real cool concept but terribly easy.

>You can only really get flux, iai, stance flux and dodge ki pulse along with the damage+ from ki pulse skills.
Why is that? Those way of the warrior missions aren't tied to level, no?

it isnt, but that would be convenient for your argument

some games have this thing called replay value, yeah?

Oh shit sorry, no they're not.
You can only get really basic magic/ninjutsu, my sleep deprivation made me replace the two.

So yeah, you can in fact get a lot of skills but yes, you don't any from leveling of course. The ones I listed are obviously the most useful ones and I really haven't wished for anything else so far. The kicks are also useful but pretty situational.

So this crafting is just RNG bullshit then? I have no chance of getting the effects I want?

Nioh has replay value too.
My first run took me 57 hours, haven't done a single mission of NG+ yet, and I started my second run doing a level 1 playtrough, already 20 hours in.

It gets way easier once you can use divine fragments in reforging to actually get rare skills pretty easily, but yeah it's still all RNG no matter how you slice it.

Is this Team Ninja back on track?
Still on the fence on being a Sonygger or Nintendrone

Okay good to hear, I don't give a dam about magic or ninjutsu since I'm still in the souls mindset that magic is for fucking faggots. Maybe I will do an SL1 sometime then.
Yukaonna + Oda at SL1 is already striking the fear of god into my soul

>I'm still in the souls mindset that magic is for fucking faggots.

It's great but I can't stand the loot. They should've made armor and weapons in static locations throughout the map and have a weapon forging process like bloodgems so you're not constantly disassembling and selling worthless shit. I also really wish they had at least one or two new weapon classes, but maybe the DLCs will come through with tonfas/kanabo/bo staffs/whatever else.

I probably wont even try to seriously kill them both.
Its definitely doable of course, but the fight would literally last for like 10+ minutes.
I have no desire to do that shit. I'll give it a shot but I'm not going to brute force it

spellswording casul detected
I'd tell you to fight me 1v1 but I don't have the time to wait for you finish your two dozen buffs

I always do all-bosses for SL1 so that is just gonna have to be done for me.
unless the game is das2 sl1, because seriously lmao2cat

This is a real problem with RPG-ish games, and especially with """modern cRPG""", loot randomization just kills the loot. But crowdfunding cuck will defend this.

I would like to see it done and I would love to have me on video doing it, but I honestly just can't stand the thought of losing a 10+ minute attempt because of some random insane bullshit

Its really fucking irritating to use all my purple parts and end up with a white weapon and I'd rather not grind a whole level for a slight chance of getting a good axe

I can't wrap my brain around the parry system. Can all attacks be parried? Is it about waiting until the weapon is realistically near me or just a certain point during their animation?

You can only parry humans i think

I'm almost entirely sure parries and stun animations/knockdowns are only for human enemies

Mostly only humans, but also Hiro-Enma. Her flying charge attack specifically.

The regular sized skeleton warriors also count as humans

You can use spear fall to knockdown youkai.

Sword parries work on skellingtons, but not spear parries

the level design is definitely hit or miss, IMO.

the misses aren't bad or anything, but it's just clear that some levels had so much more effort put into them than others. still a great game