Another myth perpetuated by scientists is that being in space for some amount of time makes you taller...

Another myth perpetuated by scientists is that being in space for some amount of time makes you taller. If that's the case then explain this?


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So is this just perspective or what?

he looks better than shepherd. realistic body proportions and posture. shoulders arent hunched over, his chest is pushing forward, and his quads are bigger than his calves.

Its just a human instead of a mutant space marine

His head is too large for the rest of his body proportions

his arms are too short (should extend to a little past the crotch)

his legs are also too short. I think the modeler shortened the arms to be more proportional to the legs without realizing the problem was the legs were too short to begin with

The female version is also badly done - her shoulders are too wide; shouldn't be wider than her hips. She's got male body proportions as a result.

Basically, they hired someone who doesn't know human anatomy to create their models.

Sure thing Manlytears.

Actually you're totally wrong. His body type is pretty common among Wrestlers and MMA fighters. You realize there are tons of stocky people in the world with short limbs right?

its almost like.. they tried to make actual human looking characters instead of generic ones.

>realistic body proportions
Do you live in a cartoon? Look at how massive his head is. The average person is about 7 and a half heads tall. This dumb fucker is not even 6 and a half. They seriously fucked up the proportions. He's manly tears-tier.

Combine the cartoony proportions with the awkward janky animations and nonexistent facial expressions and the game looks just as bad as Bioware's ten year old offerings. They've made no advancements whatsoever, some might even say they've regressed.


>actual human looking characters

neck yourself

He looks fine in game. There's just some weird fish eye and sizing thing going on with the character kits.

decent b8, you'll get some people

Well yeah I guess the logical next step of SJWing our shit up is representing ugly manlets as the average male. Right up there with the other beautiful and diverse BioWare characters lately.


>waahh wahhh somebody wanted a human looking character fucking SJWS!!!!

he has similar proportions to pic related, who would whoop your ass.

Todd is pushing the manlet agenda

He could maybe whoop my knees.

I have doubts about him being able to reach all the way up to the height of my ass.

midgets not even human. Checkmate.

>its a Sup Forumsirgin claims he could beat an MMA fighter because he's taller than him episode

I don't remember garrus having gorilla arms like this

I never said that.

I merely said he's roughly the size of a fire extinguisher.

Is that supposed to be a turian? or a fucking simian.

i would just shoot him.

I honestly don't think it's anything that complicated, I think they just go out of their way to make unappealing or slightly deformed characters, and no one calls the artists out on it because it's more "real" (it's not).

This is becoming a problem in Western games. Western games tend to lean more towards a desire for realism, as opposed to Japanese games which lean away from it a lot of the time - this is known in both the western and Japanese gaming communities. Going too far toward either extreme of this spectrum without properly thinking it out can result in some really shitty presentation, but studios do it anyway because they want to pander as hard as they can. The Japanese have been going overboard for a long time now with harem bullshit and otaku pandering, and I think Bioware is really the western analogue to that: they go overboard in pandering to """realism""" to the point that they completely lose sight of their original goal, and start sacrificing quality for nebulous higher ideals of "real" characters or whatever.

Of course I think the difference between east and west here is that there's a large and healthy market full of people who want to buy nonsensical escapist pandering bullshit, so much that it's an entire industry on its own. There isn't as much of a market for people who want to experience Bioware-type bullshit, partly because escapism is an inherent appeal of video games. These nu-vidya devs don't understand that, they think that making vidya art, or realistic, or whatever is the most important thing.

They do these things because they can, but they never stop think whether they should.

Why are you so incapable of accepting aliens being different?
The fuck is wrong with you shitlord?

How come mods haven't banned ME threads already?
It's only shitposting consisting of repeating over how BioWare, as always, is making terrible character design, there might be one cringeworthy waifufag, and they only fill up the catalog with threads about shit games.
At this point I think this is some kind of meta-shilling.

It's perfectly acceptable for aliens to have completely weird proportions

However, turians had well-established proportions in the previous games and now it's off from what we've seen previously.

I'm amazed that bioware somehow managed to find a 3D modeler who could model characters, but not get any of their proportions correct.

I don't see why it's such a big deal to make a shorter Main character with more realistic (yes, its realistic, not deformed) muscle insertions.

are bioware SJW fags? yes

does that change that the male guy actually looks pretty realistic and decent? no

im tired of playing shotas or chads in every single game

I'm sorry you went out of your way to write all that in response to my shitposting aimed at another shitposter.

Yeah, it's a widespread trend in the artstyle of western games lately. I feel like this style they now chose for Andromeda was influenced by the cartoony crap we've seen in LoL and Blizzard games lately. It really hurts to see devs thinking people genuinely like the artstyle of modern Blizzard games over the old ones as if the artstyle is what makes people buy the games.

Stop this

Although this is a troll thread (and not a very good one)
Sleeping literally makes you taller, due to relief of spinal compression

I'm convinced I'm the only person on Sup Forums unironically looking forward to this game more than anything else this year. I'm legitimately pumped.

its gonna be a reskinned inquistion, so =/= masseffect

>he looks better than shepherd
get a load of this faggot

Nah I'm pretty hyped about this. I don't give a shit about romance crap.

No. Can't be worse than ME2 and 3

Funny how Papa Ryder is the only normal-looking character shown so far.

Forgot pic.

He will be the bad guy. And you will have to kill him.

what the fuck?
why are her arms so long in this shot?

Coz it's an ayy lmao?

no, we've already had turians for the past 3 games

her arms look legit fucked when you compare the length to other turians

it'll be okay and I'll probably play it some time this year. Early 2017 is just jam packed with great games so ME is going to have to wait.

Where did you hear this?

nah, head still looks too big

>he looks better than shepherd
>he looks better than shepherd
>he looks better than shepherd

Shepard is a fucking Greek god, you filthy twat.

IT'S Shepard... SHEPARD you cock gobbling halfwit

remember that in bioware diversity beats talent a passion

Copy that

how do you fuck with this?


How many of you will actually play Andromeda?

his head is not big, so it looks normal. unlike op.

no, he will be like Anderson, same role


Where are the Reapers? and Shepard?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

I enjoyed Inquisition for what it was. That said, I'm supremely glad they're giving access users a chance to play the game a few days before launch as a trial. I'll base whether it's worth buying on that.

Can bioware do anything right?


>Reapers 600 years later
1.) Destroyed by Shepard
2.) Currently controlled by Shepard
3.) Still synthesized with the DNA of the Milky Way galaxy's species

>Shepard 600 years later
1.) Died centuries ago after destroying the Reapers
2.) Currently controls the Reapers as the Catalyst
3.) Killed by the synthesis/refusal ending centuries ago

Take your pick.

>makes you taller

I thought it was shorter?

Probably taller, and for the same reason you gain a few mm after sleeping: your spine decompresses while you're laying down and aren't putting pressure on it.


She'll probably die by her own hand before anyone else does.


They all look ugly to me

I forgot she's actually exist.
Thx god you can tell her to fuck off

Recommend caution. Warn of chaffing.

Wtf I hate standing now!?

Just start thinking like Bioware. What would be more dramatic and SJW than killing your own white father that will be probably doing a racist thing like Andromeda for humans or some shit.

You're so goddamn paranoid holy shit.


Will probably give it a try if it gets cracked in the first week like Cisquisition

I'll give it an hour or two and drop it if I don't like it

ugly manlet detected

Last good Bioware game


he looks like The Guy

Shit, what was it?

already taken, what was it?

he's just cynical

Mass effect guys are permanently on artificial gravity so they don't get any benefit from space

In fact, future humans are probably PC cucks enough to set their gravity permanently at 1.5 earth just to make turians comfortable or some shit, explaining why theyre all short ugly mixed race potatoes

I want to ram my dick inside this stocky manlet
Too bad we can't play as a male as have him as your cumdumpster bro


Looks exactly the same as other female turians in the series. The only thing is that the new one's shoulders are placed slightly higher, but I'm sure that was for MoCap purposes.
>People unironically paid 100$ for this shit
>They will have to pay even more for DLC containing plot that was cut out from the vanilla game.

Dude that's the only good news about andromeda.
Open world are pure cancer.

Is there anything good about this game anymore?

I already miss shepard.

So did you faggots watch the combat video?

seriously it would be like fighting a little kid that has skills.

It's still early work but I think I have an explanation I'm workin' on it.

What the fuck is happening between those two shots.
First those arm just are weird.
Second the armor seems to morph (look at the shoulders).
And finally the hand when crossed arms, did the thumbs just vanish into oblivion? kek.