What's the best Fire Emblem game?
Pic related.
What's the best Fire Emblem game?
Great game, but far too easy to be called the best FE.
Do you think Ephraim fucked his sister?
FE7 is the best Fire Emblem
>incest emblem
He denies the nasty rumors people spread about him and his sister in Heroes.
If you had a sister like that, you'd fuck her too
They fucked.
The GBA games were so fun, I was always an advance wars guy so I never really payed them much mind. Started FE with awakening, hated it, but now going back and playing these I'm having a blast.
Joshua is still the baddest motherfucker around.
This will always be the best to me.
Why we couldn't get a remake of this?
Why nintendo keeps making remakes of shitty fire emblems
Why would they remake it when it is on 3DS and Wii U?
What is wrong with you? Remaking the GBA FEs? For what reason?
Seriously, I want all non-GBA FEs to be remade with the engine of 6-8.
I've only played 6-10 and I liked them all except 6 and 10.
I'd go with 9
That's absurd.
To actually consider even the remote possibility that I lay Eirika down on the bed and repeatedly thrust my warm pulsing Lance into her fertile orchid so deep she can feel my sacred stones pushing against her as I nibble at her neck and inhale her infectious vanilla scent and taste her rosy red lips before I paint the inner sanctum of her womb creamy white as she contracts and squeezes every drop ensuring the future of the pure royal family boodline is disgusting.
You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking of such awful things.
5 is the best FE by far.
9 is also quite good as an overall package and Conquest has excellent gameplay.
English Teacher/quality pasta out of 10
Its just a barebones remake of the original.
>All those deaths at the final chapter in Niggers run
That's not Fates
Morning, gentlemen. Where's the discussion between oldfags and nufags?
GBA fags should be shot. Go play genealogy and stop embarrasing yourselves.
aw yiss
yesterday's non-faggot (non-heroes) FE thread was excellent
Every FE has some level of incest.
Any Fire Emblem that has an overworld is shit. Learn to ration EXP, casual retard.
4, 7, and 10 are probably tied for the top spot.
the third guy you quoted started with Awakening, though.
And Genealogy is bad.
What? You don't like trading strategy and careful planning for mindless grinding and fighting in big empty battlefields?
I would say FE7 but man that first 10 chapters is annoying to get through if you played any other FE game. Yes you can play on Hard to kind of skip the tutorial but the maps of the first 10 chapters are made to learn how to move around a map. So they are just annoying to deal with because of how plan they are. But once that is over the game is fucking great.
either that or Conquest for me.also replaying 7 right now and have noticed that it has a crazy amount of FoW levels, brigands,and thieves
>it's as you say. listen, caellach... i've got to kill you now.
Chills every time.
but sacred stones is piss easy grinding shit. how can anyone think its the best
Honestly I'd rather have remakes of the older games that never made it stateside, for those of us too lazy to play a fan translated rom
As long as grinding isn't needed I'm fine with there are places to grind. Just like I'm fine there's casual mode. Don't like it don't use it.
>people ever complaining about a game for giving you the option to do something that there is no need or obligation to do