We make a special Morrowind thread just for you, same low price

We make a special Morrowind thread just for you, same low price.

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You are the worst kind of pleb.

It's kind of funny how this meme can only exist because of dumbness.

I installed the oblivion-like combat mod for my first Morrowind playthrough which makes you and the enemy never miss.

Call me casual I don't care. I had 120 hours of pure fun.

I love this meme.
>Use weapon that you actually spent points in
>Don't be a retard that wastes his fatigue all the time
>Never miss

It's fine to use this mod, I understand why someone would dislike RNG since I hate it most of the time but it actually felt decent in Morrowind since it made you more dependent on your skills since if you actually used things you were trained in then it was nearly impossible to miss.

>I shall speak for the law and the land and drive the mongrel dogs of the empire from morrowind
>join me, nerevar, together we will complete akulakhan and build a great wall by the power of the heart. we will make morrowind great again!

Is anyone else always trying to put on the best quality clothing (not armor) possible?
Does that even do anything?

>you can't enslave Tribunal + Dagoth Ur and take power of the heart for yourself

It's been six years since my last playthrough.

What are the current best modlists? I remember back when I played someone made a yearly release of a modpack through torrents that was relatively easy to install

I just think bait works better than a line from the game with the name of said game spoilered.

It makes the NPCs comment on how well dressed you are.

i haven't played morrowind in 11 years and i don't think i'll ever care to play it again. it feels so incredibly dated and clunky to play. which is a shame, because i recall the world being an extremely fascinating place with a fair amount of interesting factions

Bait in OP would make the thread much more popular but at the same time the thread would be nothing but shitposting.

Would I need mods that recharge mana for a full-mage playthrough? Never did something like this. Would want to play as a dunmer for role-playing purpose who am I kidding, I always play dunmer

>Tfw can't figure out how to install Mods and all of them tell me to download Wyre Bash as if they expect me to have a degree in quantum physics to actually figure out how that thing works

Steam created a generation that doesn't know how to computer.

How are you this helpless?

Finally a game where Ethnical Cleansing was still a thing.

3 people killed in the sequels and you find some retard who is essential so unkillable.

Here you just get a flavor text and you just break the main quest, but everyone can die.


how do I make SS with MGE? I have Screen Shot Enable=1 in morr.ini and in game mesage appears
" set Screen Shot Enable=0 to Screen Shot Enable=1"

im going to make a wizard once i've done screwing around and actually start the game

what is your favourite spell Sup Forums?

Levitate is just too useful.

>Replayed MW dozens of times over the years
>still havent got through even half of Bloodmoon once
I just can't, I dunno why, it bores me to death each time, maybe because I've already played a lot after the base and Tribunal at that point

Levitate is too slow unless you have a really powerful one
Jump is the real patrician choice

shit i remember doing this when i was a teenager. i had a house in a city north of sedya neen where i would store all the shit i had collected throughout my adventures. good times

make a character to roleplay as an imperial legion member who eventually goes to bloodmoon.

>Never rolled mage before.
>Never enchanted.
>Proceed to abuse alchemy and make a full exquisite clothing set and amulet of sanctuary (exceeding 100), a robe of levitation, and a belt of waterbreathing and healing, and an amulet of chameleon.
>Conjure bound axe for shits and giggles.
>Become completely untouchable once my agility hit 100.
>Only vulnerable to magick, and that's only when my Atronach spell absorption doesn't catch it.

Jesus fuck. Who needs warriors when you can have a single wizard.

>Alchemy yourself to godhood
>Make fire damage on area so big it's literally a nuke
>Exterminate N'wahs

About to start a new character. Need ideas for wacky and fun playstyles.

Morrowind is too broken depending on your choices.

If you get the fortify skill spell by instance, you will be able to get everything you want in the game just by fortifying your mercantile, speechcraft, security, alchemy and enchanting to 100 when you need it before the first 30m in the game.

>get bit of fame and level up speech
>even the fucking Vivec ordinators are now kissing the ground i walk upon

A 'sorcerer' who never casts a single spell, instead carries dozens of items he enchants with every spell he needs
have fun swapping rings

>direct input from the player
>diceroll for attacks
>a good idea

pick two

you can do the same thing in skyrim its just harder to pull off, try not exploiting the game. you don't need to fly to the last boss at 300 miles an hour in the first 10 minutes. hell its elder scrolls, you don't even need to follow the main quest.

Honestly I'd rather have misses on low skill than damage so low it feels like beating a sponge with a rubber dildo

Was this game designed so you had to carry around stamina potions at all times? I don't really get it. If your stamina is low your attacks won't really hit, and yet running also drains stamina.

Basically. Due to engine limitations at the time, the game world itself isn't that large. The developers made it feel bigger by slowing down movement speed and decreasing the draw distance. To make it seem even bigger, they limit your already slow run speed. If you increase your speed to 100, you'll see how small the map really is.

fortify fatigue is one of the easiest potions to create, you can use scrib jerky and hound meat

pointing out what morrowind did wrong isn't in any way condoning what the other games did

direct input from the player and dicerolls after an attack connects are two very incompatible concepts, mixing them together is just idiotic

More like Morrowbad, amirite?

More like MorroWIN if you ask me, ha ha ha


You're gonna hate me, but i've never played Morrowind or Oblivion, and yet i did play Arena, Daggerfall and Skyrim.

I was wondering, what's the deal with those games? I feel like i should have played them but i also get the feeling that they are for nostalfags. You know, that they were games ahead of their time like Daggerfall but if i try them today i would be dissapointed.

What's your experience with the games, how did you feel playing them?

It still feels surprisingly large when you actually play it.

I wish openMW would hurry up and implement distant terrain and statics. It's pretty much the only thing keeping me from fully switching over.

It's just there's no alternative beyond those options, skill either increases your chance to hit with the weapon or damage. You have to choose the lesser evil.

>It still feels surprisingly large when you actually play it.
It's just really densely packed. Which of course is a good thing. Even after several playthroughs you can still find places you've never seen before. You can build entire characters around the idea of making a region your "home" and spending a lot of time there.

>There's no middle ground with this.mp4

Dicerolls belong in turn-based situations where you roll the dice to see if the attack connects. A dice roll after the attack connects is just not knowing how dice rolls work.

I'm fine with skills increasing damage, as long as the base damage isn't absolute shit.

Not that it matters since all the TES games have garbage combat to begin with, but retarded dicerolls mechanics are certainly not "the lesser evil".

ebonheart and vivec are THAT close?

I like Bloodmoon but the part where you have to do all the trials is boring as fuck

depends on your imagination and the will to process information. Movement and combat are shit. The rest is average and above average.

I hadn't played morrowind or oblivion until years after they came out. All things considered, they've aged pretty well, but that also depends on how patient of a person you are.

Oblivion is literally a game for nostalgiafags who played it as a kid and never replayed it vanilla. Everything about is shit, including the overrated quests. You need 1000 mods to make it remotely playable.

I played skyrim first, and after being disappointed with oblivion I was sure to be disappointed by morrowind as well, but after passing the first barrier which is the fact that graphics have aged like milk, it's a really good game

the combat is bad, but the entire dynamic of how quests, lore, npcs and everything else work are great

also the equipment system makes my dick diamonds

What are some essential mods for this game?

>What's your experience with the games, how did you feel playing them?
Whatever the feeling is when you travel the Bitter Coast and this starts playing

>also the equipment system makes my dick diamonds
The interface is probably the most underrated thing about Morrowind. Well, maybe not, but it really proves how much difference it makes designing an interface with the PC first in mind. Just compare it to Oblivion and Skyrim.

>sleep before travelling to Balmora
>wake up
>assassin trying to kill me

Is it normal that they come this early?
They only came after spending some time in Balmora before.


I did a FAST playthrough once (max acrobatics, speed, enchants to increase it even more and water walking), it literally took me 5 seconds to go from vivec to ebonheart.

Skyrim's UI is absolute dogshit, and I hadn't realized how dogshit it was until I installed SkyUI

And even then, being introduced to morrowind's UI is just miles better

Yes. Unfortunately this was implemented with your character already having a high level in mind. I think there was a guy in Ebonheart you could talk to which makes it stop, or a mod.

It is normal if you don't download the delayed dark brotherhood attack mod. That stops them appearing until you're around level 10 or so, I highly recommend it.

>sleep in a guild
>assassin attacks you
>there are no guards and nobody gives a shit

With Tribunal installed, they can come after you at any time. Just deactivate Tribunal until you're ready to face them.

lets see your difficulty slider, cocksucker


Why will we never have a transport system as good as it was in morrowind?
Why will we never have a GUI as good as it was in morrowind?
Why will we never have a game with such mod support ever again?
I just dont understand. These things make such a big difference, it surely would be worth the time and money to do it right.

Wrye Mash actually made it easier for me. I don't have to think at all when installing mods. I just install it with Wrye Mash, run Mlox to sort the load order (whatever the hell that means), and it just works. And if I don't like a mod, Wrye Mash lets me uninstall it without any worries.

this is normal

one of my old starting strategies was to kill said assassin, sell gear at shop (which he then wears) and have instant cash for gear.

'that close' is easy to say looking at that pic but then take scale into account, vivec is pretty freaking huge.

Difficulty does not affect hit chance.

>then take scale into account, vivec is pretty freaking huge

i know. i just thought ebonheart was quite a fair distance away

Yes it does you pussy pansy bitch, try that shit with it set properly not on casual mode

If you knew how to game the fast travel system, you'd have made the run from Vivec to Ebonheart many times as it's the best shortcut to swap between the different services sometimes.

pretty much everything about morrowind is better except the graphics and "combat" but that last bit is debatable.

I am convinced skyrim is some sort of social experiment where they make everything in a game series worse and see if it still sells.

Jump is for either going long distances or doing small hops across towns where you know where you're going. Levitate is for exploring and fighting

I fucking knew which track you were talking about before I opened the link

i might've done that but i don't recall. i haven't played the game in like 15 years

Alright, thanks for all the answers!
That sissy boy dropped to his knees after the first chop and bit the dust shortly after.
Puny assassin. His gimp suit doesn't even fit me.

To get fortify skill you need to go to either Mournhold or Skaal Village. You're gonna start that content when you're already extremely powerful anyway so there's no need to even use the spell.

So unless you know exactly where you're going and why, you're not gonna get the spells as lvl 3 by chance.

>collect mementos from your adventures
>not even the combined space of the fighters guild and mages guild sleeping quarters can hold them

Also daedric weapons are ebony weapons forged with daedric souls and is not similar to enchanting ebony swords with daedric souls.

i always put clothing on when I'm in cities.
Seems kind of dumb to wear heavy armor when I'm just walking around and talking to people.

Maybe you should stop being a fucking pleb and use your head.
>buy restore fatigue spell
>keep spamming it

>or create custom restore fatigue spell 2 points for XXX amount of seconds
>cast it every now and then, generally can last for a very long time

>or create an enchanted piece of clothing with constant fatigue restoring effect and never worry about it again

You've got plenty of options to fix everything

Summon Atronach (All) - summon one of each atronach for a short duration.
And a variant of this spell for undead and daedra too.
Levitate is always good, coupled with boots of blinding speed if you made yourself resist the blindness.
Wail of the Banshee - drain health 100-300 on target 1 sec area 10
Finger of Death - same as above, but on touch and with a higher health drain for more guaranteed kills.
I haven't figured out a good enough combination, but something combining bound cuirass, fortify blunt or conjure any bound weapon, and a shield spell for a little bit of melee.

Sometimes a 100% chameleon for a few seconds to disappear, or fortify luck 100 or higher for a few seconds to succeed at any simple task.

Unless you can find evidence that the difficulty slider directly reduces the player's luck stat then I maintain that difficulty has no effect on hit chance, only on enemy health and damage.

Hit Rate
(Weapon Skill + (Agility / 5) + (Luck / 10)) * (0.75 + 0.5 * Current Fatigue / Maximum Fatigue) + Fortify Attack Magnitude + Blind Magnitude

This is the formula for hit chance.

why are you so afraid of showing it? oh yea because youll get proven yore a shitter

Oblivion is shit and people like it because it was their first TES game and because it's the first game where they saw jiggly naked boobs.

Morrowind I've got installed right now, played it a month ago and then stopped because I didn't wanna get burned out. Gonna start it again in a month or so, or whenever it hits me.

If you can't get into the game, you simply can't. Don't force yourself. For instance, I never even knew about Arx Fatalis. When I tried it for the first time a few years ago I understood why people love it. But I couldn't really get into it. I'm absolutely certain it would have been one of my favourite games if I played it when it came out. I didn't really have problem getting into Morrowind though, I thought it was shitty too when I started the first time.

Then I kept playing, and a friend in highschool gave me a bunch of mods on a CD and I was absolutely mesmerized.

Because it's not my fucking webm retard. I didn't make it, I didn't post it. For the record I agree the maker of that webm probably has the difficulty slider at its lowest, but that's not relevant because it does not affect hit chance.

I used Caius' house for myself for a long time in Morrowind and it was filled with piles of books, artifacts and other clutter shit that I picked up.

>No good abandoned or guild houses in vanilla to put my shit in
>Practically no player house mods
>The existing ones are either too simple and poor or they're too grand
>None of them fit my character
>Don't know how to make my own with the creation kit

damn it

I assume you've build strongholds in Great Houses questlines?

There are plenty of great mods. Just avoid the shitty grand ones.

Not that user, but I'm building a modded Redoran stronghold and it still seems too small or cluttered to hold all my stuff

Did any game after Morrowind have a "put something down" system that intuitive?

You could just go in the menu and place and orient whatever you wanted, how the fuck did we go backwards on that

There are always cave hideouts, some are pretty neat
Maybe that wizard's tower in Dagon Fel is up to your taste

>>No good abandoned or guild houses in vanilla to put my shit in
There's literally one in Balmora and you need a scroll of Ondusi's unhinging to open it

fallout 4 lets you rotate on all axis for gear and stuff. pointless however, if you load a place and arrive at an unloaded cell too quick all your placed stuff falls through building objects.

building settlements however is borked.

they done fucked up skyrim and oblivion when it comes to placing objects.

Building one is easy as fuck.
Use the clutter cell to copy/paste everything, use one of the million mods or take any house you like and kill the owner.

>hear you fags always talking how Daggerfall is better in nearly every aspect than Morrowind
>try it out, a whole compilation exists on uesp
>start up game
>looks and feels like a generic 3D dungeon crawler, only with an open world
>controls are pure shit, just pure shit even compared to other Bethesda games
>half of all skills are useless
>dungeons are bland because randomly generated or procidually or whatever
>never touch it again

I'm questioning my mod selection.