Why are marriages in videogames so useless?

Why are marriages in videogames so useless?

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What a cute girl.

Because marriages in real life are usseless

Having a bigger house and a whole kitchen was cool in Harvest Moon


Most games where you can get married feature dating several girls at once. That aspiring little farmer is a complete douchebag.

>Those breasts


To match real life.

In fire emblem you get kid units, that are better than the parent units.

child soldiers?

Weebs are so focused on the pursuit that they don't even think about what happens after they start dating, let alone get married. That's why the games end shortly after.

Make them right or not at all.


Fuutou Shizune

>That's why the games end shortly after
Some end, others start.

Who cares? The better question is why you would want it in the first place. Can't wait for this to turn into an off topic anime thread!

>he didn't do a pure run

How can they focus on something they have no knowledge of? All their anime ends at I love you and a kiss, or marriage and a timeskip to ten years later and two children.

>making pure runs in h-games
>pink theme

At least try to hide how much of a faggot you are.

Getting married in Dark Souls 3 lets you usurp the First Flame

>le hat joke
roastie or numale cuck

Because they often only allow you to get married to one girl and not every girl at once.

Economically, marriage has a lot of merit. Lots of potential tax breaks, potential inheritance and the like. Even in situations of a mate being completely worthless dead weight, depending on the tax bracket you're in, you can still save more money supporting their pathetic ass than living on your own.

Thats unfair to people who cant get married let alone a relationship

>Why are marriages in videogames so useless?

Sounds like you're playing the wrong games.

Here is what an in-game marriage nets you in Audition
>An actual girlfriend thats actually a girl IRL
>Access to a ballroom dance tournament where you and your wife batlte other couples in a tournament where only one wife and one husband are left standing
>Access to a complex dating system where you can invite 10 friends to watch you have romantic dances with your wife that become increasingly more challenging
>Grind hearts to get new wedding rings to show off to your friends, and unlock couple-exlusive items, clothes, titles, pets, and glamour
>Your wedding has a couple level that's also tied to the date system. You can grind couple levles with your couple
>The husband has to write romantic letters to the wife every now and then.
>A couple-exclusive diary where you can write diary entries with your wife
>Access to a couple garden system that basically plays like FarmVille
>Access to the couple battle mode which is exclusive for married couples. Challenge your friend's couple to a battle

If you want a game where an in-game marriage actually changes the entire way you perceive the game, start downloading Audition right fucking now.

t. Expert on this subject. Audition has the most intricate wedding system of any videogame i've ever played

i forgot to mention that marriages/weddings in Audition are skill based.

You can actually fail a wedding.


Still not worth having to put up with her.

Nature in general plays favorites so blame god, evolution or whatever you believe got us to this point.


Depends on the game. In examples from modern FE, Awakening has time travel shenanigans, with a side-chapter dedicated to earning the 'child' unit being locked behind S-Rank pairings for the various female units in the game, the child inherits the father's hair color and I think both parents passing over a single skill each.

Fates does a more hamfisted approach, with the MC's child effectively put through the hyberbolic time chamber.

Lol what game

what happened to erika's chest

Lo and behold the anons that go "why are marriages useless in games" when they completely disregard the games wherein marriages are useful, because those games "aren't for guys"

Guess what, fuckwits. Marriages aren't for men. You want a game with useful marriage? Enter the world of female gaming. Maybe you'll get a girlfriend.

Shizune is lovely! LOVELY!!!

Do not lewd the Shizune.


great thread

How the hell can people look at this and think it honestly looks good?

they're big

Not if your wife makes about the same as you.

Because it does you closet homosexual


Because it's meaningless unless it's a major plot point.

Brap lover detected

>tits will never be able to fart
it hurts

t. chestlet

This is almost never true.

>save money for a few years than lose half of your stuff when she divorces you
still not worth


same artist as op

What purpose would you propose that marriage serve in your video game of choice?

As much as everyone rips on the Skyrim marriage system for being shallow, at least you could get a "Lovers Comfort" bonus for sharing your spouse's bed, a home cooked meal once a day, and they would get a job to support themselves.


Married Warrior Emma

Thanks senpai


I like in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life that you can see your kid grow up and influence his interest which will decide his future career that he'll take when he's an adult, something that no other Harvest Moon games or their spinoffs has.

God, Kanna is garbage in comparison to Morgan, I banked that son of a bitch real quick.

The kids in Fates were just shit all together
I didn't like a single one of em

>tfw you can actually hold fucking Weddings in FFXIV

Cringiest shit i've ever seen.

What is Ragnarok.

>that pic
A harem to surpass your average moeblob.

I went to one. Pretty sure they were only doing it for the unique mount, and everybody there just acted like jackasses whenever possible. And it was between a Lalafell and one of those dragon guys. So yeah, it was pretty cringy all around.

Got vastly improved from the looks of it

I dno't remember clearly, but wasn't RO where people would actually choose a specific gender for specifric classes to minmax the marriage skills for MVP's?