Do exactly what the game tells me

>Do exactly what the game tells me
>Get killed


Other urls found in this thread:

That's a run-on sentence. It's continued in the next message blip.

>Attack while it's tail is up! It's gonna counter attack with its laser!

He's still saying to attack while the tail is up, implying you can somehow stop the laser from firing if you do so. The structure is the same as "Shut that door! He's going to get away!"

The key word is COUNTER-attack, and if you were a part of the Accelerated Reader program in the American Education system, you might have picked up on reading comprehension.

Ok nerd

At least I'm not stuck on the first boss in a 20 year old game.

There's no closing quotation marks, the comment isn't done yet. I know grammar doesn't matter on the internet, but pay attention in class.

>attack while it is tail is up


>It's tail
Well no wonder final fantasy is a shit game

why didn't they just put don't as the first word?

did you SERIOUSLY die on the tutorial boss?


are fucking dumb are you?

Everything would have been fine if they added "If you" at the beginning, or you know, actually FINISHED THE STATEMENT BEFORE YOU DID ANYTHING but I don't play final fantasy games so whatever

You don't even lose the fight if you screw up only once

>That post formatting

Not as dumb as you at least.

Its a shitty translation job from 97, they didnt give a shit.

did you SERIOUSLY die on the tutorial boss? really? are fucking dumb are you? is this better for you captain autismo?

I purposely attack him when he does that every time since it's a free limit break.

This is what fake news looks like, everybody.

This is what our lord and savior Trump is trying to abolish.

>Random capitalization of a word for "emphasis"
>No capitalization at start of sentences
>"are fucking dumb are you", which is a nonsensical statement
>Repeated questioning as if reading the consciousness of an incredulous child


im not taking my time to do any of that shit too lazy honestly why do grammar nazis bother? what do you hope to gain from being an asshole to everyone?

Attack when the grammar is bad! It doesn't have a counter argument otherwise!


Neo-Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen. Don't expect anyone to give a shit about your opinions when you can't even be bothered making them easily readable.

>Complaining about people being assholes after calling someone fucking dumb in such a condescending way
>Actually falling for the grammar bait
Hello underage

>neo Sup Forums

i have been typing like this on Sup Forums since before the phrase neo Sup Forums was a thing

dying on a tutorial boss in a final fantasy game is fucking dumb

I'm not taking my time to read any of that shit, too lazy. Honestly, why do illiterate niggers even bother ? What do you hope to gain from making your posts undecipherable and being a nuisance to everyone ?

>That post formatting

Not as dumb as you at least.


if you cant read a sentence because its missing capitalization or punctuation you are not fit for the world in general

>Punctuation is pointless

Stop posting.

its not pointless

unless you are on an anonymous image board called Sup Forums then it is pointless

How can he stop if he doesn't even know how to full stop?

>it's tail
>trusting games which can't even into correct English

>"Don't attack while it's tail's up!"

There is no excuse as to why this wasnt just fit into that entire blue box all at once.

>it's tail

It's the little things, user.

I get that this is just a meme, but the boss wouldn't do enough damage to kill you from one counter attack anyways. By then you should be able to read the next part of the message and realize what not to do. Even as a stupid middle schooler with this game being my first RPG, I didn't have any issues with this boss.

It should've said, "Attack while the tail is up and it's gonna counterattack with its laser!"

Either way, the entire game has a shit translation. Still love it, though.

"Attack while it's tail is up! It's gonna counter attack with its laser!"
>Attack while the tail is up and it's gonna counterattack with its laser!

Post yfw this thread works every time.

You seem how those two statements are different, I'm sure.

"Do that and you'll piss your wife off."

"Do it. You'll piss your wife off."

>completed a captia just to post this shit

You just have to make sure you only attack while it is tail is up, dur

Its pretty clear that half the people in the thread dont


>Not using the fan translation
>not using the HD texture pack

wow what a cuck, you don't even know how to truly enjoy superior japanese games

Why did this play instead of the boss music? It wasn't during the first bombing and this wasn't already playing.

Kill yourself, fucking retard.

Your entire existence is pointless.

Simple kek

ive beatten FFVII multiple times, but i never stopped to think, this mechanic of not attacking when the enemy is doing a movement applies to other bosses? i just been mashing buttons without realizing that maybe i should stop attacking some times. please respond

Some bosses are scripted to counter physical attacks but I believe they do it every time not just during certain phases, Demon Wall does I believe.

Materia Keeper might have some reactive scripts too, but I haven't beat it without abusing Stop for years so I can't remember.

The first notable mention I can think of, would be the Midgar Zolom, which I believe has a counter attack when it raises it's body straight and high up into the air.

I'm quite sure there's plenty of other scenarios like that, be it multiple target options and so on.

There's an exclamation mark at the end. Unless the next sentence is "Disregard that I suck cocks", it's poorly formatted.

Its truly embarassing that sonyggers thought is poorly translated piece of shit game was actually better than Ocarina of Time.

Fuckin holy shit FF7 is unironically a 7/10 game at best. The game needs an HD remake just to make it appealing.

That would actually make more sense that what's actually in the game.

yes but you can just power through them so they might as well not exist

thanks for the answers, i was thinking maybe ruby weapon does this too, not sure

That's the se ond sentence disphit. The first sentence is telling you TO attack. The second sentence is explaining why you are supposed to commit the action the first sentence requires.

Maybe you should get out of remedial English before talking shit you faggot. Kill yourself quick.

Counter - if attacked

If (Number of Targetable Opponents > 1) AND (Stage == 0) Then
Use Whirlsand on random opponent

Else If (Stage == 1) Then

If (Last Command was Summon or W-Summon) AND (Last Attack was Knights of Round) Then
Use Ultima on last attacker


1/2 Chance
Use Right Thrust on last attacker

1/2 Chance
Use Left Thrust on last attacker

It's much more like:

"You do that! You're wife is pissed!"

"You do that, and your wife is pissed!"

No, the guy you quoted got it better than you.

>Attack while it is tail is up!

What did they mean?

>Fixed Aeris's "This guy are sick" in the PC release
>Didn't fix this line

I always attack anyways so I can use the limit break

this desu

an exclamation point indicates the end of a sentence.

ruby weapon counters knights of the round with ultima

really, cause when I look at it, it says "attack"

In the FF7 Mobius event, you have to fight this guy and you have to hit him while his tail is up.

Seriously, FF7 dropped Woolsey for all the greatness of "this guy are sick"

>fight through several powerful monsters and warriors
>get ass handed to by a walking crane

why was this boss so hard

well, at least the most difficult fight in the game is now behind you

>the ff7 remake is gonna have this line voiced

>Shit translation that at least tries to translate the actual text
>Literal fanfiction

Fuck Woolsey, I'll take the first option every time.


LOL Memes!

I get those references nice one bro!

XD i'll use this one in my next meme-war on facebook!

Matreria Keeper and Demon Wall are the playthrough enders.

there are some of them. e.g. emerald weapon which counterattacks with ultima when the eyes are open or something like that.

It has speech marks at the start, retard.

I never got stuck on Demon Wall, but I did get stuck on Materia Keeper.

Fuck off and post Tifa.

Tifa is here!

Such a qt.

> 90s dubs

you set yourself up pretty badly eh famela.
That are pretty sick off you.

thats the charm

how is that relevant?


What did he mean by this?

There's nothing in FFVII that's actually challenging, the combat is braindead.

The boss in the Shinra Mansion safe was pretty tough IIRC

Because its a 1 on 1 with a random party member being your only hope.

i never beat this boss cuz its too hard xddd

For Random Number I recall depending on if you drop him below 50% HP with primarily magic or physical attacks he will gain a massive STR or MAG boost and use attacks accordingly. You can also cheese the fight with bio since the poison counts as neither.

It's poorly worded. Everyone who speaks English as their first language got killed by this fucker first time and thought, "what did I do wrong?"

I haven't played through the year in well over a decade, but I have done multiple playthroughs and don't remember ever having trouble with this guy, what gives? Did others just not have their main party well balanced?

Its the only boss I have legitimate trouble with, I game over to him at least once every time I play through it, I think the problem is that I don't make everyone in my party absolute equals, one person (usually Cloud) takes position of Fighter/Mage, another takes position of Mage/Buffer, and the last takes position of Healer/Mage.
