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>pirates are underage, 3rd worlders with asperger syndrome
who would've thought that?

>mexican laugh
Well whaddya know


who are you quoting?

>people who earn 3$ per day pirate more than people who earn 50$ per day


If anything, that image reinforces the pirate's argument that piracy isn't lost sales because they wouldn't have bought it anyway. I mean, look at those countries, they couldn't buy it even if they wanted to.

>mexican is a language
American education, everyone.

>merryfat mad because other people play the same games for free



>buyfags are retarded, moral busybodies who throw money away
who would've thought that?

Did something happen to denuvo?

Fill me in.

Mexican Spanish is indeed a language, you ignorant Canadian fuck.


>takes into account both commercial and open-source programs
why and how

what Sony product is in trouble today? Your deflection techniques are getting stale.

Almost all of the games with Denuvo are cracked now, and some don't even last a week before getting cracked.

Remembering all the "UNCRACKABLE PIRATES BTFO" threads makes me laugh as usual


Does berseria use the v3 denuvo drm I keep hearing about?

Oh, I see.

I never cared about that game ever since I heard it got censored.

>Fill me in.

don't call me american you fucking piece of shit

Did anyone expect anything different?

I'm not a piratefag but come on, this has happened several times before, everything gets cracked eventually.

Denuvo cucks BTFO

I'm sorry user I'm not in the mood for weird erp with lewd anime faces.

>tfw Syberia 3 is plagued by denuvo
God damn it, Benoit! I trusted you, I wanted you to take my money! FUCK.




>Remembering all the "UNCRACKABLE PIRATES BTFO"

it almost was
3dm, codex and reloaded dropped denuvo

you piratecucks are lucky enough some pastaniggers are cracking you shit
Just wait for new denuvo version



didn't stop anyone from shitposting though

Does denuvo actually hinder the experience for someone that bought the game like most other drms? I've never seen anyone complain about that.


You are paying for something that you get nothing from.

>Armenia at the top


seriously? well I guess I'll have to wait...

It is a variation of Spanish you mong, not a fullfledged language.


hello Denuvo employee

this is some quentin shit

>vidya pirates

That pic is bullshit. I'm not that swole.

What is the difference between deployed and installed?

Your payment is just saving the company from a horrible investment, and it destroys SSDs.
I don't ever buy anything denuvo because of that.

I remember people whining denuvo DOOM had shitty performance compared to the pirated version.

>the new version will be different!
those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

You are more likely to hear one of those two terms in an IT office.

quentin always used quality mspaint art





Based Italians.

Stop being a denuvo cuck

I mean, it's nothing new that this place is teeming with retards and shitposters but did those Hillkrauts really believe their shit wouldn't be cracked?

did they discover a magic secret with RE7, they cracked a whole bunch of games after that

The best part is that this is like antibiotic resistance, they upped their DRM game too much and now they just made the cracking scene stronger, they can't even go back to weaker DRM because that gets cracked even faster.

Dishonored 2 never ever piratefags


lel thanks for the heads up. Downloading now.






Also thanks based italian god, may spaghetti be with you.

I'll see you there user

Hey pirates, how are you enjoying that Just Cau- OH WAIT

there's one group left. piracy ends soon.

hahahahaha no there isn't, butthurt denuvofag

It's already out

>t-they cracked all t-the games w-with old denuvo versions

so much damage control from piratefags its hilarious
get ready for never getting any game for free again thanks to the newest denuvo which is built from scratch

Nobody cares about this game dude, sorry.

Italian gods are too busy eating macarrone to crack this.

there's CPY and a bunch of dumpster script kiddies (skidrow, reloaded etc) who can barely reproduce the same steam_api.dll crack over and over. your days are numbered.

I regret buying this. I should've known better considering how fast it released after being announced.

>dumpster script kiddies

yep, for paying customers only :)

Too bad it was shit.
I own the other two games, wouldn't even bother pirating this one.

Until that day comes I'll pirate every game under the sun.
No buyer's remorse for me my friend :^)

>celebrating a repetitive weeb "game"



>another month
>another denuvo game cracked
>another thread on Sup Forums
>another exactly same posts
i hope that they have good games in hell

It's not about the game fag. It's about the fact it got cracked.


you realise how irrevelant games are on a scale like this?

Now you can start caring. Only one scene is censored, you can just watch it on YT or something. But now you don't have to give those fucks a dime.


>and it destroys SSDs
Yeah, and StarForce used to make your PC go up in flames.

Can anyone tell me what the fuck is happening?

>I- I d-din't want it a-anyway!

So is this one "uncrackable" like the last one?

Are you implying CPY couldn't crack this if they and anyone else gave a shit?

its 12 eur on steam now
one of the worst optimized games

How long until Denuvo starts using SGX?

Meanwhile Nier is nowhere to be found on PC.

I wonder why. Keep prasing piracy though. I'm sure publishers will keep on releasing those console ports!

Also not cracked: Planet Coaster


Yep. Prove me wrong.

Or do you really think more people care about Tales of Berseria than JC3 or Dishonored 2?

>praising a mediocre game

>I wonder why.

because sony pays them. are you this retarded?
sony pays, invest a huge amount of money into commercials then it gets released on steam 6 months later

Anti-piracy goes hand in hand with feminism and being a SJW.

Why would I want another generic sandbox?

Okay guys, let's look at this objectively.
Has it ever actually been proven that Denuvo improves sales?

t. Mbingo Fuentes

Its not people, retard.

CPY is a group of weebs, they crack what THEY want. If they ever wanted to crack JC3 they would, but they don't.

they dont give a shit about what games people care about. they do this for the competition and for fun.
jc3 was cracked by 3dm i think

but they dissapeared. and with dishonored 2 they probably wait for an upcoming optimization patch because the games still runs like ass

>Prove me wrong.
The proof is that they cracked all the others people gave a shit about.
Denuvocucks are so delusional.

No, it was never proved.

It isn't even a given that piracy diminish sales.

>Copying certain combination of 1s and 0s is illegal