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Did the episode actually take any backlash?
>nominated for an academy award
They leveled up
Anita said they used feminism for entertainment, which is sexist.
Every reasonable person thought it was a funny episode.
The thing about law & order to understand is that the ENTIRE series is intended and played entirely straight and serious. Which is makes it more hilarious when its so over-the-top it can be found funny even by people whom don't know the real-world context.
well, to be honest, they got the '00 aesthetic down at least
The writers definitely had to have been in the know about Sup Forums/reddit, at least. They had to have seen a golden opportunity and went with it.
The people the episode demonized thought it was great. The writers knew what they were doing.
The usual suspects all said the episode was utter shit, because the gamer girl "lost" (she was raped and left gaming forever). The director (or something) was gloating on twitter, until the usual suspects said NO THANK YOU and he returned to obscurity again.
It gave us a ton of memes, though.
>tfw 92fs coming in the mail
Of course they know about Sup Forums/Reddit. The organization that did the raids, "Redchanit" (I think it was called that?) was used in a prior episode.
Are you gonna mod it?
/KOBS/ fans ww@??
show went to shit after stabler left
>Weapon isn't shopped to be bk444
You know it. Getting a stainless barrel too to get that samurai edge look.
>The writers knew what they were doing.
You mean Dick Wolf?
Was it really? That's the only SVU I've ever seen.
It was used in an episode a few months prior. I think the title was Spousal Privilege or something like that.
Even Speed Weed is afraid!
Sweet, the hardest part is getting the engravings on the slide.
Law & Order is the best.
I miss doing these so much. How long ago was this?
Had me going until the sauna bit.
Faithful RL samurai edges are cool as fuck, but I'm actually going to skip on the S.T.A.R.S. grips and slide engravings. I like the samurai edge more for the look than the actual reference and can't justify spending that kind of money on it. They definitely are something to drool over though.
what season and episode?
You can justify it by the fact that you can sell it once it's fully modded for a profit, provided you take care of it, and keep it mint it's actually an investment.
you can tell Ice T had a hard time saying this
Maybe someday. The brigadier ive got coming already has some wear and tear. I wonder how much good a cerakote job could do it though.
>seeing your OC and rememering the good times
>tfw thought this character was a boy for the longest time
>nominated for an academy award
How the fuck
Stupid game shit in tv shows thread?
>ywn have a 16 core pc
holy shit
>ywn hold the high score in every MMO
>your pipe will never be 10megs
>time traveling baby
My fucking sides
The thing people need to realize is that SVU should just be called SJWU because that's all it's been for the past few years. What's funny though is that if you go back to the ORIGINAL Law & Order there were episodes that are the exact polar opposite of this shit. There was a case where the violent media got blamed for driving someone to murder and Sam Waterston's character rebuked the very notion saying that boys of his generation grew up watching violent westerns and gangster movies and were never pushed towards violence from it. The 90's really were a different time.
Brody quest music fucking kills it, this is the last great thing Sup Forums has done
the funny thing is that ice-t had no idea what the episode was even about. then he looked it up after people complained to him about the episode and he tweeted afterwards that he was a gator
pic related
God, I remember the first week or so after this episode. Some of the best entertainment I've gotten in a longtime watching most of the internet laugh their collective asses off while certain groups doing utterly desperate damage control.
Isn't the 4th square right row just the first episode of black mirror?
Ice T is a pretty cool dude. His taste is awful but he does like video games.
why are niggers so ugly?
they got sweet indian puss, can't blame em
Speed Weed is our guy
>sexualizing tomoko
Why would a person do this? who can do this and call themselves a person?
Maybe from people that think the internet is serious business. When that episode aired, it reminded me of Fox' report of Sup Forums in 2007, scary for people who didn't know about what was really happening, but lulzy and harmless to people who were in the know.
They did an episode about David Reimer
oh Jesus fucking Christ user
I love the guy since he was in one of my favorite games of all time, Def Jam FFNY.
Wood gripped Inox 92FS with a black hammer.
Not bad.
>it's called Brenda. Kids try it at parties. Next thing they know they're online, getting paid to yell at their own genitals.
The Sopranos Mario Kart scene is passable for me since Tony wasn't a video game guy and the screen did show he wasn't doing a fucking thing.
wasn't his name DICK WOLF as well?
this has to be parody/satire right?
>dat DOOR STUCK one
holy shit
>Petition to make whiny girls go home
>majority of shots are mirrored but some aren't
This is really activating my almonds
>I'm a cop killer, better you than me. Cop killer, fuck police brutality! Cop killer, I know your family's grieving (Fuck 'em!) Cop killer, but tonight we get even
>plays as detective in a TV show
How perfect is that camera cut to the basement when they ask the mother where his son games at?
Oh jezus deliver my sides from evil
I thought it was real all the way up to Sweet Chowder.
Ah yes, I remember hacking that van while on steroids. Good times.
Wait,you mean they weren't actual lines?
Fuck I fell for it.
Can't get to your botched link.
Read the reply
>not fixing it yourself
protip; don't
>not posting the link
Ah, yeah, I read the reply wrong
I have a silly brain :^)
u were rite
Truly the darkest timeline
>The robin william episodes of Law and Order
Best episode in the entire series, prove me wrong.
That's because your link is just a poor quality reupload of
>that part where Olvia's getting electrocuted
>his character is implied to have killed himself
>they never found the body
He could have came back since his character's fate was ambiguous.
>he actually had a bomb