>his avatar is a picture of a meme
His avatar is a picture of a meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>avatar isn't a smug anime girl
>his avatar isn't a cute furry character
Does Wander count?
>his avatar is a picture of himself
>He has an avatar
>avatar is a cartoon/anime caricature of themself
Is it wrong?
>his avatar is actually vidya related
My avatar is a meme but I had it since before it became a meme. I never realized this until someone started saying the same shit over and over to me on voice chat and I had to ask what the fuck they were talking about.
>his avatar is a twitch emote
>her avatar is a picture of a meme
>his icon doesn't give you the quick run down
>his avatar is a picture of an outdated meme that was really bad and frankly shouldn't have existed in the first place
>his avatar picture is a anime
but it is
>his icon isn't bogpilled
>his avatar is a sexualized child from a Japanese cartoon
>his avatar is a Minion
you were a sexualized child IRL
>has an avatar
>his icon is his waifu
>his icon isn't cropped porn
>Steam Friend changes avatar to anime girl
>De-friend him immediately
Lost 10 friends this way, no regrets however.
>his avatar is a picture of a car
>His avatar is cropped doujinshi
You're cancer
There is nothing wrong with this.
My nigga
>his avatar isn't from Avatar
automatic memespouter and shitter
Call me more names~
Sorry user
>his avatar is wojak
what is this
>His avatar is anything Pepe related
I ignore them almost entirely
>unironically having steam friends
Steam Friend Thread?
No friend collectors
>his avatar is a picture of me
I just want fucking lewd friends why do you never post your profiles or a throwaway email
>his avatar isn't Anthony Burch
[email protected]
Do it user. I dare you.
As if your profile wasn't already bad enough;
>This user has also played as Cuckold
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Tell me exactly what you can offer my dick, you little slut.
It's untranslated and not porn.
Oh come on guys you don't have to be mean to me
What would you want lewd friends for, naughty?
[email protected]
But why?
>his avatar is a Sup Forums maymay
>This user has also played as Cuckold
end it
now that's a classic
You need to send me your steam. Not the other way around. Dummy.
>avatar is just their channel initials in some CrAzY WaCkY FoNt!
>his avatar isn't best husbando wolf o'donnell
>his avatar doesn't have a gun
Cringe. Please kill yourselves.
It's a meme, faglord
Those faggots are pathetic, but you belong here even less. Fuck off back to Gaia.
>his avatar is a national flag
>it's not the flag of his country but something like Turkey or Algeria
Kill yourself, meme-sputing faggot
what's it called
I did this for a while, but only because it's actually a good shot of her face. I don't think it's particularly obvious it's porn at first glance either.
>his avatar isn't video games
>his avatar doesn't explore his political views into deeper detail
>his avatar is the original coolface
N-No you, anti-fun redditfag
It stops being cute and goes full horror/adventure halfway through.
What's wrong user, you don't like porn? You aren't one of those Christians are you?
please add me
Source me capitan
Oh, Christ, they're spreading.
This can't possibly be a new meme right?
...Go on
Who or what?
They kinda remind me of the Potion Seller but not quite enough.
>Avatar is an anime character from an anime he hasn't watched
>Avatar is a Touhou despite never playing the games
>Avatar is an anime girl with a MAGA hat
>unironically has a Steam account
trashed so fucking hard
A man with principles, I respect that.
>The "I was molested as a kid and enjoy roleplaying with other faggots online" avatar
>his political views can be summerized in a single avatar picture
Not much to say, it paints a fine line between being edgy as fuck body horror to "cute girls and a robot shota and a furry rabbit doing cute things" and then to lost civilization exploration and in the last volume it was pretty much exclusively a battle manga.
I'm thoroughly enjoying it and waiting for the anime adaptation.
>guy has an anime avatar
>doesn't play Japanese games
add me- ThatChainmecha
>his avatar is a random picture that he thought was cool
>he changes it every week
>nobody ever recognizes who he is
>hes shit at every game he plays anyway