Just let it all out, I'll start.
>why do I keep getting put against level 300-500 players when I'm level 19?
Overwatch Complain Thrrad
Blizz lie about the games popularity
People that troll/throw the game affect YOUR rank.
Why am I such garbage at this game.
I'm only level 29 and I'm really enjoying the game so far, however, some of the characters seem super ridiculous.
The main ones are Genji who just reflects everything and runs away double jumping whilst throwing ninja stars, Mei who just freezes everyone in an insane amount of time and then shoots a high damage M1 attack and Roadhog who just grabs and one shots 80% of the characters.
I appreciate my opinion more than likely means practically nothing as I only have 14 hours in the game, but these characters seem really cheap. Most other classes are enjoyable to play with and against except these three.
There should be a harsher punishment for leaving early in a comp match.
> i seriously don't care who they put me up against in quick play, it takes far too long to get in a match
why the fuck are they so adamant on keeping this game so fucking retarded proof holy shit
I want to like it, I really do, but the only thing you do the entire game is a single thing, a single point. There is no thought process, you either defend or attack and thats it. shoot bullets down a hallway until your i-win button lights up and then press it while other people press theirs until someone gets bored and fucks up or outright wins the game
its mind boggling how retard proof it is and its boring as hell, there is no creativity on the map design, its just point A to point B with some side streets culminating at a chokepoint
Exactly this! the only thing to keep people going is a rating. Blizzard has reduced carrot on a stick to a number and people are eating it up. I could see playing this more if you unlocked new skills or gear or some shit but as is its at its core exactly what made WoW pvp so fucking shit eventually.
blizz doesnt actually say anything about the games popularity, its the butthurt blizzdrones that are afraid of their fotm dying down with queue times over 10 minutes as soon as lootbox grinding event is over.
the game is meant to be played as a moba in first person. When you are 6 players grouped together, that mei or genji isnt a threat anymore, roadhog can't hook anyone because obligatory reinhardt and ana on both sides, and so on. At lower skill levels people don't realise this, they still think they are playing an FPS, a TF2-like, where every character can deal with any character, in most cases, and then they get their ass handed to them by said mei or genji, simply because they werent playing the "right' hero and stayed away from the rest of the team.
Why the fuck are 80% of players retarded
Why the fuck do people pick DPS when there's already THREE
Why do people complain and keep saying "We need a healer/tank!" but don't want to switch themselves even though they're the most useless person on the team
Why do I still lose points when someone fucking LEAVES, Overwatch is a team based game, 5v6 is basically a fucking guarenteed loss 99% of the time. At the very least put a fucking bot in or something
Pet peeve but why do we get kicked out of practice range for inactivity when we're trying to mess with our settings? Literally what is the point.
Why is Winston's CD on his barrier so fucking long for how weak it is?
Why does Jeff Kaplan have such a fucking hardon for Ana, Roadhog, and 76?
Why do we get matched up with retarded players? No really, 25 fucking million players and we always get matched with the fucking attack torbjorns or Zarya feeding Junkrats on attack.
Why does Blizzard only release skins for holiday events, instead of cool new ones every now and then.
Also why the fuck has Widowmaker only gotten ONE skin in the entire past year?
I still love Overwatch tho
You're not wrong, it's some of the worst level design I've ever seen in an FPS.
Anyone else been playing Overwatch less since For Honor came out?
Maybe I'm just burned out by the Chinese event.
yeah for honor became my main mp-game. have not started ow or tf2 since it came out.
what is happening to me? what magic is this, ubisoft???
>A good game actually makes other games shit
>Stop playing shit games
Wow, wouldn't have guessed
This all of this ;_;
>playing Reinhardt, making steady advance with team
>flying interracial lesbian couple show up on their Valentine's Day date, start hammering my shield with boosted rockets
>this is 101 shit, team, take em out
>friendly Soldier 76 runs in front of my shield for whatever reason to shoot at Pharah, gets pulled away by enemy Roadhog on the other side of the map
>friendly Streetswine leaps into the fray, attempts to hook Mercy, follow-up flubbed by well-timed concussive blast shot from enemy Pharah
>Alright, you tried. Guy that insta-locked Hanzo? Your time to shine, dude.
>guy runs forward, shoots his ultimate into the cluster of non-flying enemies, then shoots his scatter arrow into the sky
>kills an enemy Junkrat that was bomb-jumping in, otherwise completely missing either Pharah or Mercy
>both start pull back the second they see Ana step up to plate
>manages to land a sleep dart on Pharah but enemy team has been hammering my shield for a good few seconds at this point, it shatters and Ana is forced to retreat
>last one left is guy that insta-locked Genji
>activates ultimate, Pharah and Mercy fly out of range, Genji makes pitiful attempt to try to slash Pharah in the knee, then is torn to shreds by enemy team
>upon respawning Genji switched to Widowmaker
What are the waiting times like on consoles? I imagine they might be faster since they probably have more players.
Were you a Lv. 11 McCree on Dorado a few hours ago?
PS4 here, the longest I've ever had to wait was 2 minutes.
>qp mmr so high it takes 3-5 minutes to find a match and it constantly pairs me with pros/top 500 people
damn feels good to practice and learn from the best
Roadhog is a constant work in progress.
Genji may have a hell of a kit but once you understand his approach he's basically a less dangerous Zarya since his damage output is mediocre compared to the other offense heroes. A half-savvy team can put him down quickly and move onto actual threats. If he's reflecting, he can't attack and you can focus on other enemies possibly encroaching while keeping your distance. If he attacks, his reflection shuts down and he's open to attack. Is he dangerous if you're not paying attention? Sure, but only as much as every other hero and if you're by yourself.
Mei? Don't engage at close range, and be near teammates that can shut down her approach. Once you hear her ult line, haul ass.