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Alright, the fuck is this new system and is it stupider than pendulums?


Zones matter, and extra deck spam is completely unviable now.

It literally exists to kill Pendulums, Synchros, XYZ's and Fusions. There's only 1 zone where Extra Deck shit can be summoned now, unless you have these link cards that allow regular zones to have Extra Deck shit in them.

Also, Pendulum Zones are gone and now use regular magic and trap zones.

I'm mad about Fusions, and Synchros weren't as guilty as the last 2, but it's Konami basically saying "we fucked up" regarding xyz and pendulums.

right here
same place I'm always at

what is this, some kind of ritual?

In a way


does this mean your extra deck is useless now?

>nerfs pendulums and makes them take spell slots
>Bahamut Shark + Toadally Awesome might take a hit
>synchro solitaire is going to be much harder
>encourages normal/tribute summoning
>fighting over extra deck space
Holy shit, this is crazy. I'm upset that my Ghostricks are gonna feel this blow hard, but thankfully I can still pull off my Melodious still.
Does this mean we'll see more Monarchs or swarming considering that Links don't have level requirements? I'm still kinda new to the meta, so might be bad predicitions.

These Link summon cards cannot be changed to defense mode.

So one Mirror Force = bye.

>"we fucked up" regarding xyz and pendulums.
Aside from LemonKeyboard, Pendulums were fine

Thank fucking god

They're trying to bring back zone positioning again? Didn't they learn that this shit doesn't fly when Senet failed.

I'm retarded, but does that mean that this shit card is now slightly more useful?

Pendulum was overpowered in theory which made newfags hate it, and underpowered in gameplay which made actual players hate it. All in all it was a mechanic noone liked and was easily the biggest mistake Konami ever made.

>Ojamas will be meta
>Synchrons will be useless
I'm conflicted

>Ojamas will be meta

As it should be


>Konami actually listened to nostalgiafags who whine about synchro and xyz
absolute madmen

I liked it. Pals and Majespecter were cute

Holy shit, this is amazing. I might actually have fun now with my 30+ turn stall deck.

So the space for the Link Summon cards are up for grabs?
So if I link summon and put the cards in those space and the opponent wants to link summon his turn it's tough shit for them?

>konami getting tired of powercreep banlist fuckery so they just said fuck it and made all your expensive cards useless in one fell swoop
Remember to buy all the best link monsters goys.

Imagine if magic the gathering or pokemon changed the fundamental rules of the game every 2 years.

How does it work?

It allows you to draw 2 cards

I think you can only take one

Most Xyz decks only need to once or twice so they're mostly uneffected

Synchro is dead as is most Fusion decks

>card game shops in japan responding to the new ruleset by claiming they will stop stocking YGO products


I sure hope they like not making money

So, does this mean I can only summon 1 monster from my extra deck?

nonsense. Why do you think BuddyGuard and Weaksauce are the new YuGiOh?


They are pretty much forcing the players to buy the new cards, lmao.

aren't those games just as bad in powercreep if not more than YGO

I'm pretty sure XYZ already kinda did that?

>Only other card games relevant in market are Pokemon and magic.

Alright Nintendo time to bring this to west.

It really does shit the bed by making a lot of previous things worthless. But one can say that this is trying to salvage the game but people that still play it have embraced the degeneracy.

So wait. They're not just introducing a new mechanic, they're changing the old rules?

If you can link monsters then you can use linked zones as extra zones. You can also not use zones by using indirect special summoning like monster reborn.

I am going run Lucina's deck!

At least it didn't change the entire rules though.

There's powercreep, and then there's "you literally cannot use your shit unless you buy our new gimmick cards".

old rules were shit anyways

Yes, though if you play a Link Monster as your Extra Monster that opens up up to three more slots you can use for any Extra Deck Monster and your opponent summoning one may open up spots to allow Extra Deck summoning for you, also if an Extra Deck monster is destroyed you can bring it back to the main field like you could before no problem

Pendulums can still be summoned from the Extra Deck to the field fine, but their nerf is no dedicated Pendulum Zones, they share the Spell/Trap Zone with regular Spells and Traps

Magic, yugioh and pokemon are the big 3 when it comes to trading card games. Nothing else can really compete with them.

dumb nicoposter

>tfw duel masters died

So are these link monsters like planeswalkers then?

If I remember there is a 3ds vanguard game.

Not translated of course.


Don't need link monster bullshit when you have OJAMAS

More like deck masters honestly.

>"IN THE CASE OF “DECODE TALKER” You can either -Use 3 Effect Monsters or-Use 1 Link 2 Effect monster and 1 Effect Monster"
>Use 1 link 2 effect monster and 1 effect monster

What did he mean by this?

Like literally, what the fuck did he mean by this, I'm trying to understand how these new summons work

What did he mean by this?

tribute 3 effect monsters or tribute one link monster with a two-tribute cost and another effect monster

Because YGO didn't had proper ruling till halfway through the anime series.

The original manga had different games, the card game is the one that got more popular.

>getting rid of every overpowered meta deck in one move
Bravo Konami

>Link Monsters are treated as the same number of materials as its LINK Number

One of any Effect Monster and one Link Monster with a Link Level of 2 that has an effect

Like how there are Fusion monsters without effects, there are some Link Monsters without effects, you can't use that for your Link Monster tribute to summon Decode Talker, it needs to be one with an effect

As for the Link 2, see Decode Talker's Link 3 where the DEF Points would be? That has to be a 2 on the tributed Link Monster.

And underpowered deck, and mediocre deck. Basically every functional deck except maybe monarchs or majespecters is killed by these new changes.

So what, did they suddenly rewrite the rule book and made all special summoned monsters extremely tedious to bring out?



It basically just became tedious to bring out more than one and impossible if neither you or your opponent are running Link Monsters

So now you've only got 3 regular S/T zones and two are pendulum zones, or are the side S/T zones dual S/T/P zones?

And we basically have 7 Monster zones now?

Blue-eyes is fine, as is ABC if you're comfortable with only summoning 1 ABC dragon buster.

The time for Skull Servants has come

why are you faggot crying about this? you actually LIKE synchro/xyz/whatever spam?

Summon ruling is fine, now the timing ruling is another story.

I'm so glad I stopped playing this game competitively back in 2008.

What's the best PSP yugioh game?

dumbasses who spend thousands of dollars on decks are rectum ragnarok'd

The 2 ST zones at the side become pendulum zones when there's pendulum cards on them

Only 6. The other regular extra zone immediately becomes your opponent's when you claim one.

What kind of fucking advanced autism do you need to have to still be playing YGO in 20 fucking 17.

extra deck monster zone is shared till someone gets an extra deck monster on said zone

Tag force special is updated with "recent"ruling.

But the story translation is meme tier, the rest of game is fine.

Yes. A lot actually.

>synchros will now never EVER be good again
Fuck this shit

Six monster zones, though the sixth is first dibs on which of two spots you will take for the sake of positioning with Link effects

Effectively, Pendulums just have to be played in the S/T zone now instead of having dedicated Pendulum Zones, it just has to be the far left and far right S/T Zone

im a little confused by this new ruling, probably because of the translation.

So now theres only 1 extra deck monster zone that can be occupied by either player at a time.
So does that mean if you extra summon it will replace that card? Or make a new zone?

What are Link zones?
You only summon Link monsters by discarding or sacrificing from your field?

>tfw Force of Will died a horrible horrible death
>tons of people I know were huge into it and are super upset
>told them this shit was going to happen before any of them even learned the fucking rules

FUCK the second version of Duel Masters too. This thing was literally the exact same card (SAME ARTWORK AND NAME, TOO), but for 3 mana instead of 4 in Duel Masters. Fuck Kaijudo.

Synchros are pure and saved this game from irrelevance, they don't deserve this treatment.

>pic related was left pretty much untouched in the dub
>Jack punching Yusei was completely removed but still mentioned

The fuck 4Kids?

Pretty much aye.

The same kind of advanced autism you need to still be posting on Sup Forums in 20 fucking 17

Are any of the megaweeb games any good?

Can you set pendulum cards now? Because if so then that also indirectly nerfs Anti-Spell.

Synchro is okay. Pendulum is fine. It's XYZ which ruined YGO, and this is coming from a Toadally Awesome user.

For the people that play real tcgs what does this mean?

I played YGO from the English Yugi/Kaiba decks in 2002 up until Storm of Ragnarok. I quit playing because of the ridiculous power creep and the constant banlist revisions in an attempt to quell the poor decisions Konami constantly made. Too bad their bans opted for going after asinine cards instead of taking are of the problems directly; can't ban their precious new shit, gotta milk it.

Synchros started getting out of hand near when I quit. Most duels were over in just a few turns because of the amount of crazy bullshit every deck could pull. And then they introduced XYZ which just added more stupid shit to deal with. The game barely resembled what it was in the first place.

At least they're acknowledging that the special summon free-for-all was a terrible thing and are trying to cut it down.

Toot your own horn much, you're not THAT awesome.

>quit playing back when Synchro was the newest thing
>now apparently everything since then is useless



Its pretty decent.

>Synchro is okay

Synchro not even Konami wants touch it with a ten foot pole, shit is terrible broken.

there's two extra deck monster zones, one for each player, the one who summons first gets to pick which one they take

link zones = extra deck monster zones

you summon link monsters by tributing monsters on the field

Each player gets one extra zone at the start
Link monsters need to be tributed their link number
Link monsters have arrows in their card art pointing to monster zones that become extra zones
Fusion/Sychro/XYZ/Link summoning can only be done on extra zones.

It's impossible to find actual players so who the fuck knows. It's actually easier to find people willing to play dead TCGs at my LGS than "alive" ones that cost the same as MTG and Pokemon, because you can get an entire booster box of this for $10 and the store has fucking pallets of them.

It means your extra deck is useless now unless you're playing link monsters.

I don't think so.

The real question is will Ojama block effects work on the Extra Monster Zone? I'm guessing yes, BUT King's effect says: "Your OPPONENT'S Monster Card Zones." So because the extra monster zone doesn't belong to either player until someone summons something in it, I believe you will not be able to target an extra monster zone with the effect unless your chosen zone is already occupied.
Or am I interpreting something wrong?

>another new gimmick

Good grief. Does Magic pull this kinda crap?

I wanna glop that hand.

There's no need to be upset