Literally can't argue with this

literally can't argue with this

if it's so shitty why even pirate it in the first place?

Jesus pirated bread and fish for the starving masses
Ask yourself wwjd?


So I can make informed posts about how it's OBJECTUVLY bad (and NV is better)

>Bethesda witholds early reviews
>any other reviewers would be shills

You won't know if a game's shitty unless you try it.

Have you never sat around with friends and intentionally watched a bad movie?

How does that apply to videogames at all?

>NV is better
stopped reading right there

If you're going to pirate, fine. But acting like its for any reason other than being a cheap asshole just makes you look retarded.

>Not pirating Todd's shit and laughing at how bad it is

You're really disgusting. Please go back to Plebbit.

Well, you stopped reading because that was the end of his post.
Nice one.

It's posts like these that really riles me up. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out bullshit in the name of moral righteousness.

You're awesome

>haha this game is so horrible!
>puts 200 hours into it

There is no hell.

>Believing the crossed Jew
You won't fool again with your false sense of "moral superiority" and threats of "eternal damnation".

There's actually a story in the bible where Jesus pirates bread and fish to feed thousands of people

>zero taller ants

Someone had to pay for it for everyone else to get it.

>MFW there are probably satyr like creatures in hell who will castrate you and rip the skin from your flesh for all eternity

Jesus is God though, so he created bread and fish so it wasn't pirating.

>he doesn't know that hell is a paradise where you get handjobs from demon babes and all the pirated vidya you could want
>fiber internet too

>buyfags are so dumb, they think they know how good a game will be before they play it

Doesn't sound like hell to me.

>have everything you could possibly want in an eternal afterlife
>but just end up shitposting on Sup Forums instead of doing anything else
There's your hell right there.

A better question is, why aren't paid reviews illegal? Send a few fake news reporters to jail and suddenly ratings are meaningful again and you don't have to pirate to know if you'll enjoy the game.

buying bad games is what literally got us in this position where every game sucks so you're literally the cause of the video game industry decadency and piracy is actually helping the quality of the industry by preventing bad games to be bought, you should be thankful to all pirates for doing god's work, piracy saved the industry you can't argue this.

anything which runs the wheels of capitalism will generally be legal

>piratefags are so dumb they'll consider a bethesda game worth buying in the first place and then spend 200 hours hating it.

When was the last time ANYONE was arrested for being a shill?

Why isn't it illegal to pay congressmen to pass legislation favorable to your company? Same reason.

why did you pirate it when it was bad?
it sounds like you are fucking poor

I want to find out for myself why a supposedly bad game is bad, and sometimes I'd rather not waste the money if people say it's shit.

And by some amazing coincidence the game is always so bad you wouldn't pay for it, but good enough to play it anyway.

The whole way too, he always falls for it gets good after 100 hours.

it's a nice place to visit

Should be, lobbying shouldn't exist.

>Pirate gamer
>pirates game to test them and review them
>buys the game afterwards
>write honest reviews
>helps the industry by only buying the good games

>consumerism gamer
>buys any shit they see
>force themselves to like the game because they already spent money
>writes dishonest reviews to avoid admitting they just wasted time
>makes companies to create more shitty games

Seriously, is there anything more scum than buying games without pirate them? Jesus Christ it's just sad...

when is everybody going to understand that piracy is not about "convincing themselves that they are not doing something wrong", and it was never about that
piracy is about not paying for something you want, just because you can and there´s no risk involved, if it was risky as, lets say, robbing a store, most people would not try it, but hey, guess what? its easy and there´s 0 risk involved

>>pirates game to test them and review them
>>buys the game afterwards

Good joke

>tfw to intellegent too pay for vidya

>bethseda releases half finished games and expects people to finish it for them
>still expects people to pay full price for whats basically early access community driven game

fuck them, just pirate the game and buy a legit copy after the price drop

If you have a chance to try something for free then why not?

>people give pirating and key resale shit
>aren't even slightly bothered by used games

why the hypocrisy Sup Forums

isn't that what demos are for?

you could, but its a pointless waste of time, because everything here is bait.

Downloads over this connnection always break and are deleted and restarted at 99 percent, with torrents there is always that last chunk missing.

somebody post bike monk

this, except for the last part

the gaming industry is going to shit and you have to play everything to understand why.


>retards actually believe this
Wow, a thread filled with high school dropouts or trolls, I can't tell.

So it's counterfeiting.

every last reused game was originally paid for once, regardless of what happened to the copy of the game afterwards. or to reiterate, every secondhand game has already made a profit for the devs.

a pirated game is just a copy, just as pirates love to remind everyone. theoretically, millions of people could play a copy of only one game that was actually sold. or to reiterate, a million pirates could play a game with the devs only receiving profit for one game sold between them.

I don't get it, could you not tell that was a joke?

for the reason that people actually bought no mans sky you blubbery fat faggot.

people wanna play a game before they buy it.


More like cloning