ITT: Noob traps

ITT: Noob traps

>pick the cool knight guy
>he is fucking boring to play

Any other examples of noob traps in video games?

Fuck you, hammerdin was pro

Hammerdin is easily the most boring class to ever exist in Diablo.


Charge Blade in MH4U



Agreed. Paladin is the most boring as fuck character in Diablo 2.

>pure builds
They are all shit.

Pure defensive aura is a group guy and fucking sucks in a group and solo anyway.
Pure offensive is the same shit.
Combat Paladin is a shitty version of Hammerdin.

>Hybrid builds
Auradin is even more boring than a pure build.
Def/Com has some okay builds.
Off/Com is fucking worthless.

>specific builds
Hammerdin. Hammerdin is boring.

All of Pala's builds are fucking BORING.


Zealot is okay, Smiter is pure cheese mode.

Summoner necros are fun as fuck though. Especially if you get a teleport item that lets you drop your entire army on an enemy.

zeal is a good way to miss a million times

>he didnt build a zealadin

This fucking shitpile is still the biggest noobtrap.

At least you can break the damage cap with magic

>any non-spellcaster build/char in d2

MH4U Insect Glaive

>Pick warrior in WoW
>Standard auto-attack generates rage
>Special attacks replace the auto-attack at a cost of rage
>Don't get a standalone attack that doesn't replace my auto-attack until level 40

What the fuck?

>Drake Sword

>to be a black guy

This is the fucking opposite of a noob trap, paladin is literally the last class most players try out, for obvious reasons

A noob wouldn't even know how to get the Drake sword.

>Pick Paladin
>Get seals to auto attack with
>Get judgement
>Rinse and repeat

Great to help noobs get through the start of the game.

Hopefully by the time they realize they need a new sword, they're more capable.

I think I was ready to ditch it mid-blighttown, once I had enough str to use my Zwei-hander

That was at least mildly involved. Warrior 1-40 was just brain dead auto attacks until rage is full, then dumping before it all gets wasted in transition to the next guy.

After the synergies were added, Tesladin or Freezealot were fun as fuck paladin builds.

Unfortunately, they still shared the game with Necromancers and were still pleb tier.

At least that's fixed now. Only took them eight years to do it, too.

They had a different kind of newb trap in the last expansion, though. Warrior's strongest attack applies a debuff that resets the cooldown on said strongest attack every second. Have fun pressing a single button over and over again for the entire expansion.

>wizard/mage character
>it turns an rpg game into a tps with fireballs

>not downloading 50 megabytes of porn while afk because your mom is yelling at you while leaving your paladin up to auto attack

As a general rule, Paladins are cool as fuck from a lore perspective but always boring to play.

This applies to basically every game - including DnD-based RPGs.


looking up a guide to find out how to get an OP weapon in the early game is basically cheating

mage and warlocks in some of the old WoW raids was pretty much just typing in the same phone number over and over and over again. so fucking dumb

hammerdin kind of runing diablo II for me for a little bit. same with specing Javazon

That game is tough as shit. If you didn't use a guide, or have a friend offer you tips your first time, you're lying. Especially on getting a head start in the early game.

That Drake Sword tip is the standard noob tip, because of how easy it makes the initial areas of the game.

that would be necro

>let skeles rape everything on screen for you
>walk around and pick up loot simulator

that being said I love necro

>If you didn't use a guide

sounds like a boring way to play. i personally had no idea the drake sword even existed until after i beat the game

Before I even played the game, my friend was like "Bro, shoot the dragons tail, trust me. Just get like 100 arrows and do it"

And, there we go!

>Worst dueling build.
>Cast HS.
>Spam hammers.
>Teleport about and spam more hammers.
>Die to every good player and only be good for Baal runs

>Die to literally every build so much that you only do privates.

I fell into this trap way too many times. Fuck me and my n00b builds

The true noob trap is skeleton necro. You stomp Act 1 and 2 then suddenly your skeletons melt because you didn't skill correctly.

WW barb shits on every spellcaster tho

Man how can you be this bad?

> I-I needed a head start and help, anybody who didn't is lying!

Also the dark souls is hard meme.. what a shitter

trap assassin best build

t. shitter

Smite is still the best build for clearing all the content. And I dont mean just killing Baal on Hell you trash


you know that if you teleport directly onto a target, you will hit them with a hammer right?

there werent many classes that could beat a hammerdin in a duel due to the fact that there is no standard magic damage resistance

only ones i can think of are:

fist of heaven pally
lightning sorc (if he's good)
elemental druid (if he's good)
trap assassin

zons, necros and barbs will get shit on every time, any melee build will get shit on as well.

I think you mean smiter is the best build for clearing ubers

summoner can do ubers and do everything outside them 100 times faster

I don't even think the drake sword is worth it, tbf. Just upgrade just about any weapon to +3/+4 or run and get the Astora Straight Sword if you really need an OP weapon to carry you through the early game. At least for the ASS you just have to run past a bunch of shit instead of shooting arrows at a tail for 10 minutes.

seriously, the drake sword is total pleb tier as far as breaking the early game goes. try running through undead burg with a BKGA and one-shotting Taurus Demon or two/three shotting the gargs with a great club.

>Muh blind playthrough

there doesnt even need to be a name for it, it should just be called "playthrough" and using guides should be called "cheating"

Any half decent build can do everything outside of ubers m8.

Thats why Smite is the best build. It will destroy the hardest content in the game.

How is reading about the game before playing it cheating?
It's even worse in DS3 where if you don't know about the quests, you fail them and have no idea where you went wrong because the whole thing is so fucking obscure

this is pretty much correct, nothing was really "hard" in diablo 2 until the ubers patch came around

all 3 ubers, lilith and the other key bosses are extremely hard to kill without a smiter

But summoner can do regular content AND ubers

smiter is literally a build you do to beat ubers with budget gear, summoner is the ultimate build because it's amazing at farming AND can do ubers

maybe they should just put a minimap and quest markers in the game

besides the fact that you need to spend like 5 minutes summoning guys every time you want to do something, not including getting revived enemies

Sure thing, boyo

>5 minutes
enter pindle portal, summon skellies off the enemies that are pretending to be dead

reviving urdars for ubers takes a bit longer sure but you don't even need revives for regular content

summoner builds are for autists so i never did them, but i sure as hell didnt like playing with them

>Grinding Barb to 30

>If you teleport on them you will hit them with a hammer.
Not even remotely true. The hammer comes out in the same pattern every time, once you knew this small caveat, it was easy to destroy every hammer.
Shit on them every day with a barb, aura, fireball, etc.
Barb in particular was hilarious because eth Lacerator just amped them for days

unless you're constantly moving around, it takes less than a second to teleport and cast, and if they're in the same position as they were originally, they're going to immediately get hit

maybe you can beat typical hammerdin mouth breathers with a barb, but you wont be able to beat a good one; you dont have the mobility

I don't know. I played the game fully aware of the existence of every 'lol DS is hard prepare to die' moment, so I spent my entire first playthrough prepping for every run like Batman and slowly inching forward while shitting my pants in fear. Sen's Fortress, AL archers or Einstein & Slow would probably have been just annoying bullshit if I didn't spend the first half of the game dreading them and trying to find hints about what kind of horrors they might visit upon me.