What are guns in games you immediately gravitate towards no matter how shit they are?

What are guns in games you immediately gravitate towards no matter how shit they are?

For some reason, I like Glocks.

I love the M1911 meself.

everyone should love the greatest handgun to ever exist

if you werent gonna say 1911 then ur a fagit


I just love revolvers. Also i need more wild west games in my life.

>greatest handgun to ever exist

weak bait

>pistol that ruled the world for longer than your granddaddy lived
>some virgin on Sup Forums says its shit

wow user thats fascinating


I used it in the military and have always liked it. I never experienced any sort of problem people like to claim they have. Mine worked no matter how dirty or infrequently I cleaned it, and was a good weapon.

It's also a very versatile weapon. Most games capture that fairly well.

I like snipers the most, especialy hi caliber or anti matter snipers like the barret .cal 50

Semi auto ARs or BRs, like the G3 or the FAL. Love that shit, clicking like a rabid fuck, never using macros.

Sadly they're either fantastic or sub-par compared to regular full autos.

Everything that uses 7.62x54r

Pump action shotguns

M14 is my raifu.

Semi auto shotguns in fps games ;^)

Any pump action shotgun. Points if it's an old Model 12 lookalike or has a wood stock.

Anything that I own or want to own.

I really like bolt actions too. I miss ww2 shooters dearly.

if the 1911 was the greatest gun ever why would browning have gone on to invent the hi power 35 24 years later

What are some guns you AVOID using?
>revolvers of any kind
>Hi Powers

Regular M4s and SMGs with low/no recoil.
Long reload times unless it's a BIGDICK LMG.
Revolvers/Desert Eagles.
Small magazine size.

Double barrel shotguns, pistols below .45 ACP, SMGs and LMGs.

more like you like cocks


>a replica airsoft glock with blowback from a good airsoft company would cost you like $650

>mfw an actual real glock 19 costs $540

Anything with a high rate of fire.
Love guns that shoot upwards of 1000 RPM, no matter the damage model.

any kind of battle rifle like the G3 or scar-h

>mosin nagant or any bolt action rifle available

this, side arm of choice


>the bad company 2 1911 is the GOAT
>the state of 412 REX fags

Anything that uses 7.62 NATO. Fortunately they're pretty much guns in any games.

>Fortunately they're pretty much guns in any games.
While that's also true I meant to say good guns.

m4, any armalite style rifle really. anything with underbarrel faggotry like a grenade launcher or a shotgun.
naturally I gravitate towards buck when playing r6s



Anything bolt-action.

>shotgun is either greatly OP or greatly UP

>1st level in a shooter
>m1911 is the first gun you pick up with a nice looking model, sound, and feel.
>midway through the level you find a 9mm smg.
>the smg is stronger.

mp44 because im a white nationalist

Kalashnikovs and it's derivatives.

G36C and strip-fed weapons like the Bastard gun and Benét–Mercié

my nigga

Laser gatlings, or anything that's closer to magic than guns

Anything Czech, like the Skorpion or the CZ-75
Because superior Czech weaponry beats peasant Ruskie shit any day of the fucking week.




Name fourteen and a half games where you can use it.

Revolvers, lever actions, bolt actions

Shotguns, lever action rifles and pistols. Revolvers are cool as well.

Ganes like Call of Juarez cover all my needs, i finished that game like 3 or 4 times already but i never played the challenge maps.

any laser/energy wepons

In any Source game and a lot of FPSes I can sidestep and fire when I line up a headshot.
Works even better with hitscan Revolvers.

My father lives about 400 metres from their HQ

They make cool guns

The Beretta 93R. I remember my first time playing Parasite Eve II, I ended up using the 93R all the way until I made it to Neo-ARK because it was potentially more damaging than the M16.

>greatest handgun
We both know that's the M1873.

One of those will run you up to about 15,000 USD.

>Not naming the image Revolver Ocelot.


>Browning died in 1926, several years before the design was finalized

Which is why I don't own one, or plan on owning one in my life.

But hey, at least I have video games, right?

the m16 is the sexiest gun ever invented

damn shame no one uses it anymore, it's too long for indoor use

I wanna cuddle with it and run my fingers along it's barrel.

AS Val is top-tier as well

Quick, claim your gunfu before anyone else does!

Get out of here stalker.

submachine guns

while most assault rifles, sniper rifles, and shottys look alike, smgs can be so alien, coming in many different shapes, sizes, and having a variety of uses. most importantly, they're lightweight, allow you to sprint faster or dual wield effectively, and they're compact and easy to maneuver, even in tight spaces, and they're easier to clean since there is less surface area. Now you can say ARs have better range and pistols are more compact, but 99% of games are close quarters which make long range assault rifles kind of pointless and bulky, while pistols are so generally weaksauce across the board, hence why you always get a shitty generic pistol as a starting weapon in most games.

but most importantly, submachine guns are CUTE!


>assault rifles

>Let's take a compact shotgun and add a DRUM MAGAZINE to it!

I fucking love this thing.

Friendly reminder that this is the only thing that actually matters in a gun. Guns are just glorified pipes. That is all.

Have fun idolizing $2,000 tubes.


There's one in Resident Evil 5, if I remember correctly.

Love the 92 myself.

Friendly reminder that this is the only thing that actually matters in a house. Houses are just glorified piles of bricks.

Have fun idolizing $200,000 block piles.

Yes. You got a chuckle out of me user.

Pump-action shotguns and revolvers, to a fault. Almost always a bad idea, even in fucking single-player games, where you'd think that weapon balance wouldn't be as much of an issue.


No shit. The only game I've played that had the 93R was PE2. I heard a friend once say that it was also in one of the Modern Warfares, I think 2.

Okay, while you're putting bare cartridges in a tube and banging on the end with a hammer like a chimp I'll be performing .30 caliber lobotomies from 500 meters away.

They've been tweaking that platform for what, fifty years? If it doesn't work well by now it never will.

I like pistols in general in games, and it's always annoyed me how they're usually this shitty starter gun you replace as soon as you can.

That's a terrible analogy.

ol reliable

The Glock in RE7 makes me hard.

I laughed at this more than I should have.

Also, more games need flamethrowers, complete with horrid agonizing screams of burning death.

So is the gun one. That's the point.

Someone post the Metal Gear with two arms that pinwheel to throw guns.

Double barrel or whatever shotgun the game has.

But user, that's a triple barrel.

Is there ANY game that lets me use a Px4?

this one?

Yeah, you have absolutely no idea what in the fuck you are talking about.

>or whatever

Triple barrels don't exist as far as I know and that's my favorite shotgun so I posted it.

Fucking people up in mp with 1911 and Garand was the best, the Thompson was pretty good too.

I don't know shit about guns but I like revolvers/magnums because it's pretty much a pistol but stronger.

i wish i had this one in metro 2033

How the fuck does that abomination work?

Are there any games which feature a fuckton of different kinds of ammunition?

It's not "too long" at all, and when you say no one, who in the fuck are you referring to? Because people definitely still use it.

Shows what you know then.

Watch Dogs and alot of Ubishit games in general, but you really don't wanna buy those games

soviet magic

Fallout New Vegas.

To this day I still haven't fired every kind of round or know what they all do. And that's before I started adding mods to the game.

I didn't say I wasn't stupid and do any games have that?


Fuck you all over the face, uncle.

Yes, assault rifles are a thing. What's wrong?

A GEP gun.

Spas, flamethrower, grenade launcher, other shotguns.

Actually it would cost about 120.
Are you fucking retarded.

Revolvers, lever action and shotguns (bonus points for lever action shotguns)

The USMC has started phasing it out for the M4 :